Chapter 10

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Me and Christ had arrived RIGHT on time back to class and I spent the rest of class time goofing off because, why not!
      Class gets dismissed and I rush out  following the boys out and meeting up with the 5th graders. The same girl was in the front, but much more people were behind her. She smirks seeing me and the rest of the boys. "Hello children." She says popping her back. A cigarette lays on her lips smoke coming out of her nose every so often.
     "She's pretty hot huh" brently says nudging me "to bad she's in 5th" he says sadly his voice shaking. Yeah! 5th graders were scary. She coughs pulling the pics out of her back pack. Other children get picked up leaving us the only ones at the school...I hope. We had spread different people in group with staplers in everyone's hands. Christ was on guard with a stick supplied by one of the 5th grade girls.
     I staple one of the pics on the school brently snorts beside me stapling his. "This is the best idea ever." He says chuckling, I staple another laughing "yeah!" I say agreeing. I kick some snow out of my way shivering as some of it hits my bare legs. I pull at my shorts. I move to another place and staple one. The 5th grade main girl chats with Christ as she staples some. He nods every second or so not talking. I haven't heard ONE slip up from him at all since I've arrived at this school.
      I narrow my eyes before rolling them. He really is a stupid Mutey, but he seems pretty cool... Then why does everyone pick on him. Ugh I should just pick on him also so I don't seem so "uncool" I shiver at the word.

After an hour or so most of the school was covered. Scatters pictures getting wet in the brand new white snow. December was amazing when the snow came which was mostly every single day that I've been here. I smile, best plan ever.


I stand in the middle of a dark room holding hands with someone. The girls said they had to do this before taking me to their base. "Remove the blind folds." It was kennedys voice.
Great. One of the girls remove my blindfolds and it reveals a pink room butterfly's and girly things everywhere. I make gurgling sounds groaning in the inside. Gooooddddd WHYYYYY. Actually it's not that bad the aroma feels kinda nice...I smile quietly and notice maddie and Juliet next to me. At least I wasn't alone.

      Kennedy slams one of those judgy hammer thingys down. "If it all sparkle and sunshines with you all I would like to introduce the newest members of the club, I hope you all aren't  bitches." "If you end up being bitches you'll be kicked out like Leslie." Kennedy adds making others groan "she was added to the biggest bitch list at number 1." One of the girls say. Kennedy smiles "yep." She says.
      "Take a seat." Kennedy says. we take place in the empty seats maddie next to me. Tweety raises her hand. Kennedy points her hammer at her bored like. "If it all sunshines with ya gals I would like to bring up our most recent list "the hottest boys in our class." "Only because we have the new gals." She says. "Sparkle if you sunshine." Kennedy says. "Sparkle!"
"Sparkle!" Was repeated over and over within the room from different girls voices echoing. "Sparkle?" I say tilting my head. "Agreed, sparkles and sunshine." Kennedy says slamming her hammer down. "Eva please your duty." Eva jumps off her podium digging through cabinets real quick. She pulls out and list "please write a name on the slip and put it in the box" a slip is passed around with pics of boys and a list of names. God damn they take this seriously.

"Oh oh! Milk, milk!" Maddie says beside me in a whisper yell she writes the name down and flip her paper. I look at the image I guess Cole is kinda cute....I think to myself I write his name down slowly but hesitate at the last letter Christ was pretty hot too though...but he's kinda weird.

      I cringe what was I gonna do.  I finish Coles name and flip it quickly a bit angry. Yeah! I was keeping this. I run my thumb on the paper, hopefully I made a good choice.

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