Chapter 3: What's left

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"Rey!" Finn shouted as he jolted awake yelling Rey's name. He had expected to find himself on Starkiller Base or even the snowy planet they had been on. Only to hit his head on the glass above him. He forced himself to get up and unlatched the glass around him.

The door opened from the medical bay he was in as he searched the halls. They were traveling through hyperspace it seemed as he passed by the windows. Everybody was running around like something had happened. Where was Rey?

His back ached as he remembered why he was probably in the medical bay. Kylo Ren had given him an ugly scar across his back from when he went up against him. Ren was much more powerful than he had imagined. The Bacta fluids leaked from every side of him as he walked down the hall. Some cadets slipped at the wetness on the floor.

Trying to focus, he urged his tired feet to find Rey or Amilyn somewhere on the ship. Finn followed the people heading to docking bay. Just a s quickly as he possibly could, calling Rey and Amilyn's name.

(Poe's POV)

Poe took off his helmet as he stepped down the ladder against his X-Wing. He jumped off the last step of the ladder finally putting his feet on the Raddus. Technicians ran to fix anything that could cause his X-wing to accidentally to blow up. BB-8 was disengaged from his little area on the X-Wing and started beeping at Poe. 

"I know Buddy. But we survived!" Poe exclaimed to the overly concerned droid. BB-8 beeped about Paige Tico making Poe remember he'd have to say something. "Yeah....i don't know what to say....she has a sister I need to talk to......and what am I going to tell the general?"

At least they had made it aboard The Raddus, which was all that Poe could be glad about. Amilyn and Rey had left at least 8 to 15 hours ago to find Luke. But Poe needed Amilyn now, because she always found a way to make things better for him. Why was he caring so much after her leaving this time? He wondered that question to himself as he looked out at the stars closed off by glass.

BB-8 picked up something on his visual sensors that puzzled him. It was an odd signature behind the hangar door. BB-8 reviewed the data and tootled at Poe as much puzzlement as he had.

"Finn naked leaking bag? What the.....Are your sensors malfunctioning?" Poe replied as Finn appeared crossing the hangar door bay. Finn was wearing an almost very clear suit so the doctors could inspect him, but now it was quite odd to see him walking around as Bacta water squirted out of his suit. Poe ran toward Finn excited to see Finn was awake.

"Buddy!" Poe called as he reached Finn who turned to him. Finn looked like he was looking for something by the look of confusion on his face. But Finn had to blink to make sure he was actually seeing that Poe was there. "We need to get you dressed. You must have a thousand questions."

"Where's Rey and Amilyn?"

(Time skip)

"So....You blew up Starkiller Base. Amilyn beat Kylo at a lightsaber duel. And you have the rest map. You won right? Becuase this doesn't look like you won." Finn concluded as he got out of the dressing quarters. Finn was in the resistance jacket Poe had let him have after Jakku and the rest of his garments he had on before the coma.

"Well.....after we won the battle on Starkiller. It didn't take them long to find our base, so we are fleeing to the next closest location that they don't know of."

"You miss her? And I mean Amilyn." Finn asked Poe.

Poe sighed holding back his fears he felt being away from Amilyn. She maybe even gone for longer which they had never been so far apart before for that long. "I know she's the chosen one and all that other Jedi stuff, but.....honestly I just don't want to lose her.....because I can't do anything without knowing she's alive. But thanks for joining the resistance."

"Yeah." Finn muttered guilty of his actions on Starkiller. He wasn't trying to help the Resistance win, he had come there to rescue Rey. Almost got killed by Kylo Ren, but Amilyn defended Ren off in to a sudden defeat for Ren. Amilyn must've been really strong because REN's physical strength was hard to compete against.

Finn looked to Poe uneasily as C-3PO entered the dressing room. "Commander Poe Dameron, Princess Leia request ps your presence at the meeting at once." C-3PO told Poe. "I tried to make that sound like an order. But she doesn't seem to happy what happened to the bomber."

Poe breathed out his stress knowing what could happen. "Shit." He whispered 

(Kylo Ren's POV)

Kylo stood in the turbo lift as it plunged down below. He was on Snoke's ship and was chasing after the Resistance. He had just talked to The Supreme leader as his words echoed in his head: 

"Skywalker lives! The chosen one defeated you and lives still! The seed of the Jedi order lives! As long as it does, the Resistance have hope. I thought you could sniff it out, Alas You're no Vader, you're just a child."

Kylo Ren looked at his mask which was made to strike fear into the eyes of others like Darth Vader's. Rage filled him by the words Snoke had used. Calling him a child! Now that was the most infuriating thing yet he had heard.

But Snoke was right....Luke Skywalker was alive......and Amilyn, the chosen one was still alive and could end the First Order. Staring at the helmet cradled in his hands. This was just a ridiculous mask....he couldn't strike fear if they didn't see his eyes.

His rage came out of nowhere as he smashed the mask against the wall. Shooting sparks came from the bars of the turbo lift as he hit it against it once. Kylo smashed the mask in the wall, as the force was howling inside him as he broke the mask. He left the heaping mess of what mess was left of the cracks and the shards of the mask on the floor.

"Prepare my ship!" Ren barked at a guard as the door of the turbo lift opened.

(Poe's POV)

Poe had always known Leia Organa even before he had physically been introduced to her. She'd been a mentor to his parents Kes Dameron and Shara Bey, who both served her during the days against the Empire. He had never wanted to follow his parents footsteps, but Leia had convinced him to join. Which lead him to meeting his best friend Amilyn......god how he missed her.

"As you know we will be searching for a planet that is off the charts of the First Orders maps. Hopefully, we will find one soon so we can settle for a base." Ackbar explained to the cadets, pilots, and technicians in the meeting room of the ship. Ackbar's voice had snapped Poe back into real life from his reality.

"Aris is what we are heading for first. Thank you for attending this brief meeting. Dameron and Wexley, Leia requests your presence." Admiral Ackbar said adjourning the meeting as Poe and Wexley glanced at each other. They made their way to Leia, and just like Poe expected....

Leia slapped Poe's check in anger. Poe cheek singed off the spin it caused his jaw. "You're demoted, Dameron." 

"What?!? For what did I do? Tico called it herself. I didn't order to do a successful run. I know what you said and took into word. But Tico decided she'd sacrifice herself for our safety. She wanted to be a hero...a leader and she did it then!" Poe explained to Leia who was still infuriated with Poe.

"Poe is right. I'm the one who has to record everything said and I report and restate that she broke her com possibly after Poe gave her the order. Poe didn't give the order for her to stay, Paige Tico was a hero for the last seconds of her life and we can not let that go in vain." Wexley said speaking up for Poe which rarely happened, as he handed Leia the data pad that contained Paige and Poe's conversation.

Leia looked at Poe before making a motion for Wexley to be dismissed, leaving only Leia and poe only in the meeting room. "You're not demoted anymore, Poe. I'm sorry I guess I was expecting something like Han out of you. But you're different than him, thank you for following orders. I knew you could be reckless, but we all are. Sometimes I forget that."

"Leia....I'm nervous about Amilyn. I know she's the chosen one and all that other Jedi stuff, but how is she going to find us. I mean we're in deep space." Poe asked Leia who looked at him seeing his uncertainty. Leia smiled at Poe as she revealed a tracking bracelet strapped to her hand.

"Amilyn put one of these on the Falcon before she left to find Luke. It's a light to find her way home, since you are right we are in the middle of space. Don't worry she'll be fine I just know it." Leia reassured Poe who smiled in return. Leia knew it was obvious Poe and Amilyn seemed to becoming more than just friends as they thought.

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