Chapter 14

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Time for the play!

The play was right now! About to start and Kennedy was right on the stage about to say her very first line. I look at Valentine who was shaking beside me. Was she scared? "You okay." Valentine shakes her head "stage frightttttt" she says in a squeak. "Well all you do is make reindeer noises with me." I look at Christ who was next to her. He didn't speak once during practice but..he still kept the part. Maybe it's because his dad works here, he looked pretty smug about keeping the part. Why? Cole sat in a chair Kennedy had been talking to him earlier before she had to do her first line. She spoke her words softly pulling in the audience until she exploded into a loud song, during practices she always sang perfect but now she was doing more than perfect.

If that's even possible. Christ was supposed to come in the middle of the song and sing along. "Mute you better sing along or you're dead after this play!" Cole whisper yells. Christ shrugs at him smiling, it's cool how they got this play on the exact day of Christmas. I squirm in place, after Christ Valentine goes out then after Valentine and couple minutes it was my turn.

Christ marches right on cue at Kennedys long note, Kennedys eyes flash at him wide eyed obviously thinking about how bad the possibilities of this are. Brently presses a note and the music drones off after the pause in music, Christ was supposed to sing a long note like Kennedy high enough for any boy with a low enough voice to fail spectacularly. The new kids move in next to me looking through the opening in the curtains praying softly. We hadn't ever heard his voice who knows if he could even make half the notes in this damned song.

His mouth opens taking a deep breath and let's out a long super high note making everyone behind the curtain stumble backwards. "HOLY FUCK " I whisper yell surprised. Even Kennedy seemed surprised at his voice. He looks at Kennedy as he finishes off the high note a eye brow up. The song zones off after that note everyone clapping in the audience. Kennedy and Christ exchange some dialogue from the script acting about. I twitch at Christ voice holding in a laugh. I can see why he never talks. Valentine smacks the back of my head "what! It's funny!" I say quietly "don't laugh at his voice" she looks out the curtain blushing hard "it's cute." His whole voice was very staticky, high, squeaky, and...very wheezy if you can even describe a voice that way. He spoke very quietly lucky for him they put a mic on him. "His voice is only like that cause he's probably never talked for a long time." Valentine says "the wheezy part yes , but the rest is his normal voice." Cole says smirking "reason a why he's a total nerd who deserves to be shut down." Cole taps his foot annoyed. Valentine shoots a glare at Cole before going on the stage at her cue.

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