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Fergus had requested the dragon-man to be sent away.

He did not need any distractions, he did not need any liars, and even if he did not lie, Fergus most definitely did not need an overly excited, large man to shout into his ear.

He slowly walked towards the balcony, the curtains softly flying in the breeze. He hadn't slept really, he had tried to, but found himself unable to do so really. There was a bugging feeling in his chest, or something akin to adrenaline. The room was now cold, the corners mostly frosted over. He looked out into the courtyard solemnly.

It was just the beginning of dawn when the large doors down below burst open and he saw three people stumbling out, one of them being the said dragon-man.


the air rippled with power as the wind picked up. Fergus tensed, feeling as though the whole room shuddered at the growl. The hair on the back of his neck rose and a flash of panic shot through him.

The man was being forcefully pushed back, spears drawn to lead him out of the gates. Towards where? Fergus had no idea. What was beyond the gates? There seemed to be nothing, nothing but endless, ashy sand and darkness.

The man tossed someone aside, hair flying in the wind as he seemed turn almost green for a second, and then his eyes snapped up, staring at Fergus who was peering down at the courtyard. His eyes widened in surprise as he took a startled step back.


The burly man's eyes were so light that Fergus could see them glowing from the far distance. He watched as one of the soldiers who had to escort him out charged. The man sidestepped, grabbing the long spear and swinging it away along with the soldier. His eyes flew up again, as if making sure Fergus was still there.

The second soldier attacked, drawing his sword as he held it high above his head. Jörmi ducked and grabbed the mans arm, twisting it so the sword scattered against the stones loudly. Within a blink of an eye, he had grabbed the man in his hands, swung him around and then released him making him land into another one of the attacking soldiers.

Fergus gaped, blinking slowly as he realised the man had turned around again, his glowing golden eyes starting into his.

"Fenrir." he whispered this time, the wind picked up and Fergus felt uneasy as he glared down at the man.

"Go away." he growled at the burly man quietly, backing away as he watched the wind toss his hair wildly around his chiseled face. No expression was visible on the mans face, Fergus broke the intense eye contact as the tiny, blue scales that crawled up Jörmis neck caught his attention.

His breath hitched as he watched Jörmi be swallowed by the scales, he grew larger, changing his shape and turning into the creature from the night before. The wind seemed to engulf the whole courtyard as it pushed back anyone who even tried to approach.

Fergus realised he had been starting for too long, the large creatures eyes were locked on Fergus. It's body was long and simply enormous, it resembled a snake with it's sleek scales. But the serpent had two sets of wings that he was unfolding dangerously slow. His body was always moving, slithering, preparing like a cat ready to jump it's prey. The light mirrored off the scales, breaking the hypnotic state Fergus had fallen into.

He needed to get away.

But too late. Jörmi was already in the air, his enormous body launching towards the upper levels of the balcony Fergus had been standing on. Almost past the threshold, Fergus flinched as he was suddenly pulled back forcefully, his back once again slamming against the scaly underbelly of the serpent.

He briefly forgot how to breathe as the beast flapped its four wings and shot towards the skies, making the cold air attack Fergus' skin.
The grip around him tightened as they soared over the dead forest, wind howling by as he tried to get his bearings somehow.

"Let me go. Let me go this instant you overfed snake!" he suddenly shouted, trying to pry the long talons around his body off. He realised how easily they could rip his skin open. Probably cut him in half. The beast was gigantic.

"I said, let me go you fucking lizard!"

Fergus could not surpress his growing panic anymore. It surged through him, turning the blood in his veins into ice and frost and snow. The change came suddenly, his heart was beating wildly in his chest as he trashed around in the serpents steady hold.

Noticing him shifting, Jörmi grunted and started diving down towards a clearing, holding his light feathery wings close to his long body. The wolf nearly slipped from his talons as he caught him again, trying to press him against his chest like one would do with a pup to prevent Fergus from struggling any further.

It aggravated him even more.

Fergus, unconsciously shifted his form into a larger one, growing in the serpents steady hold. He growled and suddenly he felt himself falling.

Jörmi grunted in surprise, diving after the large wolf as it fell. Fergus yelped as he made contact with the ground, rolling down the hill as he tried to get his footing on the long, dried grass, his body was being tossed around like a ragdoll as he once came to a stop.

He didn't dare to open his eyes, feeling the world swirling way too fast around him. He was numb, completely numb.
He was aware that his breathing was irregular and his body was a lot larger than it was before.

He didn't need to hear to know that the serpent had landed. He could feel it. The earth trembled underneath his massive feet.

"Fenrir?" he asked gently, the voice so much more lower and baritone than it had been before. He could feel from the vibrations of the earth that the serpent was trotting closer, becoming to a stop beside him. The scaly creature towered over Fergus whose chest was rapidly moving up and down.

The serpent lowered his large head, trying to see if the wolf had gotten injured. "Fenrir" his tone was urgent now, worried, even. He was about to step around the dark coloured wolf, when he suddenly surprised the serpent who had let his guard down.

Fergus sprung up, jaws wide open as he shot towards the serpents neck, his instinct pushing forward as they told him that neck was the perfect spot to injure someone. His jaws clamped shut, whining as he realized his teeth couldn't sink through the scales.

Jörmi hissed, more in surprise rather than pain. He barely felt anything. He stood up on his back legs, making the head-shaking wolf slid back on the ground.

"That was not bad, sloppy, but not bad." Fergus snarled at the serpents words, backing away as he realized how distracting the moving serpent was. His blue and green scales were always mirroring the light, as if trying to hypnotize or confuse him. He had raised his head higher and pulled the two sets of yellowish and blue wings closer to his slithering body. 

That was one big lizard. 

Fergus was about to bolt into the covers of the low trees, there was no way that thing would be able to follow him. It was clearly not a delicate reptile like snakes. But more like... a clumsy version of a marine iguana. 

However, when Fergus was about to duck through a very dried blackberry bush, a scaly tail slammed down against the dried earth, crushing the bush with ease and making Fergus skid to a halt, nose almost touching the glistening scales. 

The scales themselves seemed to move, almost like looking down below on a calm sea as it gently swayed in a mass of dark waves. 

He stumbled back, caught off guard by the long tail that now was pulled away from the crushed blackberry bush.

"Do not even think about running away, we need to talk. You wanted me gone, why?" Jörmi asked, simply curious and not really mad as one would expect him to be. It was still a bit bizarre, a talking sea serpent. They had started circling each other, Fergus' belly almost touching the ground as he kept a careful eye on the slithering creature and that long tail that had nearly crushed him! Unlike Fergus, Jörmungandr was dragging his massive feet, as if he wasn't concerned that Fergus would jump him. He was completely at ease. 

"Stop growling and speak, I just want to understand." his baritone voice made Fergus flick his ears back. How was he supposed to speak?! Stupid dragon

Jörmi sighed, almost slouching if that was possible. He made a couple of tiny jumps as if he was impatient and trying to contain his energy. It was slightly comical, but Fergus' tense body didn't relax. 

"You have not really gotten familiar with your wolfy side have you?" Suddenly, his tractor sized face was too close to Fergus', making the wolf yelp and stumble over his own legs. Jörmi threw his head back and laughed, or at leas that's what Fergus thought he was doing. Feeling humiliated, the wolf grew a few inches taller subconsciously and charged towards the laughing sea serpent. He collided with Jörmis side with a full force, making him grunt and stagger on his steps a little bit. His teeth clamped around the wing bone that was easy to bite from the place where it grew out of his back. He had a slight problem with balance as he started clawing at the scales, trying not to lose the grip. 

Jörmi let out a rumbling growl, Fergus could feel it as he suddenly stood on his back legs and flapped his wings, making Fergus fall off and roll away. The wolf was immediately up again, red eyes blazing with growing fury. And Jörmi saw that as well. 

"If that is how you want to do it, then okay. Let's see what you've got little brother!" He said, lowering his front and wiggling his tail like a blue puppy. 

As the growing wolf with ink black, tousled fur ran towards the serpent, Jörmi coulnd't help but smile with glee as the two collided. 



word count: 1858


1. Thor was married to Sif, a golden-haired goddess associated with marriage and family, so it's pretty surprising that Thor also had a lover, Járnsaxa. Járnsaxa was a jötunn (an ambiguously defined creature most similar to a troll) and the mother of Thor's son, Magn

2. Because Freyja was associated with both marriage and cats, it was tradition among the Vikings to give cats to new brides on their wedding day. Not only did they have symbolic significance, they were considered useful creatures to have about and essential to running a good household.

I hope youre all safe and sound.
Take care :)

- K.

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