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"Stop touching me!" Fergus hissed, venom dripping from his words as the muscular man once again tried to pull him in for a side hug.

"Why, you are quite a hot head." the man said, ignoring Fergus' protests as he pulled him in for a hug.

"Am not." he gritted through his teeth, trying to pry his hands off him.

"You're pretty tall for a child ey?" he laughed, rubbing his knuckles over Fergus' head as he pulled him to a headlock. The nameless man shook with silent laughter, his pale eyes twinkling with intrigue as he realises Fergus was trying to wiggle out of the headlock.

With an angry growl, Fergus stumbled back, eyes blazing with fury and chest heaving as his eyes jumped between the man, Birger and Stiorra who was walking towards them, still laughing at Fergus' panic from moments earlier.

"Jörmungandr" Birger said, dark eyes lowered in show of respect.

"Greetings! I must say, I was thoroughly startled once I realized no one had deemed it important to inform me of my brother being found. But no matter, I am here now. So, can he fight yet?" the man asked, voice thick with joy.

Brother? Did he imply to Fergus?

"We were starting with the lessons just before your arrival."

"Excellent, I want to see what he can do. Go on, brother, show me the warrior you are!" he turned to Fergus again.

Why were they all so okay with this? Why weren't they doing anything, this man was moments ago an enormous dragon and now he was standing before Fergus, all too ready to hug and call him brother?

Absolutely not, Fergus had no brothers! Not anymore.

And this stranger had no right to call himself that, who did he think he was?

Birger was about to offer Fergus the wooden sword but the man stepped back, eyes darting between them as he started feeling the blood in his veins hum with anxiety.

"No. Absolutely not." the man, Jörmungandr, raised a thick eyebrow quizzically as he peered down at Fergus. Yes, he was taller, not by much, but taller nevertheless.

"And why ever not? I would, of course aid you should you need my help, little brother." his intentions seemed pure, but so did Leahs, so did Tony Starks, so did Mrs.Finleys back in the orphanage.

"Because you are a stranger and have no right to call me your brother. So fuck off." he all but spat at the surprised man, all the while backing away towards the forest slowly.

It was suffocating, the unknown. The weary eyes that now rested on his retreating form.

Jörmungandr frowned, taking a step closer but halting as a shadow flickered in the forests edge. A pair of amber eyes glared at the trio, they multiplied, eyeing at the three cautiously.

"I understand my actions might have seemed a bit brash, but do let us talk this through, has no one informed you of my existence?" he seemed genuinely distraught as he watched Fergus back away, his wolves stepping out of the forest to prevent anyone else getting closer to him.

"Just leave me alone." and before the burly man could say another word, Fergus had turned and disappeared into the shadowy forest, a snarl of one of his shaggy wolves warning Jörmungandr to not follow them.

Despite his need to talk it through with Fergus, to get to know him, to learn all he had missed... He stayed put as the last of the wolves vanished along with Fenrir.

His face was clean of any emotion as he turned to Stiorra who looked rather uncomfortable, avoiding the Serpents gaze.

"Did no one truly say anything about my existence?" his tone was low, and his eyes betrayed him the most. The man was hurt, and guilty for having jumped him like that. Perhaps it had not been the brightes idea to hug him like that, but Jörmungandr could hardly hold his excitement when he heard his brother was alive, and very much found.

He had a brother for Fates sakes!

The wolf dashed through the dead trees, leaving the castle far behind. There was a stillness on his wake, before numerous, smaller wolves followed, finding it nearly impossible to keep up with Fergus.

His mouth was pulled into a snarl as he snapped his sharp teeth at a wolf who had jumped too close for his liking. They retreated, keeping a respectable distance as they followed Fergus.

The bare trees loomed above, thick branches cutting off the little light they had. The deeper into the forest they ran, the harder they had to dodge the broken branches and rocks. Fergus didn't slow down as he rammed through the wood, not feeling the ache in his shoulder or muzzle whenever he snapped another branch with sheer force.

He used his anger, the hate and pain that flared in his chest and channeled it into it. Deep gashes in the ground and broken wood was the only thing the shaggy wolves could follow, because Fergus had left them far behind.

Loud roaring of the water got louder, Fergus' front paws ached as he dug his claws into the rocky ground, leaping over the rocks as muscles underneath his skin coiled angrily.

Brother. Brother. Brother.


He pushed on, the world a blur as he pushed himself to his limits. Fangs bared and red eyes narrowed all he felt was unimaginable anger. It coursed through his veins and every fiber of his being.

The roaring got louder and he felt the mist in the air, fog covered the grounds as he forced himself to stop, sliding over the muddy ground as he left deep lines in the soil, his claws dug deep into the earth as he became to a stop.

He breathed heavily, saliva dripping from his parted mouth as he stared down, down below...

The waterfall was enormous as it fell into a deep abyss, it seemed to stretch down below for miles before crashing into a steady slowing river. He could see jagged rocks peeling from the dark water, a gruesome death should anyone ever fall from the cliff.

Fergus laid down, laying his head on his paws as the water droplets seemed to rain on him through the misty air. His fur was wet as he panted. He could feel his heartbeat. It seemed to roar louder than the enormous waterfall coming from underneath the cliff he was resting on.

He sighed, closing his eyes as his chest clenched in pain. Darn these emotions, darn this life. He pushed himself on his front paws, curling his fluffy tail around himself as he pushed his head back, ears flat against his skull as he howled out the emotions building in his chest.

It was an instinct, and he needed to pour it all out, the sound that left his muzzle seemed to shake the very mountain he was standing on. It flowed towards the grey skies, it echoed through the dead forest, it spoke volumes.

A couple of wolves answered with their own howls, quieter, weaker than his. They spoke of support, of understanding, of yearning and protection.

They spoke to him in ways no human had ever done.

They made him a promise and Fergus snapped his eyes open, realising he had closed them in spur of emotions.

And he believed them, believed the wolves as they promised to stand by him. He sensed them far away as they made a circle, never coming closer but simply looking out for Fergus. They all settled down as the roaring of the waterfall drowned out the echoes of the howls.

He settled down again, curling up underneath the grey skies.

He wasn't sure how long he laid there, but the skies had darkened and the water down below now looked pitch black instead of the dark blue it had looked like earlier.

He felt lighter, somehow, as if something had been pushed off his chest and he could breathe again. Maybe it was the misty air or the smell of grass that tickled his senses.

He snapped his head up as he smelt it, a smell sweet as honey yet dangerous as belladonna. His sharp eyes narrowed as he looked at the mist wearily, his fur bristled as he tensed.

The foggy droplets swirled, almost teasing him, peckoning him closer. Fergus didn't move an inch, his attention on the magic swirling a few feet away from him.

He watched silently as a figure formed, slowly, painfully slowly.

Her eyes were framed with dark lines, making them look even sharper. Her clothes held tight to her body, yet didn't reveal anything more than necessary, black lines swirled over green as a couple of black stones shone against the starlight.

Starlight, he hadndt even realised it was that late.

"a brooding beast in the darkness."

Hela said almost seductively as she walked closer, head held high as her eyes slid over him, falling on the endless horizon. She became to a stop beside Fergus who was still laying down.

His eyes didn't leave her. She was, after all, a goddess of death.

"I didn't tell you because you needed to adjust. His presence is not needed. Say the word and we will banish him."

His ears perked up. He hadn't expected that. He straightened himself, sitting up he realised he was even taller than Hela. He towered over her as she sighed lazily.

"Dont look so surprised, I'm not heartless you know." she started, sitting down as she swung her long legs over the edge of the cliff, still looking out into the horizon and the full moon.

"Don't take it as a kind deed, because it's not. It's an act of strengthening my forces, and you are the Joker in my pack of cards. And if he stands in the way of your growth, he stands in my way."

Gruelly honest.

He watched curiously as a glowing butterfly with slightly shredded wings landed on a batch of grass.

“Life, such a fragile thing.” she said, her voice low as she held out her hand for the butterfly to crawl on it. Her fingers were bony and pale, adorned with a couple of silver rings.

“Power over this... This powerless life is lethal. And you, Fenrir. Are power, my power.”

The butterfly walked over her wrist, settling on the palm of her hand. He started as Hela suddenly clenched her palm, crushing the butterfly.

“But don't forget who we are. Who you are.” her voice hardened as black sand or dust flowed through her clenched fist, disappearing into the air.

“A killer. You get yourself together, you are one of us now, immortal being with lethal power. I will let it slide today, you are but a child due to the magic. But tomorrow I except your full commitment.” she said once again with a bored tone, but Fergus felt it in the air.

It was a threat to be read between the lines.

Get yourself together or you're no use to us.

Fergus, still in a wolf skin, nodded.

“Enjoy your lonely existece.” she said nonchalantly, standing up as she brushed the nonexistent dust from her clothes.

And she disappeared, as graciously and quietly as she had came.

And Fergus had felt it, being in this place did feed something within him. He was lethal, he was powerful. But he just had to tame it.

And his anger, of course.

So. whats gonna happen between him and Jörmi?

Also hey all, it was nice to write again.

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