Chapter 7 - We are bulletproof

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[ Author's POV ]

You followed Jungkook obediently as he led you into one of the empty rooms backstage. Your heart was pounding like crazy and your mind was racing. Something must have happened, you were sure of it. Perhaps that's why he had been absent for the past few hours and why you couldn't find him earlier. Was he going to tell you something terrible? You couldn't shake off the feeling.

As soon as he closed the door behind you and stood face to face with you, you calmed down a bit. His gentle smile acted like an anesthetic, soothing your nerves. You gazed into his eyes, searching for answers, but his expression gave nothing away.

"YN, does it really not bother you, that the two of us can't have a normal, regular relationship? You know... because I'm an idol and I have these limitations?"

His sudden question threw you off track. Was he really bringing this up now? Maybe there was some unpleasant gossip going around, maybe someone was stirring things up between you? Was it Jimin? Or maybe Namjoon was just pretending to be nice, and then he would say something to him?

Your mind started to panic again, but you took a deep breath and forced yourself to stay calm. "It's not that I wouldn't want to post pictures with my boyfriend on social media. Especially since he's..."

"...since he is?" he interrupted halfway, slightly worried, maybe even stressed about your answer. Although he didn't know where this hesitation came from, he was afraid, that maybe you wanted to brag that your boyfriend is famous.

"Especially since he looks like a prince from a fairytale," you finished, amused by his strange expression.

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. Obviously you weren't like that. He scolded himself in his thoughts for daring to doubt, especially after everything you had been through together so far. That's good you didn't notice, it could have hurt you. Now he knew, that the conversation was only going to get better.

"YN, tell me honestly... I mean, I'm just really curious,
what do you like most about me?"

"You lit up. This sweet boy was asking such strange questions. You wondered if it was really necessary to ask such details right now, just before the concert. But maybe he's stressed? Maybe he needs a neutral, light conversation?"

"Can I choose from anything?" you asked teasingly. You saw his lips slightly part in surprise, and then a gentle smile appeared on them. And that chuckle. God, how you love that laugh. He nodded in agreement, so you continued.

"Your loud laughter. I love it when you laugh."

"Laughter?" Jungkook was clearly surprised. "Why this particular thing?"

For a moment, you got lost in his eyes. These big, shining diamonds, which now looked at you with 100% attention, waiting for an explanation in such a sweet matter as if you were at an interrogation. You just wanted to grab him, pull closer and hug.

"When you laugh, it's like everything around you is laughing too. You just make the world a better place, the whole atmosphere - you infect everything with joy."

"Wow..." he observed as you gestured, as you smiled warmly at him, and spoke with such confidence and sincerity. He was shy - didn't expect you to see him in that way, to think that way about him. "YN..."

But you didn't let him interrupt you. You continued, because his laughter wasn't the only thing you loved about him. "You're unique like a secret, my mystery, from the very beginning. Sometimes a bit crazy, you have an inner child, that I absolutely adore, in you. But you're also a mature man, with whom I feel happy and safe. You have a little bit of everything in you, and together, each of those fragments creates a Jungkook, whom I've fallen in love with. But...why did you ask about it now?"

"Just making sure..." he chirped, excited like a little boy. He even nervously bit his lip to hold back the huge smile, that was creeping onto his face. "You know...I have certain plans, but before that, I just had to know." He pointed his finger towards a large decorative gift box, that lay on the table in the corner of the room.

You immediately shifted your gaze to the box. So the room wasn't random - you thought. What else did he plan? Thoughts were spinning in your head again. And his mysterious way of talking wasn't helping at all.

"Please take it with you to the dressing room."

"I don't understand..." you asked, surprised as you traced your fingertips over the box. "Why are you so mysterious?"

But Jungkook just laughed, avoiding a direct answer. "Umm.. You'll find out everything there. Trust me, little one." Then he just winked at you and left. You sighed resignedly and walked to the dressing room as he asked.

You pushed open the door slightly, feeling a bit unsure. You didn't know if someone would be waiting for you inside or what you should really say if someone was already there. After all, your charming man didn't even think to give you any useful information. But you didn't have to think about it any longer, because as soon as you stood in the doorway, you were immediately noticed and... the staff came up to you right away.

"Miss YN? I've been waiting for you. Let's hurry, we don't have much time."

Before you could even object or ask any questions, you were already being pulled deeper inside, seated on a chair in front of a large mirror and surrounded by stylists and makeup artists like a star of the evening. Once again, you opened your mouth to say something, and once again you were denied the opportunity.

"You will look absolutely gorgeous. After all, you will accompany Jungkook to tonight's award ceremony," the stylist said.

You wondered if you heard correctly. Maybe you misheard something. After all, it's just a concert and how could you possibly accompany Jungkook? You can't even go out for coffee together, let alone show up together at a gala or concert where there are hundreds of fans, other celebrities, and of course reporters. Yes, you must have misheard, or they misunderstood his intentions. Maybe they saw him guiding you here and imagined it. Nevertheless, your stress level skyrocketed, and you started to feel fried inside.


As you were getting ready for the evening, not fully aware of anything, the same preparations were going also on the other side. The guys were making final adjustments for the party, which was about to start in a moment. They were about to perform and, as always, had to look impeccable. Seated in front of the mirrors, they exchanged a few words while the makeup artists tried to apply powder for the hundredth time.

From the beginning of the day, Namjoon had a feeling that something was not right. Since morning Jungkook was overly cheerful. There had to be a reason for this. He couldn't just be happy because you were going to watch their performance today, could he? Moreover, you were supposed to stay backstage throughout the event, but suddenly JK announced to everyone, that you will be also in the audience. Namjoon at this point had no idea what to expect from Jungkook, but he just wanted to wipe that silly grin off his face. Knowing Kook's way of thinking, he might do something, that could put all seven of them at risk. And all for what? Some small, insignificant love affair?

"Have you seen Jungkook?" Jin laughed out loud as JK jumped behind him and Hobi. "He's hopping like a bunny, all excited."

Hoseok chuckled like a little boy. "Oh, I think it's because he planned something for today. I think it's something special. I tried to ask him a bit."

"Let me guess... He doesn't want to spill the beans? I hope he won't do anything foolish,"

Hoseok looked amused at Jin. Standing up, he leaned over him. "Oh, I think he will do just that. Okay... they're calling us, let's go." He patted him on the shoulder and disappeared somewhere at the exit from the backstage.

"That will be fun" Jin just sighed under his breath, amused. And then one by one they started leaving the backstage.


In the meantime, you were experiencing truly difficult moments. Being completely not used to such preparations or professional attention, you were more stressed than before coming here in the morning. The dress you found in the gift box was really beautiful, but you didn't want to show yourself in it. It was too luxurious, revealing too much cleavage, and on top of that, they wanted you to wear a necklace, that was terribly heavy and, judging by how delicately they handled it, extremely expensive.
You looked like a Disney princess and you didn't want to show yourself like that anywhere. It was too much, too fancy; you preferred something... more modest.
Stylists looked at each other surprised, as if you were speaking an incomprehensible language to them, or as if you were from another planet. Finally, they gave in to your pleading , and you could look through other outfits as well.
Unfortunately you realized very soon, that they all were the same - exquisite and luxurious. You sighed in resignation.

In the next outfit, you looked just like a bride. You took it off faster than you were expecting. Each subsequent one was too flashy for you. The fittings were definitely taking too long, and you knew, that eventually, you would have to agree to something. And you chose the final dress, although you still thought it was too fancy. The staff gasped in awe, when you stood before them ready.

"You look like a star of this gala. Jungkook will be awestruck."

"Unless I don't pass out first." you muttered.


[ Jungkook's POV ]

Almost everyone already left. Now only Jungkook and Namjoon remained in front of the mirror. Kook had a feeling, that the leader had something to say, he had been feeling his hostile gaze for a few hours already. So, trying to be first, he decided to start the conversation.
"Do you want to ask something?"

The question came out of his mouth quite neutrally, although he was very nervous. But Joon seemed calm. He evil smiled at him broadly, which only confused Jungkook more. "I trust you, Kook."

Now Jungkook really didn't know what to think about it. The leader's calm voice seemed quite sincere. But then where did all those hostile looks come from? Why was he acting so strangely today? Everything was so unclear. Kook stared at him, fully aware that his plan would bring chaos. For everyone. Namjoon was trying to read him. But Kook hid his intentions pretty well, as he had already thought about it a thousand times. He knew he had to do it and he knew, the decision was his alone. Of course, he would like to talk to Namjoon about it, but he knew, that he would definitely forbid it. That's why he had to take this risk, that's why he decided for everyone. And he wanted to take on any consequences himself.

A voice of Jin reached them from the other end of the room. "You're still here? What are you plotting?"

But both of them ignored him. JK only smiled wickedly under his breath. And from that one moment, everything started like a domino effect. From one decision to another - without the possibility of going back.


[ Your POV ]

You were sitting in the front row. Nothing here resembled the usual concert that the BTS boys used to give. The staff pointed you to this spot, although you thought there must have been a mistake. Maybe you haven't been in Korea for many years, but that doesn't mean you didn't recognize the faces of so many famous artists, not only in the field of music but also celebrities and actors. You wondered if you should run away from here. Famous people on the left, famous people on the right, smiling at you as if you were part of their world. But you weren't.
In this dress, makeup, and expensive jewelry, you were unrecognizable, even to yourself. You looked like you were the one who was supposed to stand on that stage today. And no, there was nothing wrong with that, the stylists outdid themselves, but you felt like you just didn't fit in here.

Bangtan appeared on stage. The lights went out and for a moment you felt a bit more hidden. Maybe you could survive this evening somehow. There was no free seat next to you, so fortunately the issue of accompanying Jungkook to the gala was just a misunderstanding. You even breathed a sigh of relief, trying to focus just on the concert. If Sang-hee were here, she would go crazy. The stage was amazing, decorations and effects were top-notch. And the boys? They gave 100%, as usual. And although everyone impressed you equally, you glanced more often in the direction of  Jungkook. He was sensational. And he was all yours. You bit your lip, suppressing a giggle. The fact that no one knew about you both, amused you a bit. He was your secret, and you were his.

After the concert, which seemed much too short to you, they left the stage. You followed them with your gaze. BTS lined up against the wall, and reporters immediately surrounded them like hyenas. Flashes blinded even you; you had no idea how they could endure it.
After a few quick photos, they finally sat in their assigned seats.
The same row as you, but much further to the right.
Jin stared at you, and you met his gaze.
Using that moment, you stuck your tongue out at him, completely unserious like a little girl, and he covered his mouth with his fist to stifle a laugh. You liked him. He was always a gentleman, always kind and funny.

His behavior unfortunately caught the attention of Jimin and Namjoon, who followed his gaze and finally noticed you. Both of them looked horrified, although you couldn't understand what was so terrible about you. It didn't even occur to you, that your mere presence in that place meant trouble was coming. They , on the other hand, were perfectly aware of it.
From your perspective, it even looked a bit like they were nervously interrogating Jungkook about something, and he was pretending not to hear, barely glancing your way. You tried to avert your gaze from them, but it didn't help for long. The first and most important award went to...them. And when the host announced the name of their group, all seven of them appeared on stage again.

Full band lined up in a row for their speech. They looked just perfect. You looked at each of them up and down. So elegant, handsome, and happy. Although it wasn't their first award, they seemed equally excited and equally grateful for the support they had received from their loyal fans. You watched and listened to them with admiration, feeling like you were slowly becoming part of their fandom yourself.

And when Jungkook appeared in front of the microphone, you had no idea that his words would disturb your peace forever. You gave him your delicate smile when your eyes met, and then everything started happening too fast. You felt your head spinning. Your mind seemed to be dimmed. Can their concert ever end without such excesses? - you thought for a moment, trying to catch your breath.

And Jungkook was speaking, as if nothing had happened. As if his words did not break the sense of security you had until now.

"I would like to take this opportunity to confess something to all of you today. My biggest motivation and reason why I still do what I do, my inspiration, my strength for every new day... I... No. You know what?
I would like to dedicate my award... to this beautiful woman in the front row, in this incredibly red dress... who happened to be my other half. My support, joy, and my only love. Thank you for being patient, for giving me second chances, for loving me."

A wave of admiration mixed with the screams of fans swept through the concert hall. Jin immediately approached the microphone. "Oooo.... that's a lot, riiight guys?" He tried to make everyone laugh and lighten the mood. None of them knew about Jungkook's plan, and now they didn't know how to react so spontaneously.

Suddenly, all eyes were on you. It was too much. You couldn't handle this pressure, this level of interest. You started panicking. The last thing you wanted was a hyperventilating in front of everyone. You were so overwhelmed, lost, so exposed. The first flashes of the spotlights hit you. You stood up abruptly from your seat. You knew you had to get out of there.

Escape was the only thing that came to your mind. And the only right solution you saw in this situation.
You didn't want Jungkook to have problems.
So you just wanted to run away, but...
he suddenly grabbed your hand, wrapped you with his jacket, and turned you around so that you faced him.

"I'm done with hiding. No more." he whispered.

In that one moment, you gathered all your strength to stand firmly on the ground, not to collapse into his arms, and be as strong as he was in front of you. You closed your eyes and everything disappeared. The flashes, the stares, and the noise. You focused on your breaths.

Jungkook placed his hand on your back and pulled you towards him in one smooth motion. Your lips collided in a passionate kiss.
Everyone on the concert hall and those in front of the TV were watching you.
Jungkook was kissing you and the whole world was staring.

You cannot hide your relationship anymore, right?

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