Chapter 12 - One step closer

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Ever since you started dating your handsome neighbour, you've always tried to look like a million dollars. The chance to meet him, even in the stairwell, was very high, or... he could always just visit you. Your wardrobe was filled with creations that didn't necessarily match the Korean style, so it was the time to go for a huge shopping.

Honestly, you were hoping to bring Sang-hee with you, but since she told you about the concert, she's been working day and night to make as much money as possible. You knew very well how hard it was to work for something, so you didn't pressure her to take the day off, let alone spend on clothes. It is true, that you tried to explain to her, that you would be willing to pay for her, but she did not even take such an offer seriously.
There was nothing left for you to do, but to go on a shopping frenzy all alone.

You spent half the day at the mall. Everything seemed strange to you. You were not used to this fashion standard, you didn't like how you looked in all your clothes. It was hard for you to decide on anything. You missed shopping in Europe, the tight and provocative outfits you and your friends were putting on. You might have found one here, too, but you wanted to avoid those unpleasant looks from the people, especially the elders, who completely didn't understand it.
You didn't want to look too defiant either. Jungkook has spent his whole life in Korea, he certainly likes the less vulgar creations. Thinking about it, you walked from store to store, randomly buying things until you could barely hold your bags in your hands.
You were about to leave when your eye was caught by the perfect dress. A shiny, black as onyx dress - which under the influence of light shimmered delicately as if it contained the entire galaxy. It was a bit of a defiant creation, but you couldn't take your eyes off it.
You sighed softly sticking your nose to the glass. The price was knocking down, but it ended up with another bag landing in your hands anyway.
Now, fully satisfied, you climbed into the taxi that took you home. You were hungry and tired.

While you were trying to collect all your new "belongings," someone watched you with amusement. He wanted to come at the beginning, but unfortunately he couldn't risk it that much. That's why he entered the building first and waited calmly until you were standing near the elevator.
You put all the bags on the floor in front of the elevator, impatiently pressed the button a few times, as if it would get it down faster. You probably would still have fought on that button if not the sudden, deep voice right next to your ear.

"I'll help you."

You turned in an instant, surprised by the sudden presence.
Your gaze involuntarily travelled over the entire silhouette of the stranger, who was standing with his arms crossed on his chest. He was smiling the corner of his mouth. You couldn't deny - he looked sexy, in all his black outfit. But you were back to good sense very quickly.

"No need, thank y ..." you replied, but you didn't even have time to finish because as soon as the elevator door opened, he automatically took your shopping and carried them inside. He himself leaned against the wall and looked at you. A strange shiver ran through your body.

"I am Yoongi." he blurted out suddenly, smiling gently at you. There was something intimidating about him, your cheeks flushed and you were so embarrassed, that you didn't even introduce yourself in response.

"You look cute when you get nervous." He was shamelessly looking at you, and when you ignored him completely, he pulled you towards him in one motion. Unexpectedly, you tripped over your own legs, almost colliding with him. The anger came immediately. You broke away from him.

"What are you doing?" you snarled. You were angry - more scared in fact. But you didn't want to show it to him.
He, at the other hand, seemed to care nothing about your attitude. In an instant he turned you over and pinned you to the wall. Your heart started to beat like crazy. And not from excitement at all. You fixed your gaze on him.

Yoongi brushed a lock of hair from your face. "Do I intimidate you?" he whispered millimetres from your face, and your fear made you unable to utter a word. You felt your legs grow into the ground and you became like a statue.
"So innocent, so embarrassed ... you look so adorable, baby," he continued, looking at your face. He licked his lips and you could have sworn he'd just bent over to kiss you, but the elevator door luckily opened at the last moment.

You gathered your things at such a pace, that you couldn't believe it yourself, that it hasn't fallen out of your hands yet. You almost ran out of the elevator, leaving a stranger laughing under his breath. For a moment you thought you heard JK's voice, but you were too stressed to think straight. All you dreamed about, was the closed door of your apartment, in which you finally felt safe as soon as you fell to the floor on the other side.

"What was that supposed to be ..." you murmured to yourself as the first emotions started to fade away from you.

|| JK's POV ||

He stood a little shocked, staring at the place where a moment ago you were struggling sloppy with the lock on the door.
He couldn't understand what upset you so much, you didn't even answer him, he dared to say that you didn't notice him at all, and it seemed very strange to him.
But a moment after you, Yoongi came out of the elevator and as soon as he saw Jungkook, he covered his mouth not to burst out laughing. He had just realized what had happened, and that he had made something very complicated.

"Hey kiddo." he said calmly, at which JK stared at him suspiciously.

"You were in the elevator with my girlfriend?" he asked without beating around the bush.

"Oh, so this is the girl you're making so much fuss about?" Yoongi laughed under his breath.

"Yeah, but it looks like something has upset her a lot, she doesn't usually act like that."

"Yeah ... about that ..." he began hesitantly. "It's probably my fault."

"What did you do, Yoongi?" Jungkook sighed in disappointment.

"I was a bit pushy ... but I didn't know she was yours!" Yoongi tried to get out of this awkward situation.

JK couldn't believe what he was just hearing.

"Why do you always have to act like jerk, hyung?" he growled dissatisfied with what just happened, and his thoughts flashed to you. He wondered what Yoongi did or said, that he stressed you out so much.

He glared at his older friend. "I swear I will kill you!"

As soon as they sat to the table full of Korean food and soju, Jungkook almost immediately snarled at Yoongi.
"Now you will go there and apologize to her. And you will not come back until you manage to convince her to have dinner with us. I don't know how you will do it, but if it's your fault, you will deal with the consequences as well."
Yoongi looked at him surprised. Not only in his harsh tone, but also how protective he was towards you. The way he spoke left no room for whining or trying to ignore it. Even so, Yoongi decided to be a little tease.

"Excuse me? Why should I go there?" embarrassed, he tried to somehow defend himself from this uncomfortable situation.
But the look, that JK gave him, quickly helped him to gather from his seat and hurry to you. He hesitated briefly before knocking on your door.

|| Your POV ||

You just unpacked your today's shopping. You couldn't tell, that taking everything out of your bags at once was a good idea. Your bedroom looked like after a tornado. But thanks to this activity, you were finally able to calm down after this strange elevator situation. Unfortunately, you haven't been able to enjoy your peace for too long. A gentle knock on the door immediately caught your attention.
You walked carefully to the door and opened it a little. The face you saw on the other side was the last one you expected and the last one you wanted to see right now. You shuddered at the unpleasant shiver that passed through your body. Yoongi smiled faintly, visibly embarrassed and a little confused.

"YN" he started hesitantly, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, but you cut him off immediately.

"What do you want? What are you doing here? Wasn't it enough? That your crude acting in the elevator?" you spat out a stream of words. You were nervous, you had no idea what that boy was still doing here. You hoped your unpleasant attitude would discourage him.

"Hey hey wait, I just wanted to apologize to you." he started to defend himself when you were going to close the door in his face. "I am a friend and associate of Jungkook. I didn't know you were his girlfriend, I acted inappropriately ..." he quickly explained, fearing that you might not listen to him. You opened your eyes wider, surprised at what he just said.

"I'm not his girlfr ..." you wanted quickly deny it, but he didn't even let you finish.

"Whatever was there between you, I didn't know ... If I had known, I would never have acted like this. As you nodded slowly accepting his apology, he decided to continue.
"JK asked me to invite you to dinner, actually he didn't even ask for inviting you, he ordered me to bring you to dinner. And I really hope you will let me persuade you, because I would love to fix what I screwed up."

There was something sincere about his look and manner of speech. All the anger you directed at him somehow evaporated. You sighed, surrendering to his pleas. You had nothing to lose, and besides, Jungkook would be there. So you were sure you won't be hurt. Perhaps, as Yoongi told you, it was just a stupid misunderstanding and he would actually like to start all over again. And you've always given people a second chance ... or at least nothing so serious has ever happened that you wouldn't have given such a chance.

Jungkook grinned as soon as you entered the apartment with Yoongi. They exchanged understanding looks, and you sat down at the table, in front of them. The smells of spicy Korean food played with your nose pleasantly, and the soju that stood between dishes tempted you even more.

You didn't even have to put some food on your plate, because Jungkook hurriedly composed the whole set for you, out of the nicest pieces. Almost like a five-star service. Your glass was always full of alcohol, and the conversation became more and more comfortable.

Yoongi watched in disbelief as his younger friend changed under the influence of his relationship with you. From a shy boy to a proud and brave man who does everything to impress his woman. Who cares about every detail so that everything, absolutely everything is perfect for her. Yoongi enjoyed his smile the most, a huge sincere smile that screamed how happy he was. He smiled to himself. JK was the youngest of them, but as a first found someone for himself. He deserved it - he thought, and lost himself again in conversation with you.

"You could have told me before that your girlfriend is also your neighbour. We would have avoided this misunderstanding." he laughed as he poked a finger playfully into Jungkook's side.

"YN... he is a jerk. I hope you understand why I didn't introduce you before "JK laughed, slightly pushing Yoongi away as he was making fun of him.

"But I'm sure such situation will never happen again." He gave Yoongi a stern look, at which the other just laughed more.

"I see, I see ..." He raised his hands in surrender, laughing at JK's expression. "Since when did you become so protective?"

Eventually, you too burst out laughing and felt completely relaxed for the first time. You and Yoongi got along very quickly, and after a few drinks you told JK that you and Yoongi were best friends. The laughter and the jokes seemed to be endless, until finally Yoongi said something you couldn't understand, something that made you sober up in a second.

"Are you really ok with the fact, that J will be out of Seoul for some time?"?

You looked at them in surprise. You didn't know what to answer because you didn't understand what he was talking about. You stared at Jungkook, but he avoided your gaze. Something was wrong, but you couldn't put it together in any way. You finally looked at Yoongi.

"What do you mean? I don't know anything about that. Is JK going somewhere?"

He hesitated for a second, then finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I mean for wor ..." he wanted to say world tour, of course, but JK cut him off immediately, visibly nervous.

"Work! He meant work! I'll be working for some time out of Seoul."

JK looked emphatically at his friend and Yoongi immediately fell silent.

"Mhm" you murmured in agreement, to make him think you believed him.
You just realized, that you really don't know much about him.
Yoongi sneaked a glance at you, and that was enough to make sure JK was hiding something and that it was important.
I'll get it out of you, you thought.

From that moment on, the discussion became heavy and forced.
You didn't enjoy it anymore. Your head was full of questions you didn't think you would get an answer to. You knew you had to be more careful now to notice anything. You set yourself the goal of understanding what Yoongi was trying to tell you. He himself avoided your gaze, this sudden change in behaviour caught your attention. He left very late, and you got up with him, ready to go back to your apartment.

Jungkook pointed to the couch.
"Please wait for me, I'll just walk him to the car and come back to you soon."

You didn't really want to stay here any longer. Even though the alcohol swirled pleasantly in your head, you were still angry that he was hiding something from you. You didn't like such people, you preferred to say everything openly, than hide in yourself, and this is also what you expected from your loved ones.
But among your thoughts, there were also such, that maybe it's something that's hard for him to talk about, maybe he's waiting for the right moment, and so on. That overshadowed you a bit.

When the door to his apartment opened again, you immediately got up and tramped in that direction. Jungkook locked door behind him, turning the key in the lock. Your gaze from the key went to him, you stared at him questioningly.
Then you laughed a little nervously.

"Are you going to kidnap me? Keep me here against my will?" you asked him in a slightly drunk voice, giggling.

He was staring at you without saying a word. His gaze was lustful, it made you feel like you were losing ground.
He pinned you to the wall, you groaned softly.
He lifted your hands up and held them above your head with one hand. You stared at him, defenceless as a deer.

"Is that what you think now, in that sexy head of yours?" he whispered straight into your ear and a thrill of excitement ran through your body.

The thoughts, that ran through your head, were so dirty, that you felt ashamed even though you didn't say them out loud.
You turned your head to the side, exposing your neck and giving him a silent consent to whatever he planned, but he just laughed softly.
With his other hand, he stroked your skin, from the wrists to your shoulders, down to your waist, where he hugged you tightly and pulled you towards him in one smooth motion. Your body arched against him. Your breath accelerated out of control.

"You're lucky we drank a lot today. Otherwise, nothing would stop me."

Before you could express your opinion on his dirty threats, he kissed you so greedily, that he turned your world upside down.
What you wanted to do with him at that moment shocked even you.
As soon as he loosened his grip, your hands immediately went to his shirt, without breaking an exciting kiss, you hastily began to undo the buttons on it.
But Jungkook brushed your hands away quickly and gave you a sly smile.

"Not today kitten, not yet."

Author's note

Hi. It would be nice if you leave a comment and vote :)Your opinions are the driving force behind my work.



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