Last Dance

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October 31 2019

Crowns Jewel Arrived as Its been a long road for everyone but now every rivalry will be settled in this Pay-per-view. The Main Event is Hogan's Theme Vs Alex's Team as Everyone couldn't wait for the action that awaits them. The Pay Per View kept going as Brock Lesnar retained the Universal Championship. The Revival retained their Tag Team Championship. Dolph retained his IC Championship and finally Corbin defeating Braun Strowman with some help from the outside. Drew also defeated Chad Gable in a singles match as The Main Event draws closer.

Recently Alex along with Yugoslavia and James heard about NXT Taking part in Survivor Series. Adam Cole along with the Undisputed Era sent a message to RAW And Smackdown. Triple H also sent a message to the brands to as He will declare war and prove that NXT is the Number one brand. Alex and His friends knew This will be an easy fight but right now They need to focus on taking down Hogan and his team so they will focus on the task next in their hands.

Hogan' Team made their entrance as It consist the team of Roman Reigns as the Leader, Finn Balor, Roode, Keith Lee and Kevin Owens. Hogan was with the team. Hogan's team was waiting for Alex's regime until.......

The Crowd was cheering for the Two time Hall of Famer as Ric Flair was laughing at them. Hogan's team was also confused as to why Flair is here.

Ric: Sorry to interrupt this little dance but I have some words to say First of All. I'm starting to like the this kid Alex Ambrose. He's got the style, The Charisma and The Cocky Attitude. So Everyone Welcome to the Era of War and Welcome The Prince Of War along with The Prince's of Chaos and Destruction.

Alex along with James Fatal and Yugoslavia made their entrance as Alex did Flairs little dance as Ric was dancing with him. Alex did a too sweet taunt to the Nature Boy as He did it too. Alex and His Friends were walking down the ramp as The Crowd was booing them. Alex and his friends made it to the ring as They all did the Bullet Club Taunt and smiled at each other. Alex's music stopped playing as Hogan's team got in position. Ric Flair was cheering on Ambrose and His Friends as They had a cocky smirk on their faces.

The Bell Rang as James and Keith started the match first as James hit a shoulder block as Keith fell down easily. James picked Keith up and hit a snap suplex as The Crowd was booing them. James taunted the crowd as he hit a running kick to Keith Lee. Finn, Roman and Roode tried to help Keith but Alex, Blood and Luka threw all three men out as They were holding the ropes before they hit a

James hit a Snap Powerslam on Keith lee as He pinned him but he kicked out at two.

Three Minutes Later

Rade and Luka kept beating Roman on the apron as they grabbed him and hit a

Finn and Kevin tried to help their leader but Luka Took Both of them down with a

James and Alex were beating up The others as James Grabbed Roman and threw him to his team.

Yugoslavia made their way as The fight was getting worse. James also was in the fight as It was getting worse until Alex climbed on the top rope and hit a

The Entire Team was down as The Crowd was cheering for Hogan's team.

Ten Minutes Later

Finn and Kevin were gonna hit a double shotgun drop kick to James but James grabbed both of them and hit a

James looked and Saw Alex taking both Roman and Roode down with a

Blood and Rade grabbed Finn and hit a

That gave James an opportunity to pin finn but Roman stopped the pin as James threw him outside the ring. James ripped the announcers table open as He grabbed Reigns and hit a

Luka and Alex grabbed Finn and hit a

Blood grabbed James and threw him back in the ring as He pinned Finn again but Kevin stopped the pin with a frog splash.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Alex grabbed Roode as He and James hit another Tag Team Combo.

The Rest of Team Hogan Were outside as Luka hit a Sanity has left the building( Moonsault) on them as everyone was down. Everyone ganged up on Roode as James, Alex and Rade hit a

Blood climbed on the top rope and hit a

Keith tried to stop the pin but James hit him with a

Finn tried to stop the Pin but Rade hit a

Blood pinned Roode and got the three count as Alex's team were laughing. Alex saw Roman trying to start a Post match attack but Alex hit a sleeper suplex as He grabbed Roman and hit a

The Regime were laughing as Alex smirked in a cocky way. They raised their hands as The Crowd was booing them. They made it backstage as Tom was interviewing them.

Tom: Umm Alex, James and Yugoslavia. Congrats on your win against Team Hogan-

Alex: What did we say last week?

Blood: We told all of you last week that we were gonna beat that old mans team and we did just that.

James: That Old Fart can bring anyone but The Result will stay the same.

Rade: We won and That Victory was just too sweet.

Luka: This is only the beginning.

Tom: Umm What about your thoughts on NXT?

They looked at each other as they laughed.

Alex: If they want a War. We'll give them a War.

They left as Tom was staring at them. Along the way Corbin, Dolph, Drew and The Revival were saying congratulations to the team.

Drew: I knew Nothing can stop us.

Corbin: Nothing at all.

Dolph: Another Countermeasure failure.

They kept laughing as Alex entered his locker and noticed a present.

Alex: Hehehe, Is that for me?

Scott: We didn't bring you anything.

Dash: Yeah

They were confused as Alex looked at the box.

James: Open it Bro.

Alex opened the box and A Puppet came out of it as It scared the others except James, Yugoslavia and Drew.

Drew: What the hell?

Corbin noticed another box as he opened it and it popped open and it was a couple of laughing teeths

Dolph: Who the hell is doing all of this?

Blood: Alex, Theres something in the box.

Alex saw a card as He looked at it and it creeped some of the regime out.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay cool :)

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