Chapter 28: Luke Stands

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(The Pretender by foo fighters: also small time skip, not to big, Leia's POV)

The blasting of the cannon burned against the door, sending the crew fleeing back. Leia lowered her hands from her face and found sunlight streaming in through the breached door and small windows. It lent a strange beauty into the dark, brooding room.

Poe and Finn pulled through an unconscious Rose on a small cot to some medical crew members. D'Acy looked up from her console where she had been monitoring their transmissions. She looked gravely at Leia, which sent Leia into dismay, but hid it from D'Acy.

"There's no response.  Our distress signal has been received by many points. But no response. They've heard us, but...nobody's coming." D'Acy reported, gravely. 

Leia's face fell. She thought of every speech she made a hundred speeches during hundreds of battles. The words she had said for brave fighters, most of them were gone now. What was there to say? How can you say anything when you watch everybody lose their lives?

There was nothing. And she wasn't going to peddle a false hope that wasn't there. Not even to these men and women who were trying to help her, the ones she couldn't even find the word of wisdom she was known for. An awful silence filled the room, barely anyone could bare it, but what could be said?

The silence was broken abruptly by the sound of slow, deliberate steps form the dark tunnel. Luke Skywalker emerged from the shadows, clad in black Jedi robes. His hands, one of flesh and blood, one mechanical—reached up for his hood and pushed it back. His dark beard was just staring to gray and his eyes were a bright blue, studying the room of Resistance fighters.

Leia watched her brother approach with disbelief. She was dreaming, and for a moment she felt angry. Here, at the end, her mind had broken and left her seeing someone who couldn't have been there. But no, everyone saw Luke, and had a look of amazement across their faces.

"Luke!" Leia said.

"Master Luke!" C-3PO cried with evident joy, wining a nod and a smile from his former master. It finally convinced Leia Luke was there, because droids can't hallucinate. C-3PO decided to remain silent and Luke crossed the room to stand before his sister.

"I know what you're going to say." Leia told Luke. "I changed my hair."

"It looks nice that way," Luke replied and his smile faded. "Leia....I'm sorry. I left you, Amy and...."

"I know. I know you are. I, just good you're here, at the end." Leia reassured Luke as his look on his face became grave.

"I came to face him, Leia. But I can't save him." Long ago, Leia's heart would've pierced her at those words. But now it left a dull ache, knowing the truth.

"I know. I held out a false hope for so long, but now I know. My son is gone." She said. Luke's eyes shone warmth with understanding into Leia's saddened eyes. It was a strange feeling to feel from her brother again. It had been so long since she felt a strange comfort from her brother.

"No one's ever really gone." Luke said quietly to his sister.

"She's ready. And we both know Mara would've done everything to have met her." Leia told Luke.

"I know. Amilyn is stronger than I could ever be. Heard she had a boy that's a friend?" Luke told Leia, with a hint of old mischief.

"Yes, Poe." Leia told Luke. He leaned over and kissed Leia on her forehead. She took his hands into hers. When they touched hands, she immediately understood. A slight smile played at the corners of her mouth, she understood the secret her brother was keeping.

Brother and sister for a moment stayed like that. Then Luke let go of her hands, offering C-3PO a wink, he walked out onto the steps of the docking bay. Leia opened her palm and smiled at the sight of Han's old dice, resting in her palm.

(Poe's POV)

Finn was looking over Rose, unconscious as they looked her over with their equipment. Poe kept an eye on the both and BB-8 had rolled beside him. Poe turned his head to see a figure in dark robes approach the door. Poe raised his eyebrow at the man, and looked to the man who faced him.

"Poe, take care of Amilyn for me." Luke told Poe. Poe couldn't help, but recognized the man from his parents stories. This was Luke Skywalker.

"Even if I tried, she would always defend herself better." Poe told Luke, jokingly. Luke smiled and made his way to the blast doors. "Somethings not right." Poe pulled out his binoculars as Luke walked outside into the plains where the First Order stood.

Poe watched the confrontation of guns missing where Luke stood. The sun sinking down below the mountains and hills. Stretching across Kylo Ren and Luke's shadows.

""Kylo Ren," Poe told Finn, "Luke's facing him alone."

"We should help him! Let's go!" Finn replied. Poe wanted to smile.....Was this the same Finn who'd insisted he wasn't here to join another army? And not so long ago, he would've reacted the same way. Poe studied the figures, starting to understand Luke's plans.

Luke's and Kylo Rens blades sparked against each others. Swinging their lightsabers at each other in front of the blast door. Likes moves were small, but defective. Ren's were vicious and wild.

"This isn't a family reunion." He told the remaining Resistance crew, "Skywalker's doing this for a reason. He's stalling so we can escape." Leia joined the others, with C-3PO trailing behind her.

"Escape?" Finn asked, incredulous. "He's one man against an entire army. We have to go help him and Fight!"

"No. We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn down the First Order. Luke's doing this so we can survive. There has to be another way out of this mine. Hell, who'd he get in?" Poe said.

"Sir, it is impossible that a natural, unmapped opening even exists," C-3PO started. "But this facility is such a  maze of endless tunnels the odds of finding an exit are fifteen thousand four hundred twenty-eight...."

Poe held up a finger. "Shh. Shh. Shut up!"

"—to one" C-3PO concluded as everyone tried to figure out where Poe was looking at. Poe was listening to a noise as Finn's eyes widened with realization to what Poe was listening for.

"Where'd those crystal critters go?" Finn asked. A small lone,  Vulptex crystal creature stood in front of a rocky hole.  And indeed, there the creature was with its eyes shining in the darkness. As they watched, the creature turned its tail and hurried off down the tunnel, its fur chiming,

C-3PO tried to understand Poe's sudden interest in the creatures. But Threepio had given up in understanding humans long ago. He was about to inform the pilot of the creature leading, knowing Poe was watching it leave. 

"Follow me," Poe said, hurrying after the fox. All eyes turned to Leia, but she gave them a strange look.

"What are you looking at me for? Follow him."

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