Chapter 7

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Annie stared down at the dirty streets below her. Her muscles tensed as a sudden gust of wind startled her. She looked around at the decaying buildings surrounding her. The sound of people yelling and conversing filled the air but, to Annie, her small world was ever so peaceful up on the roof of her home. She enjoyed watching the people below her, guessing which gang the belong to, what they were like. It was calming. She watched as the sea of people dressed in brown, baggy clothing walked along, occasionally picking a fight. Suddenly a girl in grey, blue, and white caught her eye, she inspected the girls chestnut brown, wavy hair tied up in a white silk ribbon. She admired the girls style, a sky blue and grey leather jacket, white shirt and grey and black pants. On the back of the mysterious girl's jacket was a bright red rose with a yellow ribbon tied around it. Her symbol. It was different, and Annie loved it.

Annie realized that the girl would soon disappear into the market so, she took action. Keeping an eye on this mysterious girl Annie jumped off the roof and ran to catch up with her. As the girl was turning the corner Annie grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "What do you want?!" The mysterious girl yelled, anger evident in her eyes. "I'm just curious as to who you are." Annie stated flatly, showing no emotion. "Isabell, and you are?" The girl, Isabell, replied. "Anastasia Termaine the second, but I prefer Annie." She replied, a warm smile on her face. "I've seen you with Mal before. Therefore I'm not supposed to be socializing with you." Isabell said quietly. "Says who?" Annie questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Uma." The brunette replied sheepishly, looking down at her feet. "My brother is in her crew." She added quickly. "Who?" Annie asked, trying to get as much out of the girl as possible. "Gill" she replied as she turned to leave. Annie smirked slightly to herself, "See you around Isabell, daughter of Gaston." She said under her breath as she walked away proudly. Now, if only she could figure out why she's 7 again.


Hey guys! I know this chapter is short but I recently came up with Isabell and I just love her so much! So in case you're wondering why her name doesn't start with a G it's because I thought that Gaston would nickname Isabell, Belle, because he's like still obsessing over her. Idk.

Oh and D3 is in rehearsal! Ahhhhhh! I'm so superdy duperdy excited!!! And Dove won an Emmy!!! I'm soooo proud of her! She deserves the world!
Okay, I'm done now! Comment some ideas, I would love to hear from you guys!!!

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