Chapter 27: Crazy Flying

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(Just a girl by No Doubt)

"Everything alright, Poe." Finn asked from his cockpit of the ski-speeder. Poe turned to face Finn as he put headset around his head. Giving Finn a thumbs up, then turning back to his control panel inside of the speeder. He watched as the doors lifted enough for the few ski-speeders to file out of.

"Launching. Follow my lead." Poe told the members through their com links. The ski speeders slid forward into the salt plains of Crait. Poe, familiar with feeling of driving a speeder and couldn't help but give a small smile. Flying and driving all sorts of ships were always what he was good at.

Poe pulled down on the lever and something hit the ground. A moon-ski hit the ground, guiding them against the grounds of salt built up on its plains. Skidding across the salts, and heading toward the large AT-AT's of the First Order.

"Hey dummy!" Rose shouted at Finn. "Engage your mono-ski." Finn looked around frantically as he pulled down the lever. Rose was sure he would crash, but was relieved to see the bottom finally pull out. She smiled in relief and turned back to her control panel.

The impact of her own speeders touchdown forced almost all the air from her lungs. For a moment her thoughts made her think she was sheer her cannons would she'd. Maybe even her cockpit or maybe even both. But she was even more glad was still racing with the others towards the machines of evil of the First Order.

Their skis sliced across the layers of salt atop of the grounds, leaving red streaks from where they had started. The tall AT-AT's started to get closer and aimed their canons at them. Poe got ready to speak into the com when he pulled his foot back on a metal panel gave away beneath him, sending a chunk of hull playing spinning off across the plains.

"What the hell? I don't like these rustbuckets  and I don't like our odds. Keep it tight and don't get pulled to close until they roll that canon out front." 

A rapid firing of a blasts came from the AT-AT's at the speeders. Rose swerved her speeder out of the firings range with complete luck on her first try. The firing crossed between every speeder the violent flashes of shots, sent her into a small panic. She closed her eyes knowing the next shot would be aimed at her. 

A sound filled her ears as if a ship had come into view. As she opened her eyes a new hope filled them, a smile erupted from the corners of her mouth. The Falcon arrived into view with a striking blast of blue shooting down a few of the First Order crafts on the ground.

"Hey. It's nice to know the fight is only starting." A familiar voice erupted over the com.

"Amy." Poe smiled as he spoke into the com. He couldn't help, but smile. A weird weight felt as if it had been lifted from his chest.

"Well, it's seems we've got a little company." Rey spoke into the com as fighters followed after the Falcon. Poe breathed a sigh and started his speeder back towards the AT-AT's.

(Amilyn's POV)

"Get ready!" Rey shouted to CB-34 who was working the control panel next to Chewie. The wookie had a Porg screaming at the Tie-Fighters coming at them. Chewie pushed the tiny bird out of his way of the button he needed to hit.

"How can I be? You rush into  a battle. No plan. Whoever taught you that?" CB-34 exclaimed at Rey.

"Come on," Amilyn asked CB-34, "Where's that optimism?"

"Frankly, I don't have that. I have a low positivity that we're not even going to make it." CB-34 turned to them, his robotic voice stringed with worry.

"I'll take that as a....good thing." Amilyn said, exaggerating her sacrcasm. She and Rey made a run from the cockpits to the gunners. Amilyn climbed up the ladder, as Rey climbed down the ladder to their opposite gunners. Pulling her head seat over her still plaited wet hair, she put her hand around the control levers.

"Ready, Rey?" She yelled down towards where Rey would be.

"Ready." Rey shouted back.

"Let's kick some bastard's ass." Amilyn muttered under her breath. She pulled her gunner towards the firing range of where the Tie-Fighters followed closely behind her. Chewie pulled down on the Falcon's yoke, sending the ship spinning away from the Tie-Fighters.

"Miraculous." CB-34 marveled at Chewie's flying skills. But the Fighters came back behind them firing shots at the Falcon. Rey wheeled her gunner at a the Tie-Fighter close to her shot range she could shot at. The fighters formed a loose line behind the Falcon, jockeying for any shot they could get at them.

"Chewie!" Rey yelled into her headset. "Peel off from the battle! Draw them away from the speeders."

Chewie heard the order, and accelerated away from the battlefield, with a string of fighters following after them. Below, Rey caught her eyes on crystal like creatures running into the base where the Resistance was most likely. 

"Chewie." Amilyn yelled into her headset. "I have an idea. It's crazy. Something Han would've probably done...but it's our only option. Pull into the caverns. We can make them crash or shoot them down."

Chewie roared into the com. "Honestly, Miss Amilyn you sound just like your mother when I first met her." CB-34 told her.

"Well, let's do that plan. Otherwise we are going to get wiped out here." Rey yelled into the com. Chewie pulled the yoke sending them into the caverns. Amilyn gave a quick smile, turning her gunner towards the Fighters. They had fallen into her trap.

(Finn's POV)

"Pull off." Poe ordered through the com seeing the cannon the First Order had pulled out. He knew the odds of them against the cannon were low. He knew he couldn't lose more people than they already had.

"What?" Finn asked through the com, he couldn't help contain his disbelief.

"The guns charged. It's a suicide run! All crafts, pull away,"

"No." Finn begged. "I'm almost there."

"Retreat! That's an order." The other three ski-speeders pulled away, following Poe's lead, but Finn continued straight towards the canon. He breathed out a sigh of sadness, knowing he might end his own life. Yet, he knew after trying to run away....this was the right thing to do.

"Finn! It's too late!" Rose yelled. "Don't do this!"

"I won't let them win!" Finn said, his voice wild.

"No! Finn, listen to—" Rose yelled through her com, only for Finn to fling the headset off his head. He was just fifty meters from the canon, seeking to fly straight into down into the barrel of the canon. His speeder was already being scorched and blistered from the energy of the canons force. 

He closed his eyes knowing the end was near. Memories flooded into him, the good ones he kept that brought him joy:

She asked you Newcomer 

I'm Rey

Stop taking my hand!

So is he like your boyfriend?

No! Why does everybody keep saying that!

Alright, big deal


Finn smiled. Suddenly, something plunged his ship out of the way. He couldn't believe someone stopped him from saving the Resistance or even sacrificing himself for the greater good. He didn't realize how crazy the last part sounded, but he lay on his side as his craft broke into nothing. 

Turning his head to see who had saved him or made him not be able to do what he planned on doing. He saw laying there was the barely conscious Rose.

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