Chapter 21: Snoke

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(Everybody's fool by Evanscene for this chapter)

Rey and Amilyn waited as Chewie pulled out the pods from a storage compartment. Amilyn had her hair down in a flattened pony that was still damp from Ach-Too's rain. Rey's hair was laid flat down with strands dripping with the rain. Chewie had pulled the pods in front of them nigh as thick bold written letters in clynese read:

Escape Pod Class A9-40

Millennium Falcon

Property of Han Solo Please Return

Amilyn allowed herself to smile at what Han had written. Wishing she could've asked Han if that ever worked. Maybe it I'd, and if so, maybe it was good luck. But the unsettling resemblance to a coffin was what the shape of the pod meant. 

Chewie helped them into the pods, his hands surprisingly gentle for being such a strong creature. Or maybe it was his great strength. His eyes were a startlingly blue in his fierce face. His look regarded Amilyn's uncertainty she knew he would've felt.

"As soon as you launch us, you jump back out of range and stay there until you get my signal." Amilyn gave Chewie her request, as he rumbled something to Rey.

"If you see Finn before I do, tell him....." Rey began, but Chewie yowled something perfect for him to say to Finn. "Yeah. Perfect tell him that." 

Rey and Amilyn climbed into the pods, arranged with their lightsabers across their chests. Rey gave the wookie and the droid a thumbs up. Amilyn breathed her anxiety out as she thought of what she was doing. Ben Solo was their last hope.

Chewie closed the lid, sealing them in. He rushed to a panel of buttons, pressing a few. Rey and Amilyn fell into space inside the pods. All Amilyn could do was was the last thing she had.

(Kylo Ren's POV)

Kylo Ren who was in the escape pods before they had landed in the docking bay. Their presence had been a steady pulse from the force the moment his fathers junky, spaceship heaved itself out of hyperspace. The stormtroopers stood beside him at the ready, but he smiled at the sight of the two crammed into the pods tight confines.

It made him wonder how the old ship was even still held together after all these years. The old hunk of junk had been around even before he had been born. Yet, he caught sight of a lightsaber hilt held in Rey's hands.

His smile quickly faded at the sight of his uncle's lightsaber. As the stormtroopers opened the seal to the pods, Ren turned to Rey. "I'll take that. It belongs to me." A confused and sarcastic look came from Amilyn who knew it was much of hers as his. 

He knew they weren't here to strike him down. How un-Jedi like it would be of them, especially of the Jedi Amilyn had become over the years. Rey held the lightsaber appraisingly for a moment. A reminder for him that she had been the one to have lead him and Amilyn to that duel.

"Funny. Strange, then that it called to me at the castle." Rey said, inspecting the lightsaber hill in her hands, "And not to you." She locked her gaze with Ren.

The corners of his mouth twitched at the thought of letting himself smile. He inclined his head, as a signal to the stormtroopers in the hangar. "You are in no position to dictate." Rey held the hilt out to him, which he gradually took. He felt a slight tremor disturbance in his black-gloved hands as the hilt had become known to his hands.

He made a snatching motion and gestured curtly to two officers. They held binder as they fitted them onto the girls wrists. "This isn't necessary," Amilyn spoke up, watching her cousin, focusing on his eyes. 

"It is. We have an appointment." Kylo said, hustling them both into the depths of the starship. The girls quickened their steps to keep up with his long strides. Behind them, accompanied troopers armor rattled. They were to make sure they made no engagement with anyone else.

Ren lead the girls into the turbo lift, the troopers halted at the doors of the lift opening. He walked in first with the girls lightsabers attached to his belt. Only he held his Uncles still in his hand. He watched as the turbo lift doors shut, leaving him with the girls only as the lift headed upwards.

(Amilyn's POV)

Amilyn breathed slowly, as she kept her conscious clear. She was well aware of her cousin Ben or Kylo Ren was standing behind her. Rey stood beside her as the chains were bonded tightly against her wrists as well. Amilyn kept counting the levels , realizing she was heading not toward a torture chamber.

Unlike Rey, she would've destroyed the chamber within seconds of her arrival. Poe would've pretended not to be amazed. She halted her breath at the thought of Poe. She needed her mind had to be......Kylo was taking them to Snoke.

"Snoke?" Amilyn asked Kylo.

"You don't have to do this." Rey nodded upward, not turning to Kylo.

"I do."

"This wasn't your choice. Snoke is controlling you. He will crush you when the time comes." Amilyn spoke with confidence, not faltering to show her calmness.

"I feel the conflict in you. It's growing since you killed Han." Rey said, a knife could've killed the silence at the thought of Han. "It's tearing you apart."

"Is that why you came?" To tell me I'm conflicted?" Kylo asked Rey.

Here it was again, his usual tactics. Deflection and Derision. As if he were their master and they were nothing but unknowing students. But things had changed since Takodana, Starkiller Base, and even now. She wasn't that little girl who had watched him attack her, not anymore.

"No, Ben. Look at me." Rey said, turning to Ben. Amilyn aslo turned to face them both. She hadn't realized Rey knew Ben this well. Almost as if she were speaking to Ben as if he were her own brother.

Kylo turned at the sound of the name he had been born with. The one he had abandoned years ago.

"When we touched hands I saw your future." Rey told him. "Just the shape of it, but clear and solid. You will not bow before Snoke. You will turn, I will help you....we will help you. I saw it. It's your destiny." 

Amilyn watched as emotions chase themselves across Rey and Kylo's faces. Echoes in the force as she recalled her past memories with Ben. She could feel the emotions brewing between Rey and Kylo. Anger. Confusion. Pain. Loneliness. Longing. Sorrow.

He then lifted his eyes up to Rey. "You're wrong," Kylo said. "When we touched I saw something too. Not your future.....your past. And because of what I saw, I know that when the time comes, you'll be the one turn. You'll stand with me. Rey, I saw who your parents are."

Rey's lit up with horror knowing. Amilyn couldn't bare the silence of Rey's look. She wouldn't let Rey have Kylo trying to pull her to the darkness. 

"Ben. Please.....Come home. Leia......and I forgive you. Leia may have not told me that. But I know she wants her son back." Amilyn spoke softly, but it was audible enough for Rey to hear.

The turbo lift doors hissed open and Kylo Ren led them into the throne room. The supreme leader, Snoke awaited them on his throne. He was guarded by crimson armored guards at either side of his throne, bladed weapons at the ready. Smoke himself, slouched his back-wearing  golden robes, secure in the safety of the guards.

But his eyes were piercing with a hunger unlike any evil Amilyn had felt. She tried to avoid them, but his gaze on them was like lodestone, dragging her to his attention. His pull through the force was akin, but she was able to keep her training in her mind as she stepped forward with Rey.

Snoke grinned hungrily at the girls, and Amilyn found she couldn't find a reason to look away from Snoke. He fixed his eyes on Kylo Ren. "Well done, my good and faithful apprentice," he said in a deep, low voice. "Young Skywalker. Young Rey. Welcome."

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