Chapter 23: Escape to Crait

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Pull full thrusters

We have to make it

I think he's waking up General

Shhh! Threepio!

Poe woke up slowly, his eyelids fluttered open at the sounds of his friends shouting. His consciousness returned in seconds as he realized Holdo had definitely stunned him earlier. The noises became louder after it had been quite barely audible fir him to have heard anyone, except for the people's voices who had woke him up.

He bolted right up as his memory returned to him. Holdo was firing on the bridge! Did she succeed? Was Leia okay? Where was he? All his brain could conclude was they were still in danger.

The first thing he saw were the backs of resistance uniforms on some mechanics and technicians. He saw the uniforms of pilots, soldiers, and as well as droids were surronded around him. Then, behind him, he saw through the windows that the Raddus was becoming smaller as the ship flew away.

"No!" Poe gasped struggling to his legs, which were still stunned by the stun of Holdo's blast on him. He couldn't believe it, Holdo was doing something in the Raddus. His fellow friends and soldiers shared the same look of concern and pitying.

His memory came back finally as he remembered what had happened earlier. Holdo had attacked the bridge and was trying to stun the remaining crew on the bridge. Leia's medical door opened, and a shot blasted him in the back. Leia was walking and shot a blast at Holdo. Ackbar had shouted something  after that for someone for help.

"Poe!" Leia said again, snapping Poe back into reality. "Look!"

Poe searched the room finding Leia sitting across from him, near C-3PO and some soldiers. Poe forced his legs to work, his muscles still twitching with pain from the stun. He was able to make his way through the soldiers around Leia, and she took his hand. He wasn't sure if it was for a sense of comfort, an apology, or concern.

"What's going on? Where's Holdo? What....." Poe trailed off, as Leia looked into his eyes, beginning her answering. Poe realized at the sight of the planet streaked with apple white and dark streaks. "What's that?"

"No charted ones, no. But this is a shadow planet in deep space. In the days of the rebellion we used them as hideouts. This is the mineral planet Crait." Leia nodded to D'Acy, who had been studying a map layout of the planet.

"There's a rebel base there?" Poe asked Leia, setting himself next to her.

"Abandoned, but heavily armored." D'Acy reported for Poe. "With enough power to get a distress signal to our Allie's scattered across the outer rim." Poe had understood Ackbars plan for smaller ships to get to Crait because they couldn't get any tracking on them.

Poe was beginning to understand the situation better after his stunnning. But he knew too well that the yes of First Order Officers and to be kept on the Raddus only. Otherwise they may die trying to get to Crait.

"Where's Ackbar?" Poe asked finally, only to see the look of hurt on Leia's face. Poe saw that she was hurting with a pain and truth she couldn't tell.

"He's doing....the right thing." Leia barely managed from her mouth. Poe suddnely realized Ackbar was sacrificing himself for the Resistance. "He's giving us more time." Poe felt a slight rip at his heart at the thought of losing the Greta Admiral. But it was Ackbar's choice, it wasn't Poe's.

(Ackbars POV)

Aboard the Raddus, Ackbar stood on the second bridge. He stood alone checking over the console over his chair. The Raddus systems had been redirected to the bridge. He could fire every turbo blaster battery at the First Orders ship. The shield eneveloped what was functioning properly, and a few simple commands could redirect the power to rear deflectors once the Raddus ran out. 

Ackbar had no illusion that he could target the enemies like that or with anything the Raddus had. The Raddus could stand a lengthy barrage once the First Order warships came within close range. But  none of these ideas were his goal. The goal was to give the shuttles enough time to reach Crait.

The shuttles were undetectable crafts, allowing the shuttles to slip in easily. But of a First Officer caught a hold of the shuttles leaving, they would shot the shuttles down. Ackbar couldn't let that happen, he needed more time. His brain swelled with the stress of time and the stress of any ideas that could help the shuttles.

Just like it had been, like a figment of his worst intentions. A fired shot from the mega-star destroyer disintegrated a shuttle. That was it. Ackbar had to find a way to keep them away from the other shuttles. He wasn't going to fail now.

Ackbar felt the trust Leia was putting on him, but he also felt the trust of others on him. He had felt the string of stress during the destruction of the second Death Star. Yet, he had pulled through knowing there was still....hope.

Hope. That's what he had to carry on. The hope he had shared with the Resistance and the Rebellion. He would let the others get word to their other friends out there in the outer rim. Throughout all his time against the darkness he always had one thing, he'd always have hope. Inside of everyone is a spark of hope.

He just needed to give the Resistance his spark of hope. Leia would be safe and would know what had to be done, he just needed to give her what she needed. Her was never going to let the darkness of evil win. Never. Not even Palpatine, Darth Vader, Snoke, or Kylo Ren could take it away from him. He would never stop fighting.

He knew no one was better than Leia to lead the Resistance after what he knew what he had to do. His friendship with Leia was helping him through the surge of emotions he usually kept private to himself instead of in front of his fellow soldiers. The faith of his home world of Mon Cala had believed in him as they aalways did.

He choked at dismay cry of help from a hologram of a resistance pilot. He had to do something. It was now or later, but it just better not lead to his friends death. He had dismissed Holdo actions from his and fell into the captains chair.

He called the coordinates on his console onto the Raddus direction. Memories flooded into his brain as he turned the ship towards the Star Destroyer:

May the force be with us

We've got to give those fighters more time 

The shield is down! Commence attack!

It's a trap!

Take evasive action!

Admiral Ackbar relaxed as he pulled the Raddus into the range of the middle of the starships. He hit the hyperspace button, knowing this was his last time of seeing the light of day. "May the force be with you Rebels. May it always." Ackbar breathed out as the ship launched into the Star destroyer, cracking the ship in half as well as he breathed his last.

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