Chapter 10: Memories

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Chewie had started a fire with the food he had found almost everywhere around this island. He sat down by the fire as the shadow of the Falcon hovered over him. Building a fire had taken longer than he had anticipated. The island had few trees left that were dying away because of their age. At least the pudgy native birds CB-34 had told them were called Porgs, that were quite easy to catch. He had been eager from a change of rations, he promoted up the skewer as the roasting Porgs began to smell even more irresistible for him to keep roasting.

Done. The porg was nicely charred, with a hint of spiciness from the firewood. That was a good smell. Chewie lifted the skewer away from the mantle of the fire. Even better, there would be no shortage of Porgs for future meals. Practically, the island was overrun with them.

Chewie was about to take the first bite to see something from the corner of his eye. It was another porg standing there horrified of what Chewie was doing. It's big glassy eyes stared up at him almost pleading him not to eat his dead friend. Chewie saw this as an opportunity to catch another one for breakfast tomorrow, but he reluctantly decided it was better to eat the roasted porg now while it was still hot.

He turned from the porg only to see a family of Porgs watching them. It made his stomach rumble more the more he waited every second. He roared at the Porgs which flew off as soon as he had scared them by the start of his roar. He looked at his roasted porg now uncomfortable from the Porgs watching him. 

He'd only been hungry. It made him feel bad after the Porgs had left seeing him eat one of their friends. He was too busy feeling sorry for himself to notice the dark figure walking up the ramp into the Falcon.

(Luke's POV)

As the feet of his boots hit the flacons ground, it made the achingly familiar sound they usually did. The familiar smell of fuel and coolant still filled the old ship. Since hearing Rey and Amilyn chattering about their mission with Han, memories came to when he had first been in the Falcon.

He had been just a farm boy of a moisture farm with his Aunt and Uncle. Han had come along and took him away to a future Luke had never planned. He was pulled into the war of the Empire  and Rebellion so many years ago. But Amilyn had been pulled into this fight by surprise that night at the temple. He had let her suffer as much as he suffered as he left her behind for Leia.

Mara had done the same thing to him when Amilyn was just a newborn. Mara had to leave because of her cultures threats wanting her dead if she didn't come back. Mara had left Luke with her necklace to give to Amilyn when she was ready for anything. Amilyn never knew her mother, but she always had him....until the temple burned down. He couldn't regret his decisions here and now.

He walked to the cockpit remembering the memories that suddenly floated into his mind. The dice Han had won the Falcon with dangled from above as Luke touched the familiar feeling of pure gold. The moonlight gleamed almost perfectly on the dice as he gently removed it rolling it in his firm palm.

Luke headed back to the couch which he had sat on when Kenobi had been killed right in front of him. His eyes lingered around the ship seeing a familiar helmet he had used. Obi-Wan had helped strap it around his head and told him to reach out with his feelings. He was completely blind trying to blast the blasts by the training remote. It had been his first ever lesson about the Jedi and the force. 

When he had lost Ben, he pushed everybody away. Amilyn, Leia, and Han were left to wonder what happened to Ben or what happened before Amilyn faced off against Ben. He looked at holochess game table overwhelmed by the memories that were coming back to him. A string of familiar whistling and beeps came from the shadows jolting him back to seeing the droid. "Artoo?"

He had asked it so brightly that it surprised himself at his tone. The droid rolled over to him chirping and whistling endlessly. Luke hadn't seen R2-D2 since he left him with Amilyn for Leia to find. It hurt truly realizing his daughter actually cared about him after he had abruptly left her. He did regret, but just couldn't find a reason for her to believe for his return thinking she'd be upset with him.

"Yes." Luke said to Artoo. But R2-D2 made a list of accusations to Luke who watched the droid whistle and beep more. "No, it's true......I'm not coming back." Artoo beeped derisively.

"Hey, sacred island. Watch the language." Luke warned the old droid who replied with a beep that was like a whine. "Old friend....I wish I could make you understand. I'm not coming back. Nothings going to change my mind."

R2-D2 beeped pulling up a holographic message as soon as Luke touched the droids dome head. Luke's breath was caught a s he saw the younger image of his sister pleading for Obi p-Wna Kenobi s help. His sister had been robed in white and she looked so pretty. That's as before he even knew she was his sister, because he learned that later in the war.

"That's a cheap move." Luke told Artoo who put the recording away beeping smugly. It left him in the droid in silence. Luke rose from his seat knowing what he had to do to make Amilyn and Rey understand. He walked down the ramp with his footsteps slow and deliberate as Artoo watched him leave.

(Time Skip: Amilyn's POV)

The island was quite making sleep easier than it was at D'Quar. The smell of light salt air and the comfort of her warm gray vest were just the smell she felt in sleep. Darkness in sleep helped when she had to wake up for a new day most likely to follow her father around. Visions....small ones came to her sometimes, but oddly they were peaceful and not war related like she always had them as.

Suddenly, she sensed a presence of someone hovering over her body. She instinctively grabbed her lightsaber on her left igniting its white blade through the dawn's darkness. She saw her father hi earring over her, who had been waiting for her to notice. She quickly deactivated her lightsaber waiting for what her father had to say.

"Tomorrow at noon," Luke began, "Your last lesson will be done. You will have finished your Jedi training. But I will tell you why they must end. His eyes bore into hers as she let a small smile inch across her face briefly to show her appreciation.

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