Chapter 14

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We finish up the last line in the play during practice ms.harris clapping "good job next time Christ please please sing or you'll be replaced anyone want to be Christs understudy." Coles hand shoot up waving "me! ME!" He says screaming the last part. "Okay Cole you but if you do his part we would need a new part for the newspaper boy."
"Milk can be it I could give to shits." Cole smiles proudly at Christ. Christs face automatically changes to a o face wide eyed. I tilt my head leaning on Maddie. I had already figured out Cole hates Christ...but does Christ hate Cole? It's hard to tell when the person doesn't talk like at all.

Christ crosses his arms puffing his cheeks out. He obviously didn't like this. "Now Christ will you work harder to do your part?" Ms.Harris says raising an eye brow. Christ thinks for a moment before nodding and looking away. Oh! If he does start talking I wonder how his personality is? Is it like Coles? Brentlys? Milks? Maybe Allens!! Aww that would adorable if he acted like Milk or Allen. Or maybe he'll just be the same Christ.
I wonder what Christ thinks about.....
Oh probably lots of cool things, being silent for so long ought to cause someone to think about their life! He's probably living it up in his head!

Christ: (yas now Christ pov will be added in when wanted.)

God I'm fucking dead. Completely utterly dead. If my parents weren't both counsellors maybe I would act like a normal kid, pretend I have aids, or some sort of disease AND BOOM I stay home for month until this whole Christmas thing pasts. I hate Christmas.
I hate it with all my might and it's hard controlling my anger when I think about it, hard to hold back tears when people mention it.
Christmas is my birthday. Yes the 25th of December and nope not one person remembers not even my parents or my little sister who I love.
      It's all Christmas joy here and SANTA OH SANTA there. Santa CAN SUCK A BIT FAT SHIT.
I clench my hands together at the start of the song, it was kinda funny seeing people reactions whenever I didn't sing and I didn't plan on singing until Cole. He had to sign up,I'm still not going to sing but I'm gonna try and get Cole out of my way first.
      Every aching moment of my life is suffering because of that bastard. Every step I take he watched, every breath I freaking make he steals. My suffering is also caused by his sister too. Though she isn't so bad, but she is pretty annoying, counting on how strong she is. If she wanted she could break my legs, and if I wanted I could break Coles legs...why don't I? Probably because I'm not like that. I don't snoop down to that level and when I start talking again I'm sure as hell not going to either. I'm gonna be my old self again, amazing, and happy...and pure.
      Loosing your innocence in 3rd grade isn't fun and being made fun of it isn't the best trip around the block if you know what I mean. "CHRIST" I look up scared for a second. Oh it was ms.harris. "You missed your part again!"

      I blink, and flick the bell at the end of my hat giving a awkward smile. "I'll bring your father in here and he'll watch you fail if you continue with this foolishness!" Ms.harris says angrily. "OooooohHhHhhhhHhHh" the kids behind me say together. My eye widen she shouldn't bring my father into a stupid kids play.



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