Chapter 17: Against each other

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Poe stared out onto the dying cargo ships behind the Raddus. They had no choice now, even if Rose and Finn had already made it onto Snoke's ship. They'd have to evacuate onto the shuttles for escaping onto an uncharted planet. "Admiral.......I realize we have no choice." Poe said to  Admiral Ackbar.

"Cadet Syline and Commander D'Acy, tell everyone to make their way to the shuttles. Transport all power into the shuttles. We cannot let the First Order destroy us." Admiral Ackbar ordered to the officers by his side. They made their way to the doors as a figure, Poe had hoped wouldn't have ever come onto the second bridge.

"Admiral, what the hell is going on?" Holdo questioned Ackbar. Her eyes seemed to be ablaze with fury as she stared between Poe and Ackbar. Poe had his hands at the ready of the gun in his holster, that was set to stun. He felt the back of his collar of his jacket against his neck as he saw the intensity that may come with this last confrontation.

Poe knew Holdo was getting on everyone's nerves, even his own. If Leia were.....he couldn't say that. Leia has no choice now because she isn't awake yet from the coma. She needed to get well enough to return to command before she could even start ordering people about. She trusted Admiral Ackbar as Holdo should.

"Holdo. It's come to my attention you've been seeking information from the people I told the plan to. You nearly assaulted one of them I appointed. As you know that could cause a demotion." Ackbar spoke up, keeping his ground.

"Oh, so flyboy gets in on the plan?" Holdo asked Ackbar, spitefully.

"He is one of the best pilots we have, Amilyn Skywalker and Leia trust him. So it is only logical to state that I found his young capabilities to my attention. He does serve well under orders unlike you are at the moment Vice Admiral." Admiral Ackbar, somehow seemed to have stayed calm in his direct approach to Holdo.

"You just let a cargo ship get destroyed. Are you just leaving us here to die?" Holdo questioned Ackbar. Poe felt the anger in his veins pumping in his ears staring at Holdo. Leia had been friends with this woman who was know questioning the person her friend had put in command.

"I understand your concerns, Vice Admiral. The situation......" Admiral Ackbar began.

"The situation is out of hand. You aren't saving those people on the cargo ships. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Holdo overlapped him in her fury.

"Admiral....." Poe began, but Ackbar waved hid hand meaning Poe should stay out of the conversation.

"I understand your concerns of the situation we are facing, Vice admiral. We are on no suicide run, if that is what you are beginning to think. I will say we are on the right track for now. We may have to switch to plan B if plan A doesn't work out." Admiral Ackbar concluded for Holdo.

"Plan B? Since when was there plan A?" Holdo asked Ackbar. Poe could understand her confusion that there even was a Plan A. But right now it seemed as if nothing would go right without Leia commanding them.

"Vice Admiral, I suggest you step down from your position or leave the bridge."  Ackbar told Holdo. Two other resistance men in the bridge came to Ackbar as he gave the warning to Holdo. Her face was snarled in anger at Ackbars intentions. Her purple hair almost seemed like a cloud of anger around her face.

"I think you could at least explain to me what's going on." Holdo snarled at Ackbar.

"Holdo, you are in no position to tell me what to explain to you. You are causing an interference with the original plans. Either you step down or I let them escort you outside."

"Over my dead body." Holdo seethed.

"Guards." Ackbar breathed out. The guards lightly shoved Holdo's arms into their grasp with their guns set to stun in their hands. Holdo walked forcefully to the door as she turned her head back to the bridge in fury. Poe turned to Ackbar as soon as the door shut behind Holdo.

"Admiral.....I hate to say this, but if Holdo gets other onto her side. We could end being against each other." Poe conveyed his worry to Ackbar.

"You are quite right, commander. We must get onto those transports quickly. It now or never even if Rose and Finn do indeed stop the hyperspace tracker." Ackbar agreed turning back to the bridge chair he had been in. "I also would inquire that you should get everybody onto those transports."

"Of course Admiral," Poe nodded turning to the doors. There was a lot at stake for the Resistance. There was Holdo who could do anything unsuspecting at by time now, Finn and Rose were on the star destroyer now, and Amilyn might.......Poe sighed knowing he had to try. There would be lose, but there still had to be a spark of hope somewhere.

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