Chapter 6 - A little piece of your big world

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[ Your POV ]

The only thing you liked more than lazy mornings was surprises. And even though you already knew what Jungkook had prepared for you, you were still happy, that you would be able to go to their concert and, before that, see backstage with him to get a glimpse of how it all looks before they appear on stage. You were as excited as if you were their fan. You giggled to yourself as you prepared in front of the mirror. If only Sang-hee knew where you were going today, she would be jealous. You were going to tell her everything tomorrow anyway, and today you just wanted to enjoy the time spent together with Kook, grateful that he wanted to share his world with you, which you will finally have the opportunity to get to know better.

Jungkook knocked on your apartment much earlier than expected. You knew you were supposed to leave early today because of his rehearsals, but he came at 9 a.m.!
"Did you miss me that much?" you greeted him with a gentle smile, throwing both your arms around his neck. His grinning bunny smile always made you feel better. Jungkook kissed you tenderly, pulling you closer. The scent of his delicate perfume pleasantly hit your senses.
"Yeah, this as well," he muttered as he looked at his phone. "This is how we usually start the day when we have a show," he added, seeing your surprised expression. "That's why I get so exhausted every time I'm on stage."
You pursed your lips playfully. That's true. On the day of the concert, Jungkook disappears for hours, and when he returns, he's usually too tired to do much.

You patted his head and laughed at him. "My poor bunny."
"Rich, not poor" he chuckled. "Rich & tired. Are you ready?" He looked you up and down, and when you nodded, he offered you his arm. "Let's go, Mrs. Jeon."
You nudged him on the arm. "I was joking then. Don't introduce me like that, or I'll run away from there." Jungkook laughed out loud.


As you approached the backstage entrance, your heart raced with excitement and anticipation. You knew you'd be nervous, but this nervous? You just hoped it wouldn't show too much. Jungkook, even before you opened the door, pulled you quickly to him and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry," he said. "You're here with me. Just have fun." You looked into his chocolate eyes. You weren't afraid of anything with him. You took a deep breath, and he swung open the door to the backstage entrance.

Before your eyes could even take in what was happening in this chaotic place, you could hear the distant sounds of music and muffled chatter of people. And when you found yourself inside, you became somewhat a part of that madness. You were immediately greeted by a flurry of activity. Crew members - literally everyone - were hurrying somewhere. Some were preparing the wardrobe, others were lifting heavy music equipment, while others were digging through cosmetics and jewellery. Your eyes sparkled with curiosity.
For a moment, your mind began to wonder, what it would be like to be a superstar. You closed your eyes and slowly breathed in the air, thick with the smells of hairspray, perfume, and coffee. You smiled faintly, still keeping your eyes closed.
"Welcome to my world, YN," Jungkook whispered directly into your ear.

As you made your way deeper into the backstage area, you could feel the energy building up. The music was growing louder and more intense, and you could swear you felt some vibrations. You definitely started to get a sense of what it must be like to be a part of the band's inner circle.
And since we're already talking about the band... the doors suddenly opened and the remaining six, like the dwarves from the tale of Snow White, squeezed inside. And even though you already knew the faces of each of them, your heart still pounded like a teenager's. Maybe it was because of the place you were in? Kook approached you for the last time, assuring you that there was no need to stress, before he had to leave you alone for a moment, called by someone from the crew.

You stood in the middle for a moment, feeling a bit scared and unsure of what to do without Kook by your side. But after a moment, one of the members spotted you and waved you over, inviting you to come closer and take a look. You approached him, feeling a bit surprised because out of all the members, you wouldn't have expected him to be the one to approach you.

"Hi, Namjoon," you whispered quietly as you sat down next to him in front of the makeup mirror where he was sitting. He smiled broadly at you, which completely caught you off guard. "What have you prepared for today?" you asked cautiously, not really knowing how to start the conversation. But he quickly pulled out his phone and, looking a bit excited, searched for a video. Finally, he handed you his phone.
"Something similar, but since we recorded that training, we've changed a lot, so the new choreography will look much better," he grinned as the video of their choreography practice played before you. You stared silently, shocked at how the seven of them worked in such a harmonious way on their movements. Namjoon laughed quietly at your reaction. And when the video ended, he surprised you again. "You know what, YN? You look sleepy as hell, let's grab a coffee."

And even though at first you didn't really know what to do, you followed Namjoon's silhouette as soon as he got up from his seat. For a moment, you looked at Kook, who gave you a thumbs up, signalling for you to go with him. He hoped that maybe everything between your trio would finally become clear, maybe Namjoon had realized that being in a relationship and being an idol at the same time is not a scary thing.

Walking down the corridor towards the place where Joon led you, you observed everything with curiosity. First, a woman passed by you, to whom Namjoon grinned. "That's our translator," he said as soon as you passed her. Later, a whole group appeared on your way - another band, that you didn't expect to see here at all. Seeing your surprise, Namjoon quickly realized, that Jungkook didn't tell you the whole truth about tonight. But he decided that it wasn't his role or place to inform you.
Finally, when you arrived at the place that at first glance seemed to be a huge kitchen, Namjoon grabbed two cups and started preparing coffee.

"You know, YN..." he started casually, "That's awesome, that you and Kook are finally happy. I was worried that him being an idol will be too much for you to handle."
"Why did you think I couldn't handle it?" you asked, surprised by his confession.
"For many reasons. You can't go for a walk or a date in public, you can't post a photo together on social media, or brag to others when they ask if you have someone. You have to constantly share him with fans, and he himself doesn't have much time. And that's just the first part..." he explained, handing you your coffee.
"Well, you can be with someone just to be together, not for show off," you said honestly, enjoying the aroma of the hot beverage. Namjoon stared at you for a moment, as if battling his own thoughts.

"I was also worried... on the other hand. You know... whether your relationship will affect our work and career," he said cautiously, watching your reaction.
"If you think I would do something to harm you... I'd rather be alone than make Jungkook lose what he loves," you replied honestly, as honestly as you could. And Joon seemed pensive for a moment.
"Jungkook loves you too. And when he realizes that fully, it will be hard for him to spend more work time than time with you. Anyway, let's go back," he pointed to the hallway.
You fell into thought. You didn't know what to say. He was right, but you didn't want to think about it right now.

Namjoon disappeared into his dressing room before you even had a chance to thank him for the coffee. The rehearsal started much earlier than you had expected. You watched them from a safe distance on backstage. Dressed in warm hoodies, without makeup and all the flashy lights they usually had on, the seven of them stood on stage practicing their dance routine. Some of them joked around, some stretched. It was something completely different from the concert you had a chance to see. They tried a few songs, the staff kept adjusting and setting things up on stage, and no one could focus on anything. It was a mess.

How can they be sure everything will go perfectly? - you thought as they started to make their way back to the main room. But no one rested when they arrived backstage. Only now did the real commotion begin. You caught glimpses of the members as they darted in and out of their dressing rooms, grabbing accessories and new costumes. They were so focused, yet they still managed to exchange a few words with their assistants and crew members. You watched them in total amazement, and even though each of them had a complete outfit in their dressing room, they still went out looking normal.
"Time for a quick lunch!" Jungkook bounded over to you joyfully. "Right after lunch, we'll be getting ready for the concert, YN. Time sure flies, doesn't it?"
You nodded your head. It really did feel that way. You thought you had only been here for a few minutes. But you didn't know everything about tonight. And if you did, you probably wouldn't be here anymore.

Lunch passed faster than the first part of the preparations. Everyone returned to their places, ready for the final touch. You sat on the sofa with your bubble tea and ID card around your neck, given to you by staff you didn't even know. You put on the document, which turned out to entitle you to enter both the concert hall and the backstage area, and smiled at the person who brought everything to you. You could get used to this kind of life. You wanted to tell Kook about it, actually you wanted to tell him about all your emotions, the coffee, and the conversation with Joon, but Kook was nowhere to be found.

So you decided to approach the first member of the group who was almost ready and came out of his dressing room. It was Tae. He looked like a prince from a fairy tale.

V looked up at you and his big eyes were mesmerizing. For a moment, you just stared, drawn in by his beauty. He smiled widely and playfully pinched your nose.
"Hey, YN," he said in his deep voice, which only added to your state of awe. He looked absolutely stunning, wearing a black velvet blazer embossed with golden patterns, and a black shirt with three buttons undone. You knew that his fans would go crazy at the sight of him, and you almost did the same. If you hadn't forced yourself to look away, you were sure you would have started drooling.

His red hair contrasted with the outfit that was chosen for him. He had rings on his fingers and bracelets on his wrists, but you didn't see any earrings in his ears, unlike the rest of the members. Knowing that they like an extravagant style, guided by intuition, you took off your own earring and handed it to Tae.
"Here, take it. I think it will suit you." You didn't know why you did it, but you felt it was a good move.
"Oh?" he exclaimed as he turned the trinket in his hand. It was a large pearl, set in a gold circle. It suited him perfectly. He quickly fastened the jewellery. "You have good taste, YN," he praised you as he looked at himself in the mirror, delighted. "Now we are complete. You have one and I have another one. Thank you, YN. Now we are friends. Ride or die," he ended his sweet speech, sending you his most beautiful smile.
You giggled. "Ride or die," you saluted, walking away.

Tae is so beautiful - you were deep in thoughts when Jin poked you.
"Oh, YN. Look at you!" he exclaimed, immediately waking you up from your thoughts.
"Yes, Jin?" you smiled at him. Jin was a total contrast to Tae. He was dressed all in white. Pants, jacket and shirt. He looked like an angel - and let's not hide it - he was probably the most handsome man you've ever seen, so when they dressed him in something like that...he looked like he just descended from heaven.

"You look so dashing today that you could come on stage with us. I swear, with you we would win the Daesang right away!" he joked, sending compliments your way. They were all so kind, and you finally felt more comfortable.

Jimin was dancing in the corner while Hoseok was recording him. You raised your thumb to let them know that they looked amazing. Suga was just finishing up his makeup, and he sent you a smile, which you immediately returned. Despite seeming like the most rational of all of them and at the same time the most distant from everything, you had established a thread of friendship with him from the very beginning. And every time you saw each other, you were always happy. Now you admired how professionally he approached the concert, with the set list in his hands, repeating everything in order.

Only the leader and Jungkook were missing. You decided to look for the latter. It was not an easy task at all. You walked around the huge place, passing by people you didn't know, proudly holding your ID card in front of you in case someone stopped you and wanted to throw you out. But nothing like that happened. On the contrary, having "HYBE" written on your ID card made everyone treat you with respect and smile at you when they crossed your path. Finally, at the end of the corridor, you managed to spot him.
"Kook," you said softly.

But he didn't even notice you. He nervously drank water, tapping his fingers on the empty seat next to him. He looked amazing in that black outfit, which only emphasized his slender silhouette. You were proud that your man looked like that. You just wondered what made him so nervous? Is he always like this before a concert?

You wanted to approach him, but he simply stood up and went towards the exit to the main stage, where you were not allowed to go. So you returned to your place, hoping to see him again soon.


[ Jimin's POV ]

Lately, he had been plagued by a guilty conscience. He felt like he had been drawn into a game he shouldn't be in. He was somewhat stuck in the unawareness of the main goal of this whole charade, and now it was time to get some answers. For a moment, he focused his gaze on you. You stood there a bit lost, looking for Jungkook with your eyes like a little sheep who couldn't manage in this new and chaotic environment without him. He saw how much you were attached to him and how careful you were not to do anything today, that could harm his career.
So...what was Namjoon really after?

Speaking about Namjoon... Jimin caught his gaze and approached his friend with confident steps. "Joon, can we talk for a moment?"
"Right now?" RM asked, a little surprised, catching his breath after a pretty exhausting rehearsal. "Our performance is about to start soon. Are you sure it can't wait?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Our stylists are working on Hoseok and Yoongi now, and we have to wait anyway. We might as well use this time for a short conversation. It's nothing big, Hyung, I just want to get some answers, it's been bothering me."
Namjoon couldn't refuse, it would raise too many suspicions. They both entered one of the empty rooms to talk freely.

"Maybe you could finally let it go, Joon? After all, what's wrong with their relationship?" Jimin didn't even bother with a gentle introduction, going straight to the point. Namjoon wasn't surprised. He had already noticed how Jimin was watching you and then immediately approached him. He sighed quietly before answering.
"You really don't understand anything, do you?"
"Then explain it to me!" Jimin interrupted him immediately. "I want to know what's really going on. There is more, isn't it?"
Namjoon wondered for a moment which path to take. Should he honestly tell him what his main problem is, or would it be better to dress it up in beautiful words to keep him on his side.

"There is more, Jimin." Namjoon confirmed, his voice serious. "It's not just about the contract. Their relationship could potentially damage our image and our future opportunities. We have to be careful with every move we make, especially now that we're at the top of our game."
Jimin nodded slowly, finally starting to understand the gravity of the situation. "I see... But do you think it's fair to keep them apart just for the sake of our image?"
Namjoon sighed. "I don't know, Jimin. It's a difficult situation. But we have to think about the bigger picture. And besides, we don't even know if their relationship is genuine or just a fling."
Jimin frowned. "But if it is real... Don't you think they deserve to be happy?"
He hesitated before answering. "Of course they do. But sometimes, in life, we have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Just remember, everything we do is for the good of the group."

"I'm worried about both, Jimin," Namjoon said, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I care about the success and image of our group, and I also care about the well-being of all our members, including Jungkook. I don't want to see any of us get hurt or jeopardize what we've worked so hard to achieve." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "And yes, I admit, I'm also worried about how this could affect me and my role as the leader of BTS. But that doesn't mean my concerns aren't genuine."

"I've been holding this band together for so many years. Without me, you wouldn't be..."
The younger one opened his mouth in surprise as soon as he heard the words spoken by the leader. He didn't even let him finish, interrupting him slightly hurt.
"Excuse me? So you think...we wouldn't be able to do anything without you?"
"That's not what I meant," Namjoon immediately withdrew from the bitter words that had just come out of his mouth.
"Only you have a problem with their relationship, Joon."
"That's not true! Look at V, or Jin... They are totally whipped for her!" He blurted out with a jealous tone that did not escape Jimin's notice. "She created just mess," he finished, disregarding his younger friend's reaction.

"Sorry, Joon, but this is just ridiculous. Let's go back. This conversation is messed up." Jimin's tone had changed 180 degrees. He was annoyed with the leader's behaviour. This wasn't how he should act if he wanted to set a good example. Jealousy doesn't lead to anything good. And the fear of losing focus... was that really what it was about? It seemed to him that Namjoon was simply afraid of losing the position of the best group at any cost, even at the cost of their happiness in their private lives, outside of the spotlight of fame, outside of the stage. That wasn't okay. He decided that he wouldn't participate in this anymore. He had heard enough today.

"If Jungkook does what he planned..." Namjoon began as Jimin was almost leaving the room. "I will do my best to make it end even faster."

What Joon just said and the way he did it was nothing less and nothing more, than a threat, something he didn't expect to hear from him.

"You are insane," Jimin muttered under his breath, not even looking at him, and then left, slamming the door.


[ Your POV ]

You just returned with another coffee in hand. Finding the kitchen took you much longer than you expected. Even though you had been there with Namjoon earlier today, reproducing the route was not that easy. On top of that, someone kept bumping into you every other second, rushing either with musical equipment, wardrobe, or a suitcase full of cosmetics. Now you were sure - you wouldn't be able to work under such time pressure.
Standing finally in the most familiar place - where the rest of the band, except for Kookie, Namjoon, and... Jimin, were getting ready for the concert, you could finally relax on the couch. But were you really relaxed?
Suddenly, Jimin appeared right next to you, grinning from ear to ear. You were a little stressed - after all, you haven't exchanged many words with him since that stupid bet and its cancellation. And now he seemed to have changed beyond recognition. Something was off, but you didn't know if you would be able to catch it.
"How are you enjoying today?" he asked, sitting down next to you. You returned the smile uncertainly.
"Better than I could have imagined. Although I feel a little..."

"YN!" Tae suddenly joined in, looking more than stunning in his ready outfit. He didn't even let you finish what you were saying to Jimin. "It starts to get crowded, don't get lost."
Oh yes, Tae was right. More and more people were appearing around you.
You giggled like a little girl, and Tae pinched your nose.
"We need to keep an eye on you. You are our little brilliant." You loved this guy. He was so sweet, a real teddy bear. He always brought so much joy, and you hoped you would have a chance to become better friends with him. Although he treated you as the eighth member of the team, you didn't feel completely at ease in his presence yet. You intended to change that eventually.
You turned to Jimin, wanting to finally finish your sentence, but he was already gone.

Now, that almost everyone was 100% ready for the performance, you walked around them wanting to exchange at least a few words with each and wish them luck on the concert. You were happy, that you could listen to them, although today a bit differently - from the backstage perspective, not as a audience.

But it was also a great option. You were happy, that you were a part of their big world for once.
Your first "victim" was Yoongi. You approached him with a big smile

"Hello, Princess. Nice to see you again" he said quietly when you stopped by his side.
You greeted him with a big smile.
Yoongi responded with a small smirk on his lips.
"We've come a long way from our unfortunate encounter in the elevator, haven't we?" he teased, and you chuckled at the memory of how scared you were of his intrusive behaviour back then.
"If only you knew," you snorted, winking at him. "Good luck on stage," you said before Hoseok appeared in front of you.

Hobi seemed a bit absent-minded. He was humming to himself, practicing some choreography in tiny steps, while the makeup artist was unsuccessfully trying to touch up his makeup.
"Can I?" you asked timidly, and she chuckled softly.
"If you have that much patience," she said, amused, handing you a sponge and powder.
Hoseok stopped in his tracks and focused his gaze on you - 100 percent concentration."

"It's really hot today. I don't know how we're going to manage on stage," he grimaced slightly, complaining. You lifted his chin with your left hand, and he didn't even protest, obedient like a child.
"I know, Hobi. But everything will surely come out perfectly." You reassured him while powdering the areas that seemed too shiny to you. His hazel eyes were fixed on you.
"Thank you, YN. It seems like you can be multitasking," he chuckled softly, letting you finish the whole process. "I'm glad you're here, I'm glad you're with Jungkook."
"I..." you started, but someone called them from the direction of the stage exit.
"Remember, we agreed to have lunch together a long time ago!" he said quickly, running to the place where they were called. You laughed out loud.
Suddenly someone pulled you tightly towards themselves, and you almost screamed in fear.

Your body was now pressed against Kook's. You looked him over, admiringly. He was illuminated by the bright lights of the concert venue, dressed in a black glittering blazer that seemed to shimmer and sparkle in the light. Its tailored fit accentuated his perfect figure.
You noticed that his face was adorned with expertly applied make-up, giving him an otherworldly and almost ethereal appearance. His eyes were lined with dark kohl, and his lips were painted a light shade of red that contrasted beautifully with his pale complexion. This was all new to you.
He exuded confidence and charisma, effortlessly drawing attention to himself. It was as if he were a prince from a magical realm, come to perform for an enchanted audience. You opened your mouth in slight shock. One thing was for sure - you had just become his biggest fan.

"Ummm, as much as I would enjoy your fangirling over me, I have to run to the concert..."
You noticed how stressed he was. "Are you stressed about the performance?" you asked softly. "What? No. I... There's another reason. I would like to talk to you... it's very important."

Now you were feeling stressed. You felt your face getting hot. He had been avoiding you for half a day, and now he wanted to talk to you. Did you do something wrong? Did something happen? All kinds of negative thoughts flooded your mind.

"Now?" you asked terrified.
"Now, Princess." he whispered to you, already dragging you into empty room.

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