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Paisley had finally learned the escorts name as they approached the capitol. Diamond Pough, she had been an orphaned child who never really took to the games but decided she needed some way to come up into the social status of the capitol. Paisley liked her, rather liked having her as an escort. Diamond had been patching up the small cuts that Mally had made onto her hands and arms.

The gentle touch the escort had brought her an odd feeling of peace, and she wouldn't lie if you were to ask that every time Diamond squeezed her palms she felt cared for.

Paisley was to continue her plan of acting as a career, the strategy was smart considering, ten had a closer advantage to the career districts then other ones. Having plenty of food and protein was already an advantage but Paisley and Alex spent their whole lives working, building muscle, learning. Everything they needed to win they already had.

She was never more grateful for living in a poor district than she was right now.

"Now we need to watch the reaping, get to know your competition." Dallan stated before Paisley and Alex started to protest.

"We're all we'll need." Alex stated as Paisley nodded.

"I don't want to know everyone else." Dallan nodded in understanding as he sucked on his teeth before looking up.

"I thought of everyone from my games as numbers, I didn't want to know their faces and I wanted to go it alone." Dallan started as Paisley digested it. "Find at least two people in that room that you want as an ally. De-humanize everyone else." He told them before clicking onto the screen to pull the tributes from district one.

"One and One. Lethal both eighteen. they are a threat." He stated and Paisley really studied them so the next time she saw them they would be just a number to her. One and Two. One and Two. All from different districts but each of them having two tributes.

Did she want or need to know the number of their district? She wasn't sure but that's not how she wants to know them, she wants to know who will be the toughest opponent. "One like every year is allied with two." Dallan spoke as he moved the screen to the tributes from district two. Paisley analyzed them making sure to remember the faces of the tributes from two.

This is how she will know them, just by their faces, numbers. Nothing else. Three hadn't looked too promising but of course, tributes from three were known for their brains. The guy from four was young, younger than Paisley, he was strong and promising. The girl from four seemed to be a similar person to Paisley. She was sweet, but strong. Holding back her tears the same as Paisley had done.

The only other person Paisley hadn't de-humanized was the little boy from twelve. He couldn't have been much older than Zander.

"Alright my darlings, I'm so sorry. Once you're in the capitol you'll be sent to separate rooms. Where you'll meet your stylists, get ready for the parade." Diamond explained solemnly as the two siblings made eye contact with each other. Both feeling anxious about having to be separated inside the capitol.

Paisley took a deep breath as she grabbed her brothers hand, sending him a soft smile. "We'll see each other right after of course." She stated making Alex nod his own agreements under way.

"Actually dears, you'll have the same stylist so, Paisley. She'll start with you and then she'll start on your brother. You'll have to be alone for a bit of time." Diamond explained with a tightness in her chest, watching as Paisley's smile fell a tiny bit.

"Of course." Alex scoffed but Paisley smacked his shoulder lightly. Which he rubbed as he glanced down to his younger sister.

"It's not her fault, It'll be fine." Paisley told him however as the train started slowing she felt anxiety arise in her chest. Alex held their hands as they stood and Diamond rushed them to the door.

"You'll only be in the cameras view for a few short minutes, make them good. Wonderful." Diamond fussed as she checked her make up.

Paisley glanced behind her shoulder to meet Mally's eyes. The nervousness in her gut making her grip tighten on her brother's hand. Who in turn glanced at her, Mally nodded sternly giving Paisley that last little bit of confidence she needed. "Ready for this?" Alex whispered into her ear as she nodded tightly.

A tight lipped smile on her face. "As I'll ever be."

Then the door slid open and the screaming citizens of the capitol arose, she felt all of her blood rushing to her ears as she smiled a smug smile and waved confidently, playing the perfect part of someone who already seen themselves as the winner. Her brother being none the wiser following right along in her footsteps.

As they walked under this glass like bridge walk way, they were whisked away from each other. Into separate hallways as Mally followed alongside Paisley and Dallan followed Alex. Both siblings sending a silent prayer that the other would be okay.


After Paisley had been waxed, plucked, and all around violated by her style team she sat on a metal table, swinging her legs. She watched as they went back and forth and she pondered on everything Mally had said. She stared at her upper shoulder where the peacekkeper had left a bruise from how tightly he had held her, the small patches on her hands from where Mally had struck her.

She was supposed to fool the capitol when she had all these obvious traits about her that were the exact opposite of what she was supposed to be doing? Who she was supposed to be? The door opened and she looked up, a tan skinned man, with short black hair stepped in a sad smile on his face.

"There she is." He stated coming over to grab Paisley's hand that had been sat on her thighs. "My star." He squeezed her palms lightly before bringing one hand to her chin to tilt her head from side to side. Paisley's brows furrowed before the older man stepped back to bring his hand to his chest as he bowed slightly.

"I'm Xan. I'll be your stylist, you're my first ever tribute and I hope to help turn you into the victor the capitol believes you can be." He finished looking back up to meet Paisley's green eyes. The younger girl smiled as she nodded.

"I'd like that very much." Xan smiled a beautiful smile as he stepped over to close the door entirely.

"Wonderful news." He replied vaguely before a mischievous smile crossed his features making Paisley's stomach tie into knots. "Traditionally you'd be dressed up like live stock, or a cowgirl. We already know you're a cowgirl. Based on the boots you wore to your reaping." Xan started as he pulled a dress hidden in a safety bag out from a closet. Ignoring the slight flush of her cheeks. "I'm leaning towards something like."

As Paisley opened her mouth to respond the door was opened and Mally stepped in. "You need to keep their outfits more traditional until the interview." She advised and Xan pouted.

"Good thing I've got the perfect thing lined up."


Paisley stood in front of a horse petting It's long snout. She cooed to the animal as it neighed lightly, she laughed lightly as it nudged It's nose into her face knocking her cowgirl hat off her head. Her hair was half pulled back, resting in a ponytail atop the middle of her skull. She was dressed in a cow printed dress that was round around the cleavage and thankfully had long sleeves to hide the hand printed bruise on her upper arm. She'd been given black leather gloves which she had forgone to pet the horse leaving her injured hands on display, the small cuts being red and festered slightly.

She was in cowgirl boots once again but while hers had been worn and well used these ones were still new and stiff. She hadn't noticed the two people who had come up behind her and she continued none the wiser as she started mocking the horse, her voice all altered as she teased the animal, which stomped It's hooves lightly.

"Oh you cutie, making my hat all dirty. Tryna get me in trouble with Xan." She mocked as she continued petting the horse until a voice from behind her startled her making her turn around swiftly.

"How do you do that?" The sweet honey like voice hadn't stopped her from being on edge, she knew this hadn't been her carriage. This horse had just reminded her so much of coffee she couldn't resist. The girl who stood before her was slightly taller with long curled blonde locks, she was in a blue dress, not quite a dark blue yet not a light blue either. It had brown netting falling from just under her breasts to her knees.

The color and netting to represent district four. The girl itself made the dress look stunning. Paisley studied the girl before she moved her green eyes towards the taller blonde boy who had a charming smile on his face as he held her hat, he brushed it off ridding it of the dirt it had collected or trying to at least. His white t-shirt showed off his muscles as it matched with his shorts very well.

One thing circled her mind as she looked at the man. 'Finnick Odair, sex symbol of the capitol.' "Do what?" Paisley asked a slight nark tone to her voice. The horse that stood behind her didn't like it much as it brought its head down to her legs to swipe its nose along her back. Causing her to stumble forward and tug her dress down harshly. "I thought you were on my side!" She cried out looking at the horse who huffed.

"Do that." The older girl stated as she stepped towards the horse warily. Paisley furrowed her brows as she looked oddly at the blonde. "Bond with it." She wrinkled her nose at the term watching as the older girl looked over a laugh falling past her lips. "Sorry was that crass?" Paisley scoffed as she turned to Finnick who shrugged his shoulders, studying her as she had done to the district four tribute.

"I'm Finnick, the victor for district four." he introduced himself as he held her hat out to her. There was no threatening in his tone him holding the hat out towards almost like a sign of trust. She wondered if taking it and starting the bridge of trust and friendship to build between them. She held her hand out to grab the hat as the wind blew gently moving her hair and his hair. She noticed how his eyes weren't necessarily blue yet not green either. She wondered what the correct terminology for the color was.

"Paisley." She responded before someone was calling for the older boy. He bowed his head regretfully as he made his way off leaving the girls alone with the two horses.


"I don't care." Paisley interrupted her. The older girl furrowed her brows as Paisley flicked something off her hat before bowing her head slightly and putting it on. "I don't care, because all I see you as is a number."

The girl laughed slightly as she nodded her head. "Fair enough Laurson. I do want you to think about becoming Allies with me though." This made Paisley freeze up as the blonde stuck her hand out to the horse who sniffed it.

"Why?" Paisley questioned tilting her head slightly.

"I just think your brother's hot." The blonde stated making Paisley scrunch her face up in disgust. The blonde laughed putting her hand on Paisley's shoulder as she leaned close to her ear. "I think that we'd be great friends, and I don't know about you but entering the arena with a friend aside from your brother would be an advantage."

She spoke and Paisley had a look of wonder on her face as the blonde nodded. "Think about it." She stated as she turned on her heel to head over to Finnick who Paisley noticed was leaving her brother.

Cant believe it😳 edited and ready to go before the end of Christmas! I also don't know if I put Finnick in too early but this is very KEY to the story/development of their feelings.

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