Chapter 22: Such Power

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(The Kill by Thirty Seconds to Mars)

Snoke had been alive for many years. He had used the darkside of the force to keep himself alive. He had done everything to keep that darkness the same as it was during Palpatines reign. One obstacle always stood in his way.....Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker had been the reason for the empires defeat on the second Death Star. Like his daughter would become, he had been a favored instrument of the will of the Force. That made it essential to keep a close eye on the Skywalker's. Now the endgame was seen at hand with Amilyn Skywalker, Luke Skywalker's daughter, the chosen one in front of him.

Snoke waved his hand, the binders pared and clattered to the floor. Amilyn looked at her wrists, quickly knowing that he would pull any evil at any second. "Come closer child." He said to Rey. Rey tried her best to resist the frost force pull Snoke was using to bring her to him. 

"So much strength........Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise." Snoke said, almost savoring the currents of power in the room. With a small gesture of his hand, her fathers lightsaber ripped itslef free from Kylo's grasp. 

"Skywalker, I assumed....wrongly." He said. Setting the old lightsaber down on the thrones armrest and pinned Rey with his gaze. "Closer, I said." Rey wasn't able to resist Snoke's next force pull, using it to compel her body, yanking her away from Amilyn.

Rey struggled to allow herself through the force to keep her feet planted to the ground. As it had on Takodana, Rey's mind was suddenly overwhelmed as Snoke invaded her mind. The feeling left her feeling sick, wanting to revolt against Snoke's strength. 

"You underestimate Skywalker. Rey warned Snoke. "And Ben Solo. And Amilyn Skywalker. And Me."

Snoke's eye glittered with amusement at Rey's words. The young girl had mistaken him for being a weak unknowning fool, when really he was a shadow of darkness. He studied Rey, still struggling to break free of his force pull, pulling her to the throne. He decided it was time for one last lesson.

"Oh?" Snoke asked, radiating mockingly with fake concern. "Have you seen something? A special power in Skywalker's daughter? A weakness in my apprentice? Is that why you came?" He laughed dawning a new horror across Rey's face. 

"Young fool," Snoke said. "It was I who bridged yours and my apprentices minds. I stoked Rens conflcitions and his soul. I knew he wasn't strong enough to hide from Skywalkers daughter. He would need someone she deeply trusted, someone he knew. And you were not smart enough to resist the bait."

Kylo Ren kneeling behind Amilyn, lifted his head in surprise. He hadn't known of what Snoke was doing or had he known it had been his own master. Snoke was now torturing Rey, his eyes locking with his masters. He begged silently for him to stop. But Snoke ignored the plea. Amilyn watched not wanting to know the horror he would put Rey through.

"And now you will give me Skywalker." He spoke colder than the water had been on Ach-Too. "Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke."

The horror in Rey's eyes were followed by her stubborn defiance. "No!" She spat at him.

"Yes!" Snoke said, pulling through the force, lifting Rey into the air. She was laid flat in the air as a seething pain filled her head. Her blood pulsing with struggle as Snoke dug into her memories. "Give me...everything." He commanded.

Rey couldn't stop the scream of her agony and pain as he dug into her mind. He dug through her pain as she tried to hold him back. Amilyn felt the horror erupt throughout her body staring at the merciless Snoke. Kylo could feel Reys panic and pain, but lowered his head and awaited Snoke's command.

Rey felt her strength against his go weak. Snoke let go of his pull of Rey, pulling her flat onto the floor. Rey gasped for air, as she looked back at Snoke. She horrified, but she still tried to inflict her enemy with confusion

"Well, well," Snoke said, oozing with a new satisfaction, "I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi order the death he longs. After the rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island."

Rey raised her hand for Luke's lightsaber on the thrones armrest. The force glided the lightsaber hilt to her, but Snoke had other plans. The lightsaber went behind Rey's aim, only to come back and hit her in the back of the head. Snoke took the lightsaber into his gnarled fingers, putting it back on the armrest.

"You're wrong." Amilyn spoke up, her fury was calm, but showed a bit of her anger. "The resistance is safe. If they aren't, there are still groups of people out there willing to fight the First Order."

"Ah, Skywalker's daughter. Such spunk. That spark of fiery hope in you." Snoke said, a vigorous chill ran up her spine. "Look here now."

Oddly enough, his force pull on her felt weak. But he did end up dragging her feet still on the ground towards a wall, past his red armored guards. The red curtain walls of the throne room parted, revealing an oculus showing a viewport of ships. The ships were being fired at and exploded into oblivion.

"The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon....they will all be gone. For you, all is lost." Snoke told her, menacingly. Amilyn turned her head away from the oculus, reaching her hand out for her lightsaber attached to Kylo Ren's belt. She ignited the lightsaber, as it ignited a fiery white glow.

The guards moved into a ready position of fighting. They sprang forward, weapons raised at her cause for action against Snoke. 

"And still that fiery spit of hope." Amilyn took a running start at Snoke. Fueling her training, and bits of her rage. "You have a spirit of a true Jedi." She was flung against into the floor laying where Kylo Ren kneeled. Her body sprawled upon the floor in front of him.

"And that's why you as a must die." Snoke said raising his eyes to Kylo's, "You young girls must die."

Kylo barely moved as Snoke spoke in a cold manner. Snoke had revealed the connection he had made with Rey's mind to Kylo's, but he still wouldn't find a sense of hope in himself. Snoke smiled pleasingly at his apprentice. 

"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader." Snoke said, knowing. "Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness, now strength. Complete your training. Fulfill your destiny."

Kylo rise to his feet staring at Rey and Amilyn, as Snoke pulled through the force in the girls. Snoke's force pull, sat the girls on their knees, pain steering in Rey's brain. Kylo hoisted the crossguard hilt between Rey and Amilyn. Amilyn felt a weird sensation at the numbness of her fingers, as Snoke watched a burst of white clear energy come from her hand.

"As also, Amilyn must die for being the chosen one. You know what you have to do." Snoke told Kylo.

"Ben....." Rey and Amilyn begged Kylo.

"I know what I have to do," Kylo said, emotionlessly. Snoke laughed, knowing bridging Rey and Kylo's minds had been a gamble. It fooled them into revealing where Luke Skywalker was this whole time. Snoke couldn't hav e been more pleased by the outcome of this gamble. Amilyn's eyes didn't burn, but pleaded to Ben.....wherever he was behind Kylo Ren's eyes.

"You think he will turn, you pathetic child?" Snoke asked Rey. "You think you can bring him home? I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see every intent." Snoke told the girls as Rey's lit up with horror at every word.

Snoke closed his eyes, sending dramatic irony into Amilyn as forcefully turned her head back to Snoke for a moment. 

"Yes!" Snoke said hungrily and pleased, "I see him turning his lightsaber to strike true. And now foolish children. He ignites it and kills his true enemy." Rey and Amilyn braced themselves for the striking blow, or swing if Kylo's blade only to hear a gasp come from someone else. 

Kylo had indeed rotated the hilt of his crossguard in a killing manner for Rey and Amilyn, directly pointed at their chests. But he even as he did so, he had moved the lightsaber hilt on Snoke armrest, silently. Then, with a flick of Kylo's hand, the blade curved in between his masters waist and legs, cutting Snoke in two. The lightsaber flew toward them.

The force pull was let go of Rey and Amilyn as Rey reached for the lightsaber. Amilyn pulled her other lightsaber off Kylo's belt and the one lying on the floor beside her. Luke's lightsaber fell into Rey's hand as she and Amilyn locked eyes with Kylo. The red armored guards brandished their weapons and charged towards Rey, Amilyn, and Kylo.

Back-to-back, They each received their charge at the guards.

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