Chapter 16: The Rain and The forgotten

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(Don't forget (rock version)  by Demi Lovato for this chapter)

Amilyn picked her way down the cracking stone steps in the rain, careful on her footing. After all it would be quite a stupid death if she fell down the staircase that was wet. She saw Rey grabbing a few things from the Falcon before heading back up the stairs in the rain. She walked up the ramp, seeing Chewie fussing over something in the cockpit.

"Still can't reach the Resistance?" She asked him. 

Chewie barked out his frustration to her. "Keep at it," she told him encouragingly, "If you can get through....ask their status and ask about how Rose and Finn are doing." Chewie roared his promises back at her. Chewie somehow had managed to let Porgs onto the ship along with their nests.

She supposed that the Porgs would end up as Chewie's dinner soon enough. "Mistress Amilyn." CB-34 spoke up behind her, before she had started the walk down the ramp, "I'm afraid I'll have to stay in here for the night."

"It's quite alright, CeeBee," she assured CB-34, making her way down the ramp as the rain started to become harder as she walked out. Amilyn lingered under the Falcon pulling up the collar of her gray jacket, higher on her neck. The coldness of the air and rain brushing against her always sent chills, it was only good enough to cover her neck from the cold.

She extended out her hand so she could feel the rain against her palm. Water was a precious source for all life in the galaxy. The rain tickled against her palm as it fell down her hand. She stared at the heaving see as she felt something calling.

Something tickled at her awareness as she turned to face the heaving sea. Her happiness was turned to confusion as she heard a trickle of voices shouting and calling to her.

"Murderous Snake."


"I am a Jedi; like my father before me."

"I'm sorry, Amilyn."

She followed the trail of voices as the rain fell lightly now. She walked down the uneven patches of broken apart rocks and grass patches. She turned her head looking at the island as she heard the voices once again beckon her.

"I was beginning to trust you."

"We're best friends."


"Your focus determines your reality."

"I am one with the force; and the force is with me."

"I know everything I need to know about you."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have too."

As she approached the end of a cliff as the voices grew louder, as if the voices were calling to her down. Down in the depths of the water, the calling grew since she had reached it. She was puzzled by the peculiarities of her jumping down into the water. There was a ramp like hill on the edge of the waters she could climb up.

She untied her braid, she unfolded it into a pony as she put down her satchel. The heaviness of her satchel could easily slow her down. "I hope I'm not an idiot." She whispered to herself, she walked back a bit for her running start. With full force of her legs, she plunged herself into the seas as she dived into its waters. 

The water was like ice against her as it touched her body. She gasped for air as she came up to hear the voices were close now as they spoke and called.

"The force is not a power....."

"You come from nobody."

"The father, the son, the daughter."

"Do or do not there is no try."

"Only sith deal in absolutes."

She swam deeper into the water as her eyes caught sight of a glowing blue cube in the rocks below her. She went up for air before pulling herself back down to get the cube. She extended her hands as the tips of her fingers brushed against the cube. She grabbed at the cube with force with her hands as it slowly rolled into her hands. Pulling up for air, she felt the cube was safely in her hands. 

She swam to shore with full force knowing she'd have to get dry soon. Pulling herself up on land wasn't hard, but sudden chills ran down her spine. Her hair felt like icicles against her back as it fell gently onto her back. Her clothes were soaked, but a nice warm fire would be able to keep her dry. She felt the rain hit her face, but it didn't help with her laying there to get dry. 

She picked up the blue cube as she made her way up the crumbling rock stairs. Gold was placed on the edges of the glowing cube. She had read about this old Jedi relic. It was a holocron.

(Rey's POV)

Rey walked alone to where the calling was coming to her. The deeper into the darkness the more the moon became her lantern. She wasn't staying on this island forever, not unless Luke decided he would finally come along with. Highly unlikely though it seemed as if he'd never budge from his idealized of the Jedi. 

Her eyes wandered to the outcropping of the Jedi temple, a pale spike against the night sky. She supposed it would be the last time she'd ever see it. The last time she'd walk down the grassy path with crooked steps made of breaking stones. The last time she'd get to admire the structure built for the huts. It made her feel sad, but she knew it wasn't the island that was making her feel that was Luke rejecting them.

Rey felt eluded, and now she would have to explain to General Organa. Leia had already lost so much, and Rey had her own burdens. What would she say to Leia? That her brother had lost himself in bitterness and self approach? That he was willing to die alone on a planet in the middle of nowhere? That he had completely rejected their plea for help? She couldn't lie, but she was willing to tell Leia the truth.

Gooseflesh broke out on her arms as she felt Ren's presence again. It felt as if the weather had changed within seconds as she turned knowing Ren would be there. "I'd rather not do this right now."

"Yeah, me too." Ren said.

Steeling herself, determined not to let him lose control of her emotions. This time, she would make him answer for what he had done. "Why did you hate your father....oh!" Rey had turned to see something she wish she could erase from her memory.

Kylo, whose face wasn't behind a mask mopped by his black hair, was completely stripped to the waist in his chambers. The angry scar Amilyn had given him during their duel snaked down his face and neck across his collarbone. Her eyebrows rose in embarrassment, but Kylo was unruffled by the sight of her. Seemingly us disturbed by her question.

"Because he was a weak-minded fool." Kylo simply stated.

Rey forced herself to look into his haunting dark eyes. "I don't believe you," she said, "You're going you have a cow or something you can put on." She was embarrassed they were seeing each other and he had his shirt off. It made her feel uncomfortable, knowing the fact neither of them wanted this. Kylo ignored her, "Why did you hate your father? Give me an honest answer."

"I will when you ask an honest question," Kylo said, and she wanted to scream in fury at him. He wants her teacher...anyway that position was no longer open.

"Why did you hate Han Solo?" She asked.

"No," Kylo said dismissively, almost bored of her questioning. But Rey kept her ground, knowing she wouldn't let him escape so easily.

""You had a father who loved you. He gave a damn about you."

"I didn't hate him."

"Then why?" Rey demanded, wanting to know his reason of killing Han Solo.

"Why what? Why what? Say it!" Kylo barked at her.

"Why did you kill him? I don't understand."

"No?? Kylo's curiosity was genuine, but infuriating, "Your parents threw you away like garbage."

"They didn't," Rey tried to defend her unknown parents honor. She hated the fact that she was the forgotten one, as she sounded like she was pleading they weren't. The strange contact between them had given her insights to his powers, and helped unleash her own. It had also let him pillage her memories, feelings. But there was no way the force could've told him what he had been shown.

"They did." Kylo said. "But still you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. You care to much for Amilyn as you did for Han Solo. You look for them in everyone, in Han Solo, now in Skywalker." His gaze was hungry and knowing

"Did he tell you what happened that night?" Kylo asked.

"Yes," Rey said, Kylo knowing that it wasn't the truth.


——————————— ———————————

Ben Solo- no longer a boy, yet not a man-looks up in surprise and alarm. His uncle Luke had come to his chambers, in the middle of the night, and now stands over him. Luke's face was twisted in a snarl-and lit by the green blade of his lightsaber-the force a boil with anger. For a moment regret shadows Luke's face, but Ben can see his uncle has gone too far to turn back. He will not falter or hesitate: he would bring his lightsaber down onto Ben-to cleave him in two. Desperate, Ben's hand reaches out, not toward Luke but beyond him, to the lightsaber he had constructed. Willing it into his hand, it's blue blade blocking the killing blow. The blades buzzed and sparked, but Ben knows this is only a brief reprieve-he can't resist his master8s far greater powers for long. Trapped, he reaches up toward the ceiling it's his free hand, begging the stones to heed his plea and come crashing down on Luke's head. To save him.


"He had sensed my power, as he sense yours and Amilyn's." Kylo spoke, staring into Rey's eyes trying to figure out what she was thinking. "And he feared it."

"Liar." Rey spat out, knowing she didn't even sound so sure anymore. She could feel that Kylo wasn't lying, but it felt all so wrong to trust him. And hadn't she felt Luke's guilt? What if he had gone into exile not because of what the apprentice had done to the teacher, but of what the eta her had done to its own student?

"Let the past die." Kylo said. "Kill it if you have to. That's the only way to become who you were meant to be." And with that he was gone, leaving her in silence of the night. Alone, but knowing what she had seen with Luke was calling to her. Jaw set, Rey strode off across the rocks, opposite of the way to the Falcon.

(Time skip)

Rey stood along the outcropping of an edge of a cliff, that circled around into a pit. She carefully approached the place she had seen in her vision on the meditation ledge with Luke. It had tried to show her something, Luke warned her it was the dark side. But who could she trust now? Maybe it was all because her feared the truths it might reveal.

She stared into the inky darkness of the hole. Bright as the moon was, it revealed nothing about what was below. The hole burbled and hissed, as if it were speaking to her. She stopped to examine the moss only to slip into the hole itself. Not knowing if she cried out, or made a sound, as water filled her lungs.

She had fallen into water, colder than a knife in her lungs. She struggled, surfaced, and gasped eyes wide in relief. Eyes stinging from the salt of the water. Hauling herself out onto the slick, flat stone. She was in a cave, she saw now that there was an opening leading water inside the hole. The hole spat out gouts of water high tide but seemed to only breather when the tide was low.

Before her, the sea had ground and polished the walls of the rocky cave until the stones looked like a dark mirror. The mirror was cracked, but glossy enough for her to see her reflection.....the reflection was repeated a thousand times on the stones labyrinthine, creating a line of Rey's into her gaze. Rey gazed at the mirror, realizing it was gazing back into her. The force quavered a response to the approach.

She could her breathing, slowly and raggedly. Then her breathing quickened, as she realized she was inside the stone it seemed. Within the mirror line of Rey's, we're soaked and shivering just like herself. Then some Rey's disappeared, as she stepped closer to the thin wall of were the mirror was. She turned her head, but the other Reyes did the same as every movement she took.

Rey knew that the world inside the stone only seemed to go forever. She followed the line of Rey's toward the mirror. The mirror Rey's began to disappear as she reached the mirror, until there was only Rey herself staring at the mirror. She pressed her hand against the large, round, clouded mirror of polished stones. This last Rey stood there, gazing into its depths.

"Let me see my parents," she begged, "Please." She saw two dark figures beneath its surface. As her heart hammered in her ears, the tow became one. Her fingers touched the stone meeting the fingertips of another. It was a girl from the sea was herself. 

Rey lowered her hand as did her reflection. Then she felt her knees crumple, as tears burned against her cold face. She'd spent so many nights along on the deserts of Jakku waiting for these mysterious birth parents. She wanted to have been somebody, somebody who had loving parents, somebody who had a last name to be proud of, and to never be alone again. But that was all a different reality that would never be true. She would always be the forgotten one.

Her tears ebbed, as she lifted her head. She knew now that nobody was coming for her ever. She had sough for someone who would understand how solitude and loss could eat away at you until there was nothing left. She didn't know she already had.

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