Chapter 11

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Christs very own chapter.
You finally get to see inside his weird mind.....

Normal morning. Walk sister to school, ignore parents blah blah blah. AMAZING, very fucking bland, very fucking boring. I hold onto my backpack as my dad opens the door to the school obviously not noticing or not caring about the butt photos, I had to come 1 hour early every morning to help him out which obviously sucked. I pass people's cubbies in the hallways and lockers who I know exactly who they belong to, I wonder if one day I'll do something to someone's locker, perhaps Cole's.
     Sometimes I like to sit around and wonder why we all arnt burning in hell yet, or better yet why I'm not with Satan at his feet, is it because my name is to holy. My birthday one month to sinless, my body...not good enough. Does hell not want me? Because I sure want it. Dancing in the flames of envy, gluten all the deadly sins. I should tell people to stop calling me Christ but it's quite comforting so maybe not. Not just yet at least.
      "Okay son go ahead and head to class go help Ms.Colver set up camp." I look over at my father who was looking at me, patience, tiredness, and anticipation on his face. Why doesn't he just tell me yet, that he's disappointed. Disappointed in a son who doesn't talk, sad about how his own son isn't man enough yet to get into a little bit of "trouble" .  His looks resembling mine easily, even the bags under his eyes looking like mine, though I don't think he has noticed them fully himself. Or even my mother who had bags also. I don't think they both realize that I know EXACTLY how they got those. Staying up late, chatting about how they're gonna fix me, or how I was to young to know what's ever going on in my life.

      Funny how when you don't talk for a year, you finally realize how mad and unhealthy your brain is. How screwed up your life is. He smiles and rubs my hat pushing it down on my head. "Wh-when the kids arrive at school go play with them, Kay?" He says. I nod heavily before walking my beautiful butt out that door and towards my class. I open the classroom door closing it slowly. Ms.Colver looks up wide eyed "oh it's just you, sweet heart. I keep forgetting you come to help me out." She stands up putting her pen down. "Here just unstack the chairs today I have some good news for you, when the other students come after breakfast." She smiles purely at me.
      Good news for a teacher was always BAD NEWS for me. I wonder what it's gonna be this time, I'm entered in the spelling bee, I get a free sponsorship to Hawaii. I shiver, God I hope it isn't the spelling bee one, I wasn't ready just yet to talk. Mostly with all these new students, if they laugh at me I don't know what I'll do this time. If they find out...about last year I'm screwed.

      My eye brows furrow "go on sweet cheeks" she said continuing her work. I slam my backpack down in my cubby and two chairs at once slamming those down hard on the ground. I continue that until I finish the chairs. "Go play out side Christopher, kids should be arriving soon. If I know my children the first to arrive will be the Hall twins, arnt they little darlings , so sweet, and smart too." She says tapping her pen against the desk. My eyes narrow and I somehow drag myself out the school door, plopping down in the snow. If it wasn't for those twin I wouldn't be afraid to talk, I wouldn't be scared to talk about last years incidents. I narrow my eyes at a stick before leaning forward and snatching it and stabbing it into the ground.
      If only I could die. If only this world could end life would just be easier. I hear the screeching of wheels and look up. Kennedy gets shoved out of the car tripping but making a recovery twirling. "YOU SHIT HEAD WATCH YOUR HANDS" she screams into the car. I hear snorts before Cole is shoved out "filthy older nuisance YOURE ADOPTED" he Says before slamming the door. I know for a fact how their family looks. All perfectly their mother a curly beautiful how my mother could've been if she didn't just have me, and their father a black headed man just like his youngest son and daughter. Their oldest son being a blonde like his mother a...I shiver, a 7th grader, the worst of the worst.
      Kennedy and Cole catch sight of me and instantly zoom in. "What's up" Kennedy says plopping down. Cole sits down slowly beside her wiping off any extra snow which makes it on his clothes. "Any new men around here, wouldn't want to be touched like you" Kennedy says revolting back again. "Disgusting, you seem to attract people like moths to a light." Cole says. I close my eyes and put my finger to my mouth at them. Not yet, I didn't want this brung up. I hear another car and another seem to drop More children off, but the only thing that seems to catch my ears is the sound of snow crunching beneath boots quickly. I hear a pubescent scream Allen running full speed toward me Kennedy and Cole with a stick swinging it and screaming. Kennedy and Cole quickly disperse screaming and rushing, slipping on the snow a couple times before catching their footing before actually standing up and running. I stand up getting hit with the stick lightly on the chest. I knew he was swinging his hardest but damn...that's weak.
      "Oh." Allen says opening his eyes "I defeated the black monster GRRRRR" he says making fangs with his fingers and letting go of the stick. Finally a good friend, I pat his head in appreciation. He smiles and I see brently jogging up with Dunkin taking strides behind him. Brently catches up breathing heavily "no more running to school Allen God." He says holding his stomach and lurching over. "But I saw Christs brown hat and kennedys green hat and Coles black hair I had to run!!!" Allen says stomping around. He was the smallest of us four. "And Christ is the leader of this group! He deserves protection!" Allen says punching Dunkins arm lightly "ow man!" Dunkin says with a laugh before shoving Allen away by his face.
      Brently looks at me "you okay Christ." He say raising his eye brow. I shrug before nodding "see Allen nothing happen GOD." Brently says rubbing his forehead, "you're to over dramatic." Brently says "no I'm not I'm responsi-so--respondible-raspond..." He trails off trying to say the word. "Responsible." Dunkin says "RESPONSIBLE" Allen says loudly nodding.

-----skipping blah blah doddity do------

I plop down in my seat as the teacher excitedly stands in the middle of the room balancing on the ball of her heels. "Milk I need your help for a second please block the door" 
"Okay why?" Milk asks standing up and blocking the door. "Don't complain." She sings. "So everyone! I have news!" She says clasping her hands together. "But first." Her voice goes serious "everyone will report to the principles after this AMAZING announcement." Her voice goes back to normal at the end.
     I shake in my seat nervously a bit scared praying that it didn't include me like she said this morning. "Let's give a clapping hand to Kennedy and Christopher." Everyone falls silent except for me of course always silent. What. "They've made the main roles in the new Christmas play! Which students were chosen by their grade average to play in." Kennedys mouth drops open and I stand up pushing my chair back. I lean backwards and then forwards again my head pounding. The horror I CANT BE IN A PLAY. I head towards the door but remember she told milk to block it. No. I scream in my head and lean on Valentine's desk surprising her "Uhhhh is he okay?" She asks wide eyed. My heart! My soul! I grab my chest and heave forward face planting the floor.

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