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Alex was on the same page as Paisley. He hadn't wanted any Allies, opening his heart to more than just Paisley compromised his priority's. Paisley getting out was the only thing he wanted, he didn't want to wish for someone else to be leaving as well. He had been just about to storm over to Paisley when someone caught his arm.

The boy had been surprised to find Finnick Odair who was his age to be the one stopping him. "Just wait a moment." He asked as his eyes hadn't left Paisley or the blonde girl. Finnick had been taking in Paisley's features ever since he had left the girls, he had been amazed by how easily the girl acted during her reaping.

The beautiful face she had adorned by her tan skin and long hair made his heart miss a beat. He had never met someone so beautiful. So strong. This was more than just an attraction as he watched his tribute laugh once again. He hadn't seen her smile since before the reaping. It was all thanks to Paisley Laurson.

Alex's furrowed brows must have given him away as Finnick explained his reasoning. "I haven't seen my tribute act this way since before the reaping." This caught Alex by surprise as he asked his next question without even meaning too. A slip of his tongue.

"You knew her before she was reaped?" Finnick stiffened uncomfortable as he nodded tightly.

"I did." At his reply Alex suddenly felt for the boy his age, having to train and then watch someone whom you've already known die has got to be the worst job out there. He could only hope that after Paisley won no one she knew would ever be reaped again.

How wrong Alexander Laurson would turn out to be.

"Were you close?" He found himself asking the Sex Symbol of Panem. If Alex had thought the peacock was a threat, he wouldn't be standing here. Something about Finnick Odair seemed to be keeping the boy rooted in place.

"It's uh, complicated." He stated showing a charming smile before the male tribute for four came over. Finnick and Alex watched as Paisley shoved her finger into his chest and placed her hand on her hip, however as he slapped her hand away the blonde tribute from four stepped in.

Finnick sighed before walking over and Alex hurriedly following. He passed up Finnick before standing face to face, chest to chest, with the other tribute. "Lay a hand on my sister again, you'll be on your ass before your hand falls." Finnick watched as Paisley glared at the boy getting ready to say something again before her brother grabbed her wrist and dragged her away.

The protesting of the younger girl being heard by the group from four. Finnick watched as the girl he desired to know more about got further and further away. Only for the blonde girl from his district to nudge his side. "Pretty cute isn't she?" Finnick rolled his eyes before taking in the girl's appearance again.

"You look stunning C." Finnick declared wrapping his arm around the younger girls shoulders and kissing the side of her head. Unaware of how the display of affection looked to the two Laurson siblings.


Paisley wasn't sure of her feelings, how could she have been sure of anything other than her anger? However as she watched Finnick Odair kiss the side of the blonde girl she was stupidly and secretly wishing it was her. However she mashed it down as soon as it was upon her.

These weren't feelings for a guy she had just met, they were simply a small show of her attraction towards him. His striking Greenish blue eyes, and curly blonde hair. Charming smile, built body. "I wonder their relation." Her brother stated eyeing both of the blondes.

Paisley studied them slightly before she pondered on an answer. "Blonde hairs common in four?" She asked her brother however as he went to respond a deeper voice sounded behind them. Both siblings startled as they turned afraid.

"Why are we analyzing other tributes?"

Dallan Crass would give Paisley a heart attack before she was even in the games. She knew little of him as well. Only that Dallan slept around with women in the capitol. That his family was killed in a fire of his original home which is why he now lives with Mally in Victors Village.

"Hey! Is blonde hair common in four?" Paisley asked as she picked at her fingers. Dallan hummed in thought before eyeing both Paisley and Alex.

"It's more common than not." He supplied finally and Paisley nodded. However as Alex opened his mouth to reply Dallan was speaking again. "I'd focus more on the parade. It won't matter whatever it is until after you win." He stated.

"Way to kill to fun." Alex muttered as Dallan sighed.

"This isn't supposed to be fun, normal. You're both going into the arena. One of you will come out, if even that. Get your heads in the game." Dallan stated as he gestured around his head with his hand.

"Aren't you supposed to be loving and gentle? Like nurturing baby animals?" Paisley asked and Dallan scoffed.

"I'm all about tough love, I'm the only tough love you'll ever need." He stated gruffly before glancing around. His eyes seemed to light up slightly as he placed a hand on both siblings shoulders.

"Think of me as your older brother. The meaner one anyways." Paisley shared a look with Alex before laughing lightly.

"Sure." She spoke as Alex caught sight of the brown headed boy from twelve. The boy who reminded him so much of his own little brother, the same one whom he knew his little sister had a soft spot for. However as Mally finally came over with a blonde haired man who was drunk his decision halted.

"Paisley, Alex. This is my friend Haymitch." The blonde man smiled and looked both Paisley and Alex up and down before he stated simply.

"Well you two sure are lookers." He nodded and off to the little boy from twelve he went.

"He's....delightful." Paisley spoke optimistically as she eyed the blonde man. Mally sighed and Dallan laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"You have no idea." He spoke with an amount of knowledge that Alex got envious of. Dallan Crass had won his games two years before Finnick, at eighteen. He was only twenty years old and was already much more knowledgeable than Alex, Finnick was already more knowledgeable at his own age.

The signal of the parade about to start broke off Alex's train of thought as he mounted into the carriage before offering his hand down to his little sister. He could see and sense her nervousness from a mile away, no one knew Paisley Laurson better than Alexander Laurson himself.

"Just play the game." He spoke a soft smile on his face, only for her. Only ever for the ones he loves.

"Just play the game." She repeated tightening her hold on the hand still she held, even after being rooted to her place in the carriage.

She was a career.

She would be a victor.

Or her brother would be the victor.


As the carriage stopped pulling both Laurson siblings stepped off the platform and Paisley shut her eyes tightly as she took a deep breath. That part was over.

She was safe.

For now.

Her eyes scanned around until she noticed the girl from district four walking towards her, a determined look on her face as she expertly ignored the two district ten tributes. "Count to 6." She whispered lowly but sternly. "Follow me to the roof." She eased out as she finally walked past them.

Neither Paisley nor Alex had looked at her and only looked at each other, brows furrowed together as they tried to figure out what the girl was playing at. Should they tell someone?

Paisley looked around to see Mally and Dallan conversing with Finnick Odair. The capitol darling smiling charmingly at them before he seemed to notice Paisley staring.

The time seemed to stop for Paisley as she held her breath. His eyes sucked her in despite not knowing much as she analyzed his features. The attraction was there, the feelings though? Did she even have time for that?

She didn't.

"Do you think-"

"We should follow, not tell anyone. I'll leave first." Paisley started as she tugged her gloves on a bit harder. She straightened her shoulders as she made her way to the elevator, ignoring the looks other tributes gave her.

They weren't worth her time. She didn't need nor want to know them, aknowledge them as real people. Children

She was scared that if she did, she wouldn't be able to kill them.


It hadn't been long since Paisley arrived on the roof that Alex had shown up. The girl from four had been sat at the edge of the pool on the rooftop.

The wind blew slightly but loud enough for whatever being said to just barely be audible if at all. Alex and Paisley stood next to each other as they awaited her to speak.

"I want an alliance." She spoke her tone serious.

"Why should we?" Alex asked as though she wouldn't have been expecting that answer. However neither sibling had thought the girl would have been expecting it.

"Because if we ally, you have more of a shot of coming out alive." The blonde spoke making the two brunettes share a look.

"Prove it. Your trust, loyalty." Paisley spoke as she awaited the girl to prove it.

"How would you like me too?" She asked and as Paisley looked to Alex who just shrugged the blonde scoffed. "Trust goes both ways. I may want the alliance BUT unless you're willing to trust me a little bit. We won't get far." Alex nodded seeming to understand as the blonde stood, her barefeet on display as she stood facing the sibling duo.

"Tell us something no one else knows." Alex stated and Paisley glared slightly to look at her brother. "Something that if anyone ever found out, it would be bad." Paisley scowled grabbing her brothers arm tightly.

"Alexander." She scolded a harsh tone to her voice before the girl was speaking. Shocking both district ten victors into stunned silence.

"I'm Finnick Odair's half sister."

- 1739 WORDS


I definitely hope to be publishing more of these chapters very soon!

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