Chapter 13 - In the bubble

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Word from an author:

This chapter was the hardest for me to write.
But thanks to you, I was able to get through it.
You've been my inspiration lately Gia <3
Thank you

You haven't had time to rest properly for the last few days. Someone important flew to Korea, they only told you, that he was some kind of politician. You had no idea whether he came from Europe, America or Asia. All you knew was, that the entire government agency was on standby. Papers were flying everywhere, everyone was in a hurry, you were collecting folders with documentation and you didn't even know where or what to do with them. You knew, that you wouldn't have peace for at least a week. You already wanted to go through it, translate what you have to, meet where and when you have to and come back to your normal, boring day at the office.

It totally flew out of your head, that Yoongi had almost blown away some dirty secret of Jungkook. But you were really too tired to deal with them yet.

When it finally turned out that Defence Secretary from the USA arrived, you knew you were literally fucked.
The conference was top secret, you had to sign a whole pile of documents and then translate information about the defence of both countries, and you really didn't want to know too much about it. The less the safer.
They obviously assured you, that you would get a much higher salary for that, but you would rather be such a grey, ordinary person from the office, than carry such confidential information inside you.

It was only a matter of time before you got promoted. Everyone in your place would be happy. But you knew you got that promotion just because you knew too much and they wanted to keep you closer.
The only good thing about it was, that you could finally rest. All this circus was over.
This was the last night, that you have fallen on the bed with no strength, sighing heavily and cursing with every Korean curse you knew.

The loud slam of the door signalled to Jungkook, that you came to your home.
He has set himself the goal of completely distracting you, so that it does not even cross your mind, to rummage through the secrets he was hiding from you.
Of course, he knew he had to tell you everything anyway, and he was scrupulously preparing for it, but for now, he just wanted to have fun with you.

A light knock on the door. You sighed deeply. You had neither the strength nor the desire for any meeting. Even with him. And you knew it was Kook standing on the other side. You didn't answer, so he dared go inside himself. He laughed seeing you like this.

"You don't even have the strength to answer me?" he came up to you and crouched down in front of you.
You shook your head for no.

"This job is going to wipe me out." you whined to him. Then you held your hands out to him. Jungkook's eyes gleamed almost instantly. He wasted no time and he crawled onto the sofa with you, covering you with the blanket.

You felt his arm around you. You put your head on his chest and let him stroke your hair. You fell asleep in this position, and he was just sitting quietly, staring at you as if you were some miracle. And that's what you were for him. A dream, which came true, his first and only one, a treasure he did not want to lose.

When you woke up in your bed in the morning, you were very surprised.
You didn't remember much about the day before. Certainly not how you ended up in your room. The only thing you remembered was that you hugged him.

"Jungkookie?" you asked gently as you scrambled out of bed and trudged silently into the kitchen. But only silence answered you. He was neither in the kitchen nor in the living room. You pouted a little dissatisfied. You hoped, that he would be here, though you didn't know why. You liked his presence, your heart sped up whenever your hands touched, even if only by accident. You were about to reach for the phone and write a message to him, when the door of your apartment opened and you saw JK himself, holding a large sports bag in his hand.

You gave him a questioning look.
"Are you going somewhere?" you asked timidly, and as if by magic impulse the memory of that dismal dinner came back, when Yoongi mentioned, that he would not be in Seoul for a while. Could this be the moment?

"We're going somewhere," he corrected you and grinned as he invited himself in.
JK totally ignored your surprised expression.
"Now, that I have seen how exhausting your work was, and since we have the whole weekend ahead of us, I decided to take you for camping. We need such a break from everything and everyone." Proud of his idea, he didn't even let you answer, he just urged you to start packing.

"Take only comfortable clothes. Take something warm. A jacket? I took the blanket, it's already in the car." You looked at him and ran amok picking up the clothes he basically chose as perfect for the occasion.
"I've already taken sleeping bags and the tent"

"Tent?" you asked, surprised.

He laughed out loud. "Have you ever been camping? Did you think we were going to sleep in a hotel? Or maybe in the car?" He shook his head and quickly packed the pile of clothes you had put aside for the occasion.
"We just have to jump in for a quick shopping. We have to eat, something, tho" he winked and dragged you to the car. Half asleep and only half contacting... you didn't know what's going on.
Otherwise you would never approved of it. Certainly not so spontaneously.
But he was as smart as a fox and he used the situation cleverly. You didn't even notice when you were sitting in the car and you were riding in an unfamiliar direction.

When you got there, you were shocked. All the way you have been complaining to him, that he is taking you somewhere to the end of the world, far from civilization, and that there is absolutely nothing in the area. And now you couldn't get enough the views, that unfolded before you.

While Jungkook was unpacking everything from the car, you were walking along the shore of the lake.
Only when a gentle breeze brushed your face and you breathed the fresh, moist air did you understand how much you needed such a rest.

Jungkook watched you with a little smile on his face. He was glad that, he managed to take you with him, that you didn't protest and now you looked even pleased. What more could he want? Finally, you will be able to spend some time alone without any pressure. Almost...

He quickly dealt with the tent, lined it with sleeping bags and blankets. He tried not to think about the evening, when you both would be completely alone in it, as close as never before.
Although he would like to take the next step, he was well aware, that as long as this hellish secret was upon him, it would be better if nothing will happen between you.
He was just lighting a fire, lost in thought as you put your hands on his shoulders.

"Can I help you with something?" you asked frowning, and his thoughts went crazy. He wanted to tell you what was on his mind and what you could help him with, but he forced himself to calm down.

"I'm almost done. You can prepare something to eat, I mean ...just bring the products we bought, and I'll prepare the rest for the barbecue. You have to be hungry." he stroked your cheek, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the moment.

You wished it would always be that way. You and him, getting closer and closer to each other. Away from stress, a perfect relationship. And that's what your delusional expression was like. That everything is perfect, that you were so lucky. That you found someone who will be your 'forever'.

You spent the afternoon on preparing a meal together, on a long conversation and at dusk, you walked along the lake shore.
And when it got completely dark you sat right by the water and you suddenly pouted like little girl.

"What happened princess?" Jungkook lifted your chin with one hand and forced you to look him straight in the eye. He, himself very quickly regretted it, because he immediately sank into them and all he could think about right now, was how your lips tasted.
You yourself held your breath for a moment, because that one moment was truly magical. You, him, nothing around and that sudden closeness, that felt more intimate this time.

"I wish I had brought my swimsuit. I have such a terrible desire to swim in this lake." finally you muttered dissatisfied with yourself.
He looked at you for a moment with a slightly pensive face, not entirely sure if he should suggest it or not, but finally decided to take a chance ...

"YN, did you ever swim ... naked?" he grinned and thanked god it was already so dark and that the flames from the fire distorted the colours. Otherwise, you would have noticed how red his cheeks are.

You were shocked. But it was not the question that surprised you, but the desire that awakened in you. At that moment, you wanted to try it. You didn't know why, did he influence you so much? What happened with you? You were changing into someone completely different, more courageous, getting rid of the resistance you had so far.
"I didn't. But we can change that." Somehow the words fell out of your mouth.

His eyes widened. He hadn't expected such an answer at all. He thought you would rather turn everything into a joke.
But if you think so yourself ... who is he to protest?

Without a word, he watched you take off your hoodie, T-shirt and shorts. You paraded right next to him, in just your underwear, and he felt, that he was about to start drooling like a puppy.
He gathered up in a hurry, throwing his tracksuits out. Now for the first time both of you faced each other in underwear.

"Turn around." You demanded. He laughed under his breath, and you could hear his chuckle even when, after throwing off your underwear, you plunged up to your neck in the water.
With your head pointed in the opposite direction, you waited for him to join you.
You fought the temptation to even glance at him.
And when he stood right next to you and placed a gentle kiss against your neck, it was hard for you to control your own emotions. Surprised by the sudden touch, you couldn't help the little moan, that escaped from your mouth. He smiled to himself because you tickled his ego.
He was well aware, that he could drive you crazy. And he was going to. Just not yet.

To complicate matters a bit, you were completely naked, and you just turned to face him, throwing your arms around his neck. He didn't know if you were completely unaware that your bodies were just touching dangerously, or if you were doing it on purpose, tempting him and driving him to the very edge.
His breathing quickened. His heart was beating so hard he was afraid it was about to pop out of his chest.

And since we are speaking about the chest ... It was difficult for him to focus on anything else, since your nipples, hard under the influence of the cold water, were touching his naked body. He wanted to literally eat you out, right here and now. Nobody would hear you.

"YN ..." he began gently. And when he heard only a soft humming in response, he continued. "I think it's getting colder. Let's go back to the tent. Wait, I'll get you a towel in a minute and you can get dressed."
He really didn't want to stop it, he didn't want to walk away from you. He wanted to feel you wrapped around him, he wanted to carry you to that tent and throw you to the floor with him, and he wanted to make love to you until dawn. But the burden he was carrying on his shoulders effectively prevented him from this.

So the evening ended with a quick warm-up after a bath. Even though you both wanted something more, neither of you dared to bring it up. It ended up only with cuddles. And dreams, wet like your body right after your swimming.

In the morning you woke up cuddled up to him like a little monkey. It was probably the most beautiful morning you have ever had in your life. You watched him sleeping so sweetly with a broad smile. His face was so delicate, it was hard to believe he was real. He slept with his lips slightly parted, and you wanted to lean over and kiss him all morning. His cheekbones were so sharply outlined, you remembered it was one of the first detail, you noticed when you first saw him.
His shaggy hair were in a mess on the pillow, he smelled like fresh laundry, you chuckled under your breath and he opened his eyes, pulling you to him.

"Have you been looking at me like this for a long time?" he asked in a slightly hoarse voice, and you just realized that this is your favourite version of Jungkook. Sleepy, sweet, playful.

"Too short ..." you sighed, and he kissed you greedily. For a moment you felt everything spinning around you. You cursed mentally that he had total control over you. Because definitely, you would do anything for him, you would agree to any request, you would obey on any point .... stop .... you scold yourself mentally. You're a little too far from the topic.

"What time are we leaving?" you asked, tearing yourself away from him reluctantly.

"Right after breakfast," he murmured as he slowly got up.
You scuttled out of the tent and almost immediately noticed a car parked in the distance.

"Jungkook!" you called him. "Someone came here too, look, there's a car. We're at the end of the world, what was the chance that someone would come here now?" you let out a whole stream of words.
JK winced slightly at the sight of the car, but shrugged his shoulders, pretending that he didn't know anything about it and that it was just pure coincidence.
The truth was quite different. Security has followed you from the very beginning. They just had to stay away and not get noticed. Jungkook was pissed.
He realized very quickly, that he can't delay it anymore and that he have to tell you everything, or one day it could end really badly.

He looked at you and you were just humming and bustling around, packing everything slowly into the car.
His heart broke in two pieces. If someone would ask him to make a wish now, he would have asked for a normal life.
Fear consumed him piece by piece. Because what if you will reject him? What if this truth overwhelms you? If that's too much for you? What will he do without you? His life without you seemed impossible.
He made his first steps towards you. He was just about to tell you, that you need to talk about something important, but another excuse came up by itself, and he once again delayed the inevitable.

"Kookie? Can we go out on such dates more often?" you asked softly and he melted right away. JK hugged you tightly and inhaled your scent. He hoped you wouldn't notice how he trembled for fear of losing you. That his breath had gone mad, that his heart was running low on its own batteries.

"Yes baby. I'll shower you with dates. I'll give you whatever you will ask for. I'll throw the whole world at your feet."

You weren't aware, that he meant it seriously, that for fear of losing you, he would do anything.


And as he promised, the following weeks were a real paradise for you.
Date after date, and even though they were all away from the crowds, you were so dimmed with your feelings for him, that you were totally blind to the obvious red flag.
You had a wonderful time by the seaside, walking on the beach in the evenings. He was playing guitar for you, though he didn't want to sing too much, and you didn't know the reason.

You spent wonderful moments at home, when you played some games, danced or cooked together.
Or...these hours of video calling, even when you recently saw each other tho, then too, you fell asleep often looking at each other through the phone screens.
He never pressed for anything, he was not obtrusive, never asked for staying the night. He was ... almost perfect. Too perfect.

You have become incredibly close to each other. You devoted every free moment to him. You fell very quickly into the trap of love.
In all this, you didn't even notice, that you didn't have a single photo together, so when you asked for it, he had no choice ...

"Baby? I'd like to take you somewhere, I'd like to tell you something important..." he gasped out, although it took literally every spark of his courage.

And you, in total ignorance, thought, that this will be just another beautiful date, another beautiful moment to save in your memories.

And definitely this moment was permanently saved ... but not as if you would dream about.

Being in a soap bubble is just an illusion.
It is indeed beautiful and colourful.
And in this bubble, even time flows differently.
But the truth is, behind a veil of lies,
you will see the eye of the tornado in which you just landed.
And in that eye, peace is just a single moment.

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