Chapter 11 - Hasty decisions

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|| Jungkook's POV ||

Yesterday, after returning to his apartment, he was thinking for a long time about what happened between you, and about direction in which this all was going. He realized, that he is caring more and more about you, but at the same time he remembered, that he has to tell you one of the most difficult truths he will have to reveal in his life.
He didn't want to hurt you, unfortunately he didn't know, that you, like him, were lost in your feelings and that whatever your reaction will be, it won't be easy.

7:00 AM. Not a single ray of sun shone through the windows covered with dark shutters. Jungkook slept soundly after yesterday's romantic afternoon with you. The sudden knock, that echoed through the apartment, didn't fully reach his ears. Deeply asleep, he took it as one of its elements.
Another knocking forced him to open his eyes. He still didn't fully understand what the sound was, he was too sleepy to react properly. He lazily stood up from the bed. His tousled hair fell messily across his face. He wrinkled his nose, clearly unhappy, that he was awake so early. He shuffled lazily towards the bathroom, in the meantime taking off his T-shirt, tossing it on the edge of the bed. His hand was about to reach the bathroom door handle when there was a third knock.

He pursed his lips and went back sleepily, this time to the main door. Visitors weren't welcome at this early hour, so he got himself ready to complain, sure that one of the band members had come to him with some bullshit reason, without even looking at time. He personally bet it will be Hobi, as only he gets up so early.
With a slightly frown, he opened the door.

"YN?" his lips parted in slight surprise. You were the last person he expected to be here right now, but he was definitely not disappointed in that turn of events. "What are you doing here so early? You couldn't sleep?" he yawned like a crocodile, and swayed slightly as you spontaneously walked past him on the threshold and entered his apartment without invitation.

"Umm ... of course, please come in ..." he muttered with a smile to himself, seeing that you already felt at home. But the smile faded from his face almost immediately as he realized that all his BTS stuff was lying freely scattered around the apartment. He didn't expect you to come unannounced so he didn't care much about their placement.

Like after an adrenaline rush, he woke up instantly. He closed the door with a bang, then ran into the living room like a rocket, passing you on the way. He was collecting whatever he could get his hands on: jewellery, that was scattered on the dresser, pages with a schedule for a concert that he will be playing soon, and he kicked his iconic purple microphone until it rolled under the curtains. He couldn't do more, because you already appeared in the room - clearly surprised.

"JK? What are you doing?" you asked with a little anxiety, watching him bustle around the room, nervously looking around at the corners. Almost as if he was hiding something.

He finally looked at you. His heart was beating too fast, one and the same thought kept spinning in his head: did I managed to hide everything?

"Umm ... I'm cleaning up the mess, I wanted it to look better in front of you. I didn't know you were coming to visit," he blurted out any excuse that came to his mind. He was still very stressed, but quickly realized, that you were focusing your attention on something completely different, than your surroundings.
He involuntarily smiled from the corner of his mouth as he saw your gaze linger on his bare chest, and your lips parting slightly in unconscious approval. He chuckled, knowing it would throw you out of this momentary suspension. He was already laughing hard when he saw your abashed face shortly before you covered it with your hands.

"Yaaah! Kookie! Could you please put on some clothes?" hearing you, he only felt more amused. He looked at your red face and then he decided to have a little fun.

He slowly walked over to you, still looking you straight in the eye. You tried to look away from him. Seeing you taking a few clumsy steps backwards - he chuckled and in one smooth movement, he pulled you towards him. He rested your head on his chest and hugged you tightly around the waist. You squeezed your eyes shut, your breathing quickened, he felt its heat against his body. Jungkook smiled gently.

"I'm terribly sorry, but it's all your fault, YN. You came in here without any warning." he perversely whispered in your ear, not hesitating to touch it with his lips. Feeling a shiver, which ran through your body, he hugged you even tighter.

"Stop it. You are embarrassing me more." You tried to wrestle with him and yank out of his grip somehow, but he had definitely more strength than you. He just laughed and lifted your chin so that you could finally meet each other's eyes.

"You're beautiful when you're shy," he murmured and leaned in to kiss you. Seeing, that you weren't protesting, he pulled you to him, so that your lips could stick to each other more closely. His heart skipped a beat as you involuntarily put your hands on him. "And you taste like coffee with vanilla," he murmured straight into your mouth as he continued kissing. "Which made me realize, that I still haven't had my coffee or shower today ..." he purred and again he was pecking your lips. "You'll stay?" he asked when he finally pulled away himself from you, although he did it so reluctantly.

"For a coffee?" Your question amused him. He didn't want to embarrass you anymore, but knowing how innocent you were, he couldn't help it. He brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, leaned towards you ... "No. For a shower" he playfully whispered, winning the blush on both of your cheeks in return.

Seeing you shaking your head in a hurry, he grinned. "Just kidding. Take it easy. Sit down here and give me a moment. I'll take a quick shower and be right back. Make yourself at home." He was unsure of his own words. He was afraid to leave you alone in the room for even those 15 minutes, afraid, that you might find or see something that would put his secret in danger. But he had no choice. After all, he could not ask you to leave, and he will not take you for a shower with him either. Even though, the thought of having a bath together, effectively aroused him. He quickly disappeared behind the bathroom door.

|| YN's POV ||

As soon as Jungkook disappeared into the bathroom, you ran to the kitchen. You wanted to surprise him, so you started making coffee and you looked in the fridge to prepare some breakfast. You didn't really know that much about him. For example what is his culinary preferences or what coffee is his favourite. But you didn't have much time to think. So you made a kimchijeon and left it to slowly heat up. You thought coffee would be a much better start for his day, since he mentioned himself, that he hadn't drunk it yet and also he didn't look fully awake.

You added freshly grated cinnamon, vanilla syrup and a ice cream to the coffee. At the last minute, you put everything on the table and sat down on the sofa. You didn't have time to do anything else as Jungkook appeared in front of you.

Strands of wet hair fell over his face. He smelled like the sea in the morning in summer time, and he looked like a young god. You wanted to munch on him. You stared at him until he finally cleared his throat.

"Did you stare enough?" he showed a whole row of teeth in his smile and sat right next to you, regardless of such a close contact of your bodies. "How did you get everything ready so quickly?" surprised, he started drinking his coffee. As soon as he took the first sip, he closed his eyes, savouring the taste. "What have you added to it? It is unearthly" he praised you, and you, proud as a peacock, grinned in a smile.

"I poured a bit of my love in" you joked, and his eyes widened.

Love. It's a beautiful and important word. It flashed through his mind several times in the last few days. But hearing it from your mouth, it was like everything seemed much better, feelings much stronger, thoughts more confused.

His nose moved like a rabbit's nose. You laughed out loud at this sight.

"You're like a bunny, do you know that?" you asked him, wiping the tear that ran down your cheek because of laughter.

"It's not my fault, that I could smell the food. I wonder who's cooking, that it came even to our floor." Jungkook didn't give up and tried to recognize the food by moving his nose. You got up and went to the kitchen. He followed you curiously. As you calmly put the pancake on his plate, he hugged you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.

"You made even breakfast? You really are a fairy" he whispered in your ear and kissed the crook of your neck. You had a pleasant feeling for a moment. A feeling you haven't known so far. Warmth from a loved one, gratitude and happiness. You stood still for a moment, holding the plate with the breakfast ready in hand. You did not want to spoil this moment, you wanted him to hold you in such a way, even for a moment. You fell for this man. If you only knew what was behind his mask ...

"So? What was so important, that you got me out of the bed at such unforgivable time?" he finally asked about the purpose of your visit while eating the pancake you handed him.

Your answer made him almost choke on the piece he was just swallowing.

"Will you accompany me to my brother's wedding?"

A simple wish. No big deal. But you didn't know, what his reality was like. How limited are his options and how much he can afford. That freedom or privacy are words which meaning he knows, but has never been able to experience. For as long as he can remember, ordinary things are unattainable to him.
You didn't know, that he can't just show up in public, that he is daily walking around with security, and even shopping is mostly made by the staff. He has only recently started living on his own, but he will be still tested and supervised for the next five years. You didn't know, that showing up with a woman would be the biggest scandal and a even bigger problem for both of you.

Jungkook froze. He fought for a long time with his own thoughts.

If I will refuse her, she will not understand me. She will think, I don't want to accompany her, and she will question all my intentions and everything that we have built so far will lie in ruins. I would hurt her with this.
But if I agree and the secret comes out like this ... And if we will make a scandal with it ... then her world will fall into a million tiny pieces, that we probably won't be able to put together anymore.

He looked at you. Your pleading, innocent eyes. He didn't dare to refuse you, he couldn't do it.

"Of course I'll go there with you." He answered against what his heart screamed in panic.


In the evening, Sang-hee came to you with an unexpected visit. Seeing how excited she was, good humour began to infect you. You even thought, that this might be a good time to mention, that you are dating someone.
But Sang-hee was not even letting you get a word out. She couldn't even sit still. While you were preparing your drinks, she was walking from place to place, shifting from foot to foot. Finally, you couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sang-hee, please, already spill the tea, and tell me what's up, or I'm going to go crazy from your mindless walking around."

Your friend clapped her hands happily, as if she was waiting for your permission to start babbling about her surprise.

"YN!" she whined, "BTS has just announced their world tour!" she finally spoke out, so quickly, you had a hard time understanding. But she continued. "Do you understand that? New songs, new choreographies and completely new outfits. Probably also the hair colour and everything ..." she was daydreaming and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She was acting like a teenager, definitely not like the adult woman she was.

"AND?" you asked unfazed as you sipped your drink. She looked at you in disbelief.

"What does AND mean?" she was indignant. "I hunted down the best tickets for us! And believe me, it wasn't easy. It's just like the Hunger Games." she laughed. You finally started to share her enthusiasm.

"Well, why not, maybe I need to go to a concert" you shrugged. But she only looked at you with her big eyes.
"Wait until you see them! You will become ARMY at first sight."
"ARMY?" you repeated after her. The word echoed in your head. You've heard this phrase somewhere before, but haven't been able to remember where exactly.
Maybe if you would remember your conversation with Hobi, or if you would pull your friend's tongue, things would have turned out very differently.

If only Sang-hee knew, who lives at the end of the hall, and if you only knew, who exactly is on the BTS squad ... everything would be completely different.

|| Jungkook's POV ||

That evening, Jungkook went to Taehyung's. They'd been planning Overwatch night for weeks, and something always was destroying their plans. But today they finally managed to meet. Jungkook wanted to use the moment to make a small confession and ask him for advice.

But he didn't get approval at all.

"What have you done?!" Tae yelled at him, surprised at his recklessness. Ever since JK told him, he agreed to come with you to your brother's wedding, he was shocked.
"You probably don't know what you did. After all, all attention will be focused on you. The fact, that she didn't know you, doesn't mean, that all guests at this wedding also don't. After all, your secret will be revealed in the first minute of this event. " Taehyung was incredulous when he was explaining JK's mistake.

But Jungkook just nodded his head in agreement.

"I hope to tell her about everything by then," he replied calmly.

"I think you should do this as soon as possible. You play cat and mouse with her. It's a very dangerous game, Kookie. You can lose a lot."

Jungkook was well aware, that his hyung was 100% right.
But it was not as easy, as they all think.

"Actually, I have already planned everything. I would like to spend literally one month with her without telling her anything. You know ... like an ordinary boy, who is not an idol at all, and who is not watched and judged by 50 million fans. Never ever I was able to enjoy such a life, and even though I know, that I am deceiving myself, I now have a chance to taste for a moment a life, that I will never have. Am I so guilty, that I would like to see how it feels like? I would like to feel like a free man for a moment. " Jungkook looked sad. Tae put his arm around him in a gesture of understanding.

"No Kook, it's not your fault life is so fucked up. We paid a huge price for what we achieved, for our black cards, fame, houses and cars. To have it all ... we sacrificed everything."

Jungkook looked at his friend. He just realized, that he was suffering just as much as him, just he never talked about it.

"If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have made that decision so hastily," JK muttered softly, going back into a memory from many years ago.

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