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The energies connected with the innerworkings of the three hosts creating a strange series of dreams the orange hosts dream opened like a memory The young hosts looked up to see hi s, parents? "Mama, Papa look what I made." the boy stood up a draying of him and his parents in his hands his brown eyes sparkling . "I'm so proud of you Fade"  his parents said "No, this isn't right!" The scene spun revealing a teenage Fade leaving the house. "remember not to go by the train tracks." his parents called out toward the shutting door.

 Fade watched his younger self walk past train tracks in a town he didn't recognize with a cigarette in his mouth. "I don't smoke?" the young fade looked up and saw a man in a formal suit smiling at him. "Its a nice night for a walk would you mind if I joined you." the young Fade made a noise of disinterest continuing to walk. "you seem to have a troubled mind now don't you" the stranger rambled.  "you sir could use a change don't you think?"  young Fade put his  cigarette out glancing at the stranger quietly asking.  "What change?" the strangers smiled brighter stopping so the two faced each other. "I can change you life into your greatest fantasy. All you have to do is shake my hand." he said as he held out his hand. The young Fade taking it immediately, the young fades eyes changed to a fiery red. "No way, that never happened?"  he questioned watching the younger version of himself summon an orange orb the size of a tennis ball and make it explode. 

With a gasp Fade sat up in his bed before rubbing his head turning on the lights writhing the dream down in his notebook labeled Summer adventures. Fade looked to his hands summoning the orb dispelling it without an explosion, he walked over to the mirror looking into his red eyes.  "I have to tell the others about this in the morning." Fade mumbled turning the lights back off throwing the covers over himself with a huff. 

Warps dream began early one winter morning a young warp was polishing a set of cosplay armor humming to a tune. his mother walked in with a smile on her face, "How is my handsome son doing today." "what no?" The young warp turned to her before hugging his mother. "Sadness is at an all time low." the young Warp giggled putting the armor away.  "Mom?" warp said as she walked through his form.  "She would never call me her son. At least this dream she loves me for who I am, in the real world she barley looks at me."  warp looker around the dream seeing a home he didn't recognize. Getting more and more disheartened seeing the three members of his family happy together. "I'm at an all time low now thanks brain." time passed quickly in the dream warp wasn't in a good mood he watched the younger version of him self change out of sleepwear and opened the contacts on their phone.  The contact opened and the picture was of Fade but he had red eyes. "No way really!" the young warp shouted rushing to put on a winter coat, "Be right there."  they finished holing there hand out as a grey almost silver portal spiraled in front of them the warp called out telling their parents they were leaving before hoping through the portal.

Warp woke with a start he looked down raping his arms around his chest before turning to the nightstand and seeing a notebook, a yo-yo, and his phone glancing at the time seeing it was early in the morning. Warp wrote down the dream in the notebook be for looking at his hand focusing on creating a portal. He was about to give up on it when a small silver disk appeared in his palm. a soft glow emitted from the Yo-yo Warp grabbed it the Yo-yo transforming to the size of a dinner plate, the same swirl in his hand was on the yo-yo. Warp dispelled the magic curiosity fueling him.

Pixel looked out her bedroom window closing her eyes falling into a dream she saw a younger herself spinning but it was different she had a sword and seemed confidant with it. She raised her hand and the four swords that were hanging on the wall flew to her side poised to strike. "I have never used a sword in my life?" the young pixel sent the swords back to their places . "kill the lights, kill the actor and the actress, or at least ruin their reputation" she mumbled to herself. "Patricia!" her mother called startiling her. "we will be back in an hour be good for the staff."   walking over to her balcony seeing a car pulling up. Two people exited greating her parents as they got in the car Pixel watched the car exit the driveway. She spun on her toes re entering her room noteing the dream in a notebook on her shelf. 

 Warp and pixel thought looking over the memory like dreams they had writen. warp closed his notebook grabing his clothes "things are gonna start to change" pixel watches the swoards she now somehow owned spin in diffrent pattterns. "this isnt right." both exeted thier rooms pushing away that nights dreams.

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