Chapter 6

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               Darkness began to invade the sad, abandoned streets of the Isle of the Lost. Jay and Carlos led the group of heroes to a building that, years later, would become a safe haven to Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos.

              Jay picked up a rock and tossed it at a sign, causing the fence blocking the entry to a flight of stairs to open. The group walked in silence, all utterly terrified of what would come with the next sun.

              Once they reached the entrance to the empty, old, apartment Carlos opened the door inviting the others in. "Ben, Doug, Lonnie, Jane, and Audrey, you guys can all sleep in here." Jay said opening a door leading to an empty room with a few mattresses on the ground, "And Fairy Godmother you can stay next door." Carlos said leading her to a room with a single bed in the back, "Thank you boys, this is greatly appreciated!" Fairy Godmother said, urging the hero's kids to follow her example. The boys just nodded and walked away in silence.

Carlos looked out a window at the streets of the Isle. As the streets became darker more people came out to cause a bit of trouble. Out of the corner of his eye Carlos saw a purple haired girl walking, she had her head down and was wiping her eyes.

Carlos ran down to his friend to try and comfort her. "Mal! Mal! Are you okay?" He asked urgently, "Carlos! I'm so sorry! I should have fought off the spell, I can't go back to my mother. Where are you guys?" She asked, tears flowing down her face. "Yeah, come on." Carlos replied as he grabbed Mal's arm and dragged her back to the hideout.

The two kids walked in on Jay pacing the room, worry evident in his eyes, "There you are Carlos, I was worried sick!" Jay exclaimed looking at the two. Carlos smiled at his friend who then looked over at Mal. "M?" Jay asked, honestly confused. "Hey Jay." Mal said weakly. Mal had visited Annie, who had helped her break the spell her mother had placed on her.

"How can she use her magic here though?" Jay questioned, the others simply shrugged in response. With that they agreed to go to bed and talk in the morning.


Mal woke as she heard banging on a door. She got up and noticed Carlos and Jay arguing over something.
"Would you guys shut up! You're driving me insane!"
The buys flinched, startled by Mal's out burst. Carlos moved closer to Mal and noticed that her eyes were glowing an unnatural green... again.

"I'm going out" Mal said. "Where?" Carlos asked as Mal tried to walk away.

"It's none of your business but, if you insist on knowing, I'm going to the docks." Mal stated calmly as she walked off.

The two boys looked at each other as the others came out of their rooms. They turned to face them as Carlos said, " we have to find Evie, today."

Hey guys! It's been a long time, sorry about that. I had massive writers block. This chapter is kinda confusing so I'll just sum it up really quick.

So Annie Tremaine helped Mal break the spell but only temporally because their friendship is not quite strong enough. So now they have to go and save Evie before something bad happens.

Also comment some ideas for future chapters. I want to know what you guys want to see!

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