Chapter 9 - A perfect date

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Your life seemed perfect at that one, single moment. You were in the arms of a man, who made even the darkest day seem easier for you. The feeling that appeared came unexpectedly, it was the greatest surprise in your life. You didn't want it to end, even though you didn't know what was going to happen next and where this twisted, slightly too fast relationship would take you. You didn't want him to let go of this embrace at that moment either. You were feeling so pleasantly warm, his scent made you dizzy and his steady breath calmed you. You never felt like you were feeling right now. Is this what love looks like? A complete new feeling for you. You were aware, that you have to be careful. But at the same time, all you wanted to do at the moment, was to surrender yourself completely to those feelings, that so stubbornly wanted to take over you.

Jungkook grabbed your hand and dragged you to the car. Just before you left the building, he pulled mask over his face. You blinked a few times a little surprised by his behaviour.

"Mask? Really?" you laughed as he nodded hurriedly. "JK you are not a celebrity to wear it. Is it really necessary?" amused, you got into his car right after he opened the door for you.

"It fits my outfit" he laughed nervously. "I figured out I'd look cooler. You know ... it's been a fashion lately." He cut it short. When you were both in the car, he took off the mask and put it in the glove box. "God. You are so beautiful ..." he blurted out suddenly, completely deviating from the subject and stroked your cheek with his thumb. Immediately a blush creped over you. Seeing how embarrassed you were, he just chuckled and started the car's engine. From that moment on, he focused only on the road.

But you...You only focused on him.

The fact, that you were looking at him was not enough. You didn't take your eyes off him. His jet-black hair caught your attention, you wanted so desperately to get your fingers in it. You wanted to pull him against you and never let go. His sparkling eyes - they always looked like he was laughing with them. You guessed, that the eyes you loved about him the most. Wait a minute, loved, that word was too big. You warned yourself mentally. You adored his eyes, yeah, much better now. Though when he stared at yours, all your confidence was waving away. His gaze was so piercing, that you were afraid he would see right through you. On the other hand, you were hoping, that no one else but you would be able to look at these two diamonds. You could drown in them.

His red, slightly parted lips attracted the most of your attention. You noticed, that when he drives his car he is keeping them open. It's cute. How can he be so sweet and so masculine at the same time? You tilted your head slightly and unconsciously bit your lip.

His sharp cheekbones, well-built body, strong hands... this all fit perfectly into the type of man you were interested in.
And tattoos? You didn't even know something could turn you on so much. You wanted to see them all, you only saw a small part. But you are not going to ask him to undress though. You have scolded yourself for where your thoughts went. You sighed softly, but then, a slight chuckle broke you out of this state.

"YN? Looks like someone is having a good time. You almost pierced me right through with your beautiful eyes," J laughed, and you, like enchanted, continued staring. His smile was wonderful, wide, sincere. When he laughed, his eyes narrowed, his nose wrinkled and he turned into a tiny boy you wanted ruffle hair to. "YN? If you need me that much, we can stop here," he suddenly purred, and in one second he brought you to order. You almost choked. You quickly shifted in your seat and looked straight ahead.

"What did you mean I need you so much ... God. Just drive, I ... I got lost in some thoughts and that's it." you stammered embarrassed.

Jungkook hasn't said anything anymore. He just smirked, clearly pleased, that you were looking at him that way. You tickled his ego. And every man liked it. JK was no exception.

Only when the car stopped, you realized where exactly he took you.
Your eyes widened as soon as you saw the amusement park outside your window. You didn't remember the last time you were in a place like this. Maybe once, many years ago.

When he turned off the car's engine, his eyes went to you.
Here we are," he said quietly and watched your reaction. You were like a little girl, you clenched your hands into fists and if you could, you would probably be jumping up and down while squeaking. He grinned broadly. You looked so sweet, he just wanted to munch on you.

"JK!" You called in a high, excited tone and looked at him. Your eyes locked. You both stayed silent for a brief moment. That one moment was magical. A sign, that you didn't need words. But it quickly passed, and you didn't even notice it.

"I hope, that you like this kind of entertainment?" he asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice, whether it would really suit your taste.
He did not receive a verbal answer. Instead, he felt you fling your arms around his neck, pulling him to you, and kissing him without warning. For a short moment he did not even flinch, surprised by the action you took.
But very quickly he woke up from this surprise, he pulled you to him, and your lips began to move in harmony. He closed his eyes enjoying the moment, with both hands he pulled you closer to him, finally let them rest on your back. You smelled like summer fruit, he could never get enough of your scent, he would recognize it everywhere.
He smiled through a kiss when he felt your breathing quicken. He didn't mind your little make out session in the car, but not today, not now, when he wanted to take you on the most beautiful date and when he decided to talk to you. He knew, that before things will get too far, he have to explain to you all the things he had concealed for fear he might lose you. He wanted to be fair to you. On the other hand, it was so hard for him to tear himself away from your mouth.

"I will take it as yes ..." he whispered as soon as you moved away from each other a little.

As soon as you got out of the car, he intertwined your fingers together and dragged you to the main entrance with him.

He had to be very careful. So he pulled the hood up over his head and put on his sunglasses. Luckily, he wasn't the only one looking like that there, so it was easy to blend in with the crowd. If anyone recognized him now, it would all be in ruins. Therefore, he was well aware , that he had to tell you everything as soon as possible before you will find out for yourself and God knows how you will react.

You acted like a teenager couple in love. Well ... you certainly did not look like adults. You ran from attraction to attraction, you watched every game point and every food point.
He stopped for longer only at the stand with huge plush mascots. And just because he noticed how your eyes sparkled when you saw them. He smiled under his breath.
"Would you like to try?" he asked, pointing to the target that had to be hit several times with the weapon that lay ready next to it.

"Me ?! Oh no, I've always been clumsy when it comes to arcade games," you laughed.
He pulled you closer to himself and turned you, so that your back was against his chest. He bent over you. "I heard that those who are unlucky in games are lucky in love," he whispered straight into your ear. "I'm good at both," he added amused and walked over to the point with game.
It was obvious, that he would do just perfect score. He hit the center the first time, the next two shots almost as perfect. When he won he grinned at you.

"Which one do you want?" he asked pointing to a whole row of huge stuffed animals.
Your eyes were really big. In an instant your behaviour went back to your childhood.
"I want that green dinosaur," you said with pouted lips, which amused him tremendously.
"Dinosaur?" he repeated laughing. "You don't like that huge bunny on the right?" he pointed to a shaggy mascot with irrationally long ears.
You turned to him in an instant and grew serious. Until he stopped laughing and focused fully on you.
"I already have a bunny." you tried to say it seriously. "Here." you added by stabbing him with your forefinger in the chest.

"I am your bunny?" he asked in surprise, his eyes glazed with amusement.
"I'd rather be a bear, or even better a tiger? But a bunny?" he laughed out loud, hugged you tight, and gestured to the vendor, to give you brachiosaurus you chose. As soon as you got the toy in your hands, you grinned and stood on tiptoe to kiss Jungkook on the cheek.

"If I knew you were giving such thanks, I would have won all of them for you," he took you by the hand and pulled you to the cotton candy.

You thought you already saw all his faces, but with each passing moment he surprised you more and more. First, how much can he eat? After all, he is so well built ... how can he throw such amounts of food into himself and look like a Greek god ?! Well ... right now more like a hamster ... you thought to yourself as you looked at Jungkook, who had a sweets filling his cheeks. Fluffy cotton candy stuck to his mouth. He seemed to be okay with that, and kept munching.
But the opportunity tempted you too much, and you couldn't resist it. You moved closer to him, and when he looked up at you a little surprised, you grabbed his lower lip between yours. His eyes widened and his hands fell free. He didn't even move. You unglued yourself from him after a long while.
"You had ... some cotton candy in there." you said a little embarrassed and walked quickly down the main alley.
He watched you walk away and he shook his head, amused. "This girl is going to finish me off." After a while, he ran towards you, suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the House of Fear.

Moments later, you were sitting on a boat, which course led through a long dark tunnel filled with monsters. You were aware that nothing was real there, but the atmosphere that was created for this place played with your consciousness. Jungkook took the opportunity gladly, because every time something shouted or jumped at you from either side, you cuddled up to him more and more. He couldn't have chosen a better place to date. Everything was like in romantic movies. He was glad, that he had the chance to experience it all just like the heroes of such films. Maybe it was classic, too simple and too sweet, but every moment spent with you, including the sugary one, was worthwhile.

"Jungkook, are you kidding me?!" you shouted at him, looking up as he led you to the biggest roller coaster in the amusement park.

"Uh-uh. I was quite serious. You're not scared, are you?" He raised an eyebrow in a cheeky attempt to challenge you. But you didn't care what he will think about you, just the thought of this ride made you feel faint, your legs started to fail and your heart was beating so fast you were afraid it would jump out of your chest.

"There is no such option. I will not go in there. Do you understand?" you whimpered when he pulled you towards the wagons. "Are you listening to me? I've seen what can happen in the movies and all that ..." "Mm." he purred as you settled into one of them and he made absolutely nothing of your lamentation. "... I am afraid of heights and it will be too fast and ..." He sat down next to you, completely ignoring your pleas. You quickly realized, that it is already slowly moving as security bars closed automatically.

"Don't be afraid. You are here with me. Every once in a while you have to get a little adrenaline." He tried to calm you down, but all you could feel was life passing before your eyes.
The wagon stopped for a moment at the very top, for those 5 seconds before it will descend with alarming speed down the rails.
Jungkook wanted to use those 5 seconds. He grabbed your chin with his hand and looked into your eyes. They were full of tears of fear. You were so scared you didn't know what was going on, and you certainly couldn't focus on what he was saying to you right now.

"I think we should make us official," he muttered, but you just nodded your head in agreement without even knowing, what he just said to you. He laughed out loud and lifted his hands up as the wagon started trailing down. You quickly glanced at his delighted expression. "You're craaaaaazy!" you screamed and he just nodded. Everything was spinning, the speed made it difficult for you to gasp at times, but you had to admit one thing, such a dose of adrenaline made you come alive.

In the evening, when you both were tired, you sat on the sidelines, near a beautiful carousel with fancy carved horses. You have seen such carousels only in beautiful movies or music clips, and today you finally had the opportunity to see one live. At this time of day, there was practically no one else around.

For Jungkook, this situation was perfect. Finally he decided to talk to you. He has been gathering courage for a long time, but he couldn't constantly run away from the problem. The sooner he will do that, the better. Or so he thought.
Soft music played in the background, it was pleasantly warm, you were both enjoying tme together.
Feeling a bit sleepy, you put your head on his shoulder, and he instinctively hugged you at once.
"It was a beautiful day ..." you mumbled sleepily.
"You are beautiful ..." he whispered in your ear and before you could react to that cheap, but cute, compliment, he spoke again.

"YN ..." he began hesitantly. "There is something I would like to tell you, something about me, that has been bothering me for a long time."
"Ooh, revealing some dark secrets?" you joked completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation.
"You can say that. I don't know how to start ..." he stammered out.
You stroked his cheek gently.
"You can tell me everything Jungkook" you whispered to him making him feel more confident.

Now or never. He thought.

"Do you remember when in the beginning you asked me if I was a musician?" You nodded at that question, and he continued slowly. "I didn't tell you then, because I wanted you to tell me, who I looked like. Later I promised we would come back to this topic. And I think it's high time we talked about it.
You see ... at that time you've read me very well. I'm indeed a musician. You probably deduced it from the furnishings of my apartment or from the hanging albums on the walls. You've never looked at them carefully, have you?
"You shook your head for no." Should I? "You asked, a bit surprised at the direction this conversation was taking. You didn't quite understand why it was so important. He's a musician, that's great, he'll play for you in the evenings, or sing. There wasn't anything scary about that, even opposite.
"You should." he replied in a more serious tone. "You see, the fact that I am a musician is not enough. To be honest, I am very famo..." he broke off in mid-sentence when you both heard a noise and you turned your head in the direction it was coming from.

A large crowd has formed not far away from you. They were mainly young girls who were trying to get to someone like crazy. The cameras did not stop flashing, the screams and squeals seemed to intensify.
You have finally seen the source of this confusion. The famous actor and his fiancée tried to pass through this wild crowd, escorted by security. They probably wanted to spend the day together in a normal way, but even here the fans did not let them go.
They jumped around them, pushed themselves in, took pictures, almost shoving phones in their faces, asked for autographs.

You shook your head and turned to Jungkook.

"You know ..." you started in a calm tone. "I can't even imagine a life like this for myself. No privacy, fans will find you absolutely everywhere and know everything about you. You all the time have to share your loved one with all of them, try to understand this obsessive love for an idol. You do not have time to spend it with your loved one, because they are constantly busy, either on trips or at meetings, you hardly see each other. There is no normality in such a relationship, nothing will ever be the same as for ordinary people, even just going to the store or throwing out garbage results in photos in the press, or another harassment by intrusive fans. Every step is monitored, there is nothing you can do in secret. You are judged literally for everything by literally everyone.

I would never be with someone famous, no matter how wonderful a person he is. "

Your sudden confession shocked him. His heart started beating so fast, he was sure he was about to pass out. He got pale and he felt suddenly so weak.

"Anyway ... what were you going to tell me before they interrupted us?" you asked as if nothing had happened, completely unaware what bomb you dropped on him, what weight he was carrying on his shoulders now.

Jungkook sat speechless. He stared at you in utter horror, unable to make any sound.

Eventually you noticed that something was wrong. Worried, you touched his cheek.

"Jungkookie? Are you feeling alright? You look like you are sick. Can I help you somehow? Do you need something? Water? Would you like to go and eat?" the fact how he suddenly changed bothered you.

"Y...y..yes" he stuttered finally. "I forgot what I was talking about, I think they pushed me off the topic. I'm sorry." After that as if nothing had happened, he got up and stretched out his hand to you.
"Let's go home. It's getting cold." Even his tone had changed. He was no longer that sweet little boy who was bursting with joy. His voice turned serious, and you could have sworn a bit cold.
Holding your hand, he pulled you to the car. You went all the way in complete silence. You had no idea what happened, but you were more than sure something bad was going to happen. Oh, if you only knew what hell his mind was in now.

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