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In the endless space that is the multiverse worlds and timelines are created and destroyed all at once, but what if I told you the mind holds its own version of this place. I am a storyteller and this is one of my stories, it won't be from my perspective although I don't think you will mind it at all. However that is enough from me enjoy.

The mix of black, blue, and purple only penetrated by the white of the worlds they spun helplessly  through gravity less plane. Their world a once beautiful place destroyed in an instant they are all that remain. They thought about laying under the bronze trees silver leaves fluttering as the crystal clear sky  began to go dark. They thought of the families and friends lost in the explosion and how they had been the only one to notice historic places disintegrate and be wiped from memory. 

Looking back they couldn't place the face of the people they talked to everyday, but they could remember their name. Spade their name is Spade. They heard over their thoughts. The world they knew was gone as a pull tugged at their chest as they looked forward Spade wrapped their tail around their waist. they looked at their four paws, the heart shaped pads still covered in the dust of their world as it crumbled around them. Spade listened to the whisper of the voices as he floated.

 What are you even going to do with "It."   I don't know don't look at me like that, I'll figure something out shut up, I'll  put them here. Spade glanced in the direction he was floating to see a glowing sphere that seemed to be where they were being drawn. As Spade got enveloped in the light they heard the whispers of the voice they recognize. 

Spade closed their eyes as they felt the wind blow in their ears, they unwrapped their tail as they slowed down their decent. They shifted their gaze to the night sky seeing three colored energies emerge from the same hole in the universe one pink, one a light gray and the last orange. shoot the remnant escaped although that might help with inspiration. 

Spade sighed shifting into a humanoid form their front paws becoming hands they ran through their hair. "I probably wont get an answer but what's remnant?" they heard the voice gasp next to him as he looked around his new environment. You can hear me!  "Yes and no I don't know why." he crawled into a small opening in the rocks. That's awesome so remnant is well, the remains of a world I created seeped into another that can transcend time you are a remnant Spade. "So you are like a higher power or something?" Spade questioned laying on the ground transforming back into an animalistic form. Yes in a sense yes now I wish I could explain more but I've got to go. 

The night was calm as Spade drifted to sleep, unknown to them the remnant energy they had seen was in search of hosts. The pink energy disappeared west the orange energy entered the window of an orphanage being absorbed without a sound, The boy shifted in his sleep. The gray energy flew into a courthouse two people bickering over each other, the energy wrapped around a child sleeping in the stands, the energy's glow disappeared when suddenly  "Warp-amina" was shouted startling the child awake. "Come on son lets go." his father called, Warp smiled standing and fixing the dress his mother put him in. "Call her by her name Damion." his mother scolded as warp and his father exited the court room. It wasn't long till warp drifted off back to sleep, listening to his father singing to the radio.

The pink energy flew west getting absorbed by a young girl dancing around the in-ground pool her white dress and dark black hair spinning. she looked up to see her parents talking to a large group of people in suits about music videos and other important things. she sighed as her mother beaconed her to talk to who she assumed was her fathers new assistant director. "Patricia, Pixel darling this man here is Camden Green, he is the new AD for your father's productions." her mother smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet the famous Patricia George I look forward to working with your parents. You know Mrs. George I have a son that is around Patricia age they should talk to each other." Pixel excused herself, exiting the party. Pixel checked her phone seeing the newest messages in the group chat, She smiled reading.

Fade: catch your flight or face my memes

Warp: translating, see you soon Pixel we will be waiting

Pixel smiled looking around her at the luggage that she needed to finish packing for the next day, she packed the last of her clothes.  Alright I'm back from establishing your existence within the world and I have a backstory that you can use, Spade, okay I will let you sleep. The night was quiet the soft ambiance of the city being heard.

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