Chapter 10 - Time to think, time to act

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As if he suddenly turned into stone, without unnecessary words or even a short hug, he left you near home, and then rushed away in a hurry. You stood in shock for a moment, wondering what exactly happened now. Jungkook didn't go home, he left so late, looking so nervous and stressed out, but no matter how hard you tried to put the facts together, you still didn't understand. This strange twinge in your chest grew stronger with each passing moment. You felt mentally tired. After such a beautiful day, after a date like in a romantic movie, when you felt, that you were getting closer ... he suddenly left you without a word of explanation.

You slowly made your way home, dragging the giant dinosaur, that Jungkook had won for you just hours earlier. The silence, that reigned in your apartment complex, which has always soothed you so much, today made you go crazy even more. The dark empty corridor on your floor felt like such a sad place. And your apartment was definitely not a place you wanted to sit alone right now.

You felt like you two broke up. But you didn't remember, that you declared yourself in any way, and even less that you were arguing. So what the fuck just happened? You couldn't get it out of your head.

|| Jungkook's POV ||

Jungkook hated himself for leaving you at home like that. But if he would stay even a moment longer, it could end really badly. He was unable to control his emotions. He wanted to shout everything to you, but he was well aware, that it would only worsen the already shitty situation you were in. He saw you in the mirror, standing for a moment, watching as the car was driving away. He bit his lips angrily, his eyes burning, because of the tears that slowly formed.
He hit the steering wheel with all his power, releasing his nerves. He shifted from place to place, unable to sit still; pressed the gas, clenching his jaw.

"Fuck! Why did I get into this? Why didn't I tell her everything from the beginning? I am always getting myself into something. Yaaaah JK ..." he tapped his head nervously "how are you gonna get out of this now" He was talking to himself, not even looking at the odometer, which showed dangerously high speed. He just wanted to spend the night with his friends today, to forget for a moment the hopeless situation he had just created and which he had deepened without even realizing it.

Jungkook pulled up to Namjoon's apartment, braked with a squeal of tires, and hurried out of the car. Before knocking on his door, he took a few deep breaths.
He knew, that he appeared completely unannounced, but as soon as Joon saw his condition, he pulled him inside without a word. For as long as he could remember, Jungkook has always treated Namjoon not only as the leader of BTS, but also as his older brother, a role model. This respect and adoration worked both ways. Because he, in turn, treated the youngest member of the team as his little brother, being always indulgent, trying to teach him everything, that would be useful to him in his life after they will eventually disband.
Now he saw the fear in his eyes, heard his troubled breathing, and watched intently as JK played nervously with his fingers.

"Jungkook-ah, if you want to talk in private, we can go somewhere together, because Jimin and Suga are staying with me tonight." he said to him in a calm voice before they entered the living room. But Jungkook shook his head quickly.

"That's even better. I could use an evening with you all." he whispered barely audible but loud enough, that Joon heard everything and put his arm around him. Jungkook pressed his head against him almost immediately, and Namjoon could have sworn he heard a momentary sob ... but when JK looked up, the tears were gone. So he figured he just had to imagine it.

"You know what? Maybe you should stay here for the night too?" He suggested when they appeared together in the living room, and the approving voices of the rest of the boys only encouraged him to do so. Finally, Jungkook nodded his head in agreement and made himself comfortable in one of the cushioned armchairs.

The three of them were discussing something cheerfully, sharing the food they had ordered, but JK didn't speak even one word, and he didn't want any food. He didn't even touch his favorite meat, which brought to him the attention of the rest of them. They looked at him worriedly, exchanging only glances with each other. Neither of them knew how to start the topic, knowing that the maknae did not like to share what was internally bothering him. Finally, Suga sighed loudly, aiming to cheer up this little puppy, who showed up with his head bowed, as if he had been standing in the rain all night. Without a word, he got up and disappeared somewhere deep in the apartment. But they didn't have to wait long for him, after a while he returned with a bottle of strong alcohol.

Jungkook looked up at him and a small smile crept on his lips for the first time this evening.

"I knew, that the bottle is good for all sorrows," Yoongi laughed, pouring the first round between the four of them. Jungkook drank it all down in one go. As soon as he felt the alcohol warming up his body, and his muscles began to relax slightly, he smiled at them and extended his hand with an empty glass towards Suga. He grinned, poured another drink, and clinked his glass with him.

"Whatever it is," he told him, "drink enough to forget it." he added tilting his drink.
And that's exactly what happened. After the fifth drink, the thoughts in his head were starting to go crazy.

Should I wait? Isn't time the most important thing now?
What if I tell her everything and she won't accept it? What if she will reject me?

Jimin pulled himself onto Junkook's lap. He was already drunk, but seeing his friend lost in thought made him want to help in any way. Jungkook laughed as he saw how awkwardly he tried to climb onto him.

"Not too comfortable?" he asked amused, but Jimin just grinned and raised his glass in a gesture of toast. "For all of us, for the four of us, and for the rest, who didn't want to come to us today. For all our years together and for stopping being such savages when real life appears." He delivered a toast, after which the rest of them paused, wondering for a moment how he could say something so profound being in such state. But each of them drank the toast, deeply agreeing with what the drunken though very sincere Jimin had just said.

Jungkook was really drunk after another two rounds. The rest of the them wasn't in any better shape. Namjoon dragged JK into the room and gestured for him to sleep.

"I think you should let it go by now, Kookie. You've had enough to regret it tomorrow. Go to sleep." worried, he tried to reason with him. The youngest nodded his head in agreement and threw himself on the bed with a blissful smile on his face. At the moment, after the dose of alcohol circulating through his veins, nothing could upset him. He hadn't been so relaxed in a very long time.

A vibration on the phone let him know, that he got the message, but he was so dizzy that he didn't even reach for it to check. He fell asleep almost at the same time as he put his head against the pillow. A poor, naive kid hoping, that temporary oblivion will solve his problems.

|| Your POV ||

[11:40 PM]
Kookie? Everything's all right? You left in such a hurry.

Jungkook, are you home yet? I'm worry.
Please let me know.

[09:30 AM]
Kookie? Can we meet today?

You were sending messages like into a void. He didn't reply to any of them. Neither the same evening, when he left you in such a strange way, nor now in the morning, when every now and then you reached for your phone and naively checked if there was something new.
You didn't sleep for half the night, now you were trying to wake yourself up with a strong coffee, drowsy. You wondered, what happened that suddenly he changed 360 degrees. Was it your fault? Or maybe he got some unpleasant news? You were going to him today and you stood at the door, but nobody opened it. I don't think he slept at home.
Thoughts were bothering you.

When at noon, finally, you saw, that he had read your messages, you were relieved. You were worried, that something bad happened, so even this little activity made you feel better again. But not for long. You were expecting an answer in no time since he read it, but he, just as if you meant nothing to him, left you on SEEN. Then you decided, that you won't write anything more to him. Pride didn't allow you to impose yourself.

|| Author's POV ||

Jungkook woke up at noon. Even before he opened his eyes, he already grimaced. The headache was unbearable. He still felt dizzy and nauseous. He regretted having allowed himself for so much yesterday. He barely got up from the bed and trudged to the kitchen, hoping the coffee would help him get back on his feet. All three boys were still asleep. He sat down at the table with a cup of hot liquid and looked through the phone.
Three messages from you.

He sighed deeply. The alcohol helped yesterday, but right now, after most of it had evaporated, Jungkook felt even worse. In addition to the way how he left you yesterday in front of your apartment complex, now he has been also ignoring you. But he knew, he needed time to figure it out in his head. He can't meet you sooner, or God knows what will come of it. At that moment he decided, that he will do anything to avoid you for a few days. Until finally something will come to him and he will find a way out of this situation.

Three long days had passed. You worked as much as you could, but whenever you had free time you were running back with your thoughts to him. There was no doubt, that you were incredibly attached to him. Yet somehow you didn't realize, that what you were feeling was definitely more than attachment. You knew you'd go crazy if you didn't see him soon. You missed each other because of your work schedule, or so you thought. When you were at work, he was at home, and when you came back he was gone. He also wasn't spending the nights at home. You were getting seriously worried.

The weather was not helping with improving the mood. The cold rain beat against the windows incessantly. But you felt a sudden urge to go for a walk. You hoped the raindrops would wash away this feeling, that something was wrong. You went out into the garden without an umbrella, just enjoying the rain. There was no one around. You walked among the trees, missing Jungkook, although you'd rather not think about him now and just relax. You missed your parents, your brother which you still didn't see, even tho you had been in Korea for so many weeks. You wrote down in your mind the things you need to do, including the trip to your family home. Single tears ran down your cheek and quickly mixed with the rain. This way only you could notice them. Like suffering in hiding. You stopped in front of a small pond, that trembled restlessly under the pressure of the drops. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, letting the cold drops fall on you, soothing your anxiety.
As if your wish for peace had just come true, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Someone pulled you to him with a strong movement and a second later you were already in someone's arms. Warmth was spreading over your body. The pleasant scent, that you knew so well, reached your nose, and the raindrops no longer fell on your head, which was now protected by a large umbrella.

"Baby?" his melodic voice gave you the comfort you had been looking for many days. You cuddled up against him with all your strength, shivering with cold. "I've been looking for you everywhere," he told you straight into your ear, putting his arm around you more tightly.

"I missed you" you whispered finally as you ran your hand over his chest. And finally you looked up at him. As soon as he noticed your red, slightly puffy eyes from lack of sleep and probably from crying, guilt immediately hit him.

"Sorry," he choked, lowering his head. "I've been going through a very difficult time lately, I had to sort things out. I didn't want to drag you into this." he clumsily explained his absence. But you didn't buy it at all. You knew something was wrong, just not sure yet what.
"We will make up for this time, I promise. I will be at your disposal for the whole week, fulfilling each of your wishes" he smiled gently, hoping that maybe this way he would bribe you somehow.

You laughed. For the first time in days.
"Really. I will grant your every wish." he repeated, happy that your good mood returned.
"You have no idea how many wishes I have," you teased him, but he didn't give up.
He put his hand on your cheek and looked you deep into your eyes.
"I will fulfill them all, one by one," he whispered. "But now let's go home, you are freezing" he dragged you inside despite your protests.

You invited him into your apartment.
"Since we haven't seen each other so much lately, my first wish is to have a coffee with you. Now. At my place. And you are making it. Lots of whipped cream. And chocolate syrup." You made a wish and he laughed out loud.
"Your wish is my command, Princess. Take a warm shower and I will prepare everything."

You grinned. You were glad, that he was here, that you were close to him again, and that, in a way, everything was back on the old track. You ran overjoyed to take a quick shower and change out of those wet clothes. When you came back, there was coffee waiting for you, exactly what you dreamed of. Jungkook was leaning back with one hand on the kitchen counter, staring at you.
"Jungkook?" you tilted your head slightly and poked him. "What are you thinking about?"

He was eating you with his eyes. From your wet hair, the strands of which fell over your face, so natural, without a bit of makeup ... to the loose T-shirt you quickly put on. He wondered how wonderful it would be if you wore one of his, thoughts wandered too far.

"Come here." he said in a firm tone that surprised you a lot. Not being used to such a course of events, you obediently approached him. Jungkook locked you between his hands, your back pressed against the kitchen counter. He brought his face closer to yours and your breathing quickened immediately.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me," he quietly said in his hoarse voice, which you heard for the first time, and which sent a shiver through your whole body. He smiled as your body reacted to his closeness, and before you could ask him anything more, with one hand, he pulled you even closer, so that your bodies collided completely.
He just kissed you without warning. And it was a deep, passionate kiss. As if you haven't seen each other for months, not just few days. His hands rested on your waist and your lips moved in harmony. Losing control of what you were doing, you put your hands under his shirt, gently sliding them down his bare back. Jungkook, not used to such sensations, groaned in your mouth, surprised by his own reaction. Ashamed, he broke the kiss looking for an excuse.

"The coffee will get cold," he said hurriedly avoiding your eyes. His cheeks turned crimson, and you relished the sight of such an embarrassed man.

He took a step towards the coffee table, but you pushed him against a nearby wall and pressed your whole body against him. Surprised, he parted his mouth, and his eyes suddenly widened. You licked his lips gently, feeling him tremble under your touch. He closed his eyes, letting you do to him, whatever you wanted. Your tongue played slyly with his lips. You bit down on the bottom one until he groaned softly, then left him like that as you walked over to the coffee.

"You taste like chocolate. You stole some syrup, didn't you?" you asked laughing as he stared at you with his big eyes.

This woman will be my end.

While you were enjoying the best coffee you had, he observed you, fixed on his own thoughts.

I've already made my decision. I can't play with her feelings like that.
I won't ask to be in a relationship until I tell her everything.
And only when she fully accepts me, knowing absolutely everything ... only then our relationship will be possible. We'll start with a blank slate. From the beginning. Everything will work out somehow.

But the reality was different from what he had just promised himself in his mind.
When your mouth was covered with chocolate and whipped cream, he couldn't think of anything other than tasting your lips again. Your bodies collided again, your hands shamelessly wandered bolder and bolder, and your kisses grew longer and more hungry.

He wanted to steal a few more moments with you, hold what was the inevitable for a second.
But everything has its consequences.
And these were day by day getting closer.

Note from the author

Hi there! Thanks for being here and reading Spark. Please let me know, what are your thoughts about it :) Any suggestions? Predictions? Questions? <3

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