Chapter 8

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           Evie stared out at the dull night sky, imagining what it would look like in Auradon right now. She heard the door open and close behind her, assuming it was the two men she turned around in a defensive stance. She felt her legs go numb as she saw who it was. Before she could react a blinding light hit her causing the world around her to fall dark. Her mother was back, and so was Maleficent.


           The group of children and Fairy Godmother stood as the older woman cast a spell, they were checking on Evie again. Jay stood there apprehensively, not liking the fact that he had to wait. Finally Fairy Godmother cast the spell.

     Evie stared out at the dull night sky, imagining what it would look like in Auradon right now. She heard the door open and close behind her, assuming it was the two men she turned around in a  defensive stance. She felt her legs go numb as she saw who it was. Before she could react a blinding light hit her causing the world around her to fall dark. Her mother was back and, so was Maleficent.

      Carlos sighed as the image closed, "Great, they're back and, they've got Evie." He stated.

"How do we fix this?" Jay asked looking at FG who he hoped had an answer. She shook her head and walked to her room. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


           Evie walked out onto the streets of the Isle, the morning breeze blowing her wavy blue hair into her face. She looked around, evaluating her surroundings. She walked into the main marketplace, in hopes of stirring up a little trouble. Although, no matter how much fun she was having something in the back of her mind told her this wasn't right, that this isn't who she is. Evie did her best to ignore it but it was still there.

As she walked she ran into a boy with long brown hair, whom she identified as Jay. Jay grabbed her wrist and started running towards the vk's hideout. When they get there they met FG, the AK's, Carlos and an exasperated Mal.
"What the hell is going on here?" Mal yelled defensively
"What I thought you'd have missed me" Jay replied with a smirk. Mal rolled her eyes and looked between the two boys expectedly. Jay pushed Evie forward gently, causing the girl to look up. Evie let out a barley audible gasp as she stepped forwards anxiously,
"Hey M," she said quietly, just so the girl could hear her.
"E..." Mal trailed off as her eyes flickered before glowing again. Evie then took a step forward and pulled Mal into a hug, expecting the girl to pull away. Evie was shocked when Mal just pulled her tighter.

Soon the girls let go and turned to the others, Mal smirked
"So are we getting out of this hell hole or what?"
Everyone laughed as FG called the limo. The group headed down to Maleficent's castle which stood tall by bridge in the centre of the island. The children all climbed into the back while Fairy Godmother got into the passenger seat and told the driver their destination.

No one said that much as they headed home, as they were all too excited or nervous to. The VK's looked at each other, smiling because they were back together again, what could possibly go wrong?

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