Chapter 4: Coward

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(Let it die by Foo Fighters during this chapter.)

The late afternoon suns hung low in the dawning sky on Ach-Too. The shadows of the stone huts gray across the rocks and grass. Luke Skywalker sat on a bench close to his hut, and the others sat in front of him. Chewie and Luke were mourning still as Amilyn hovered over them. She still was hurt by Han's death, but Han would've wanted her to be strong. So she kept strong, the silence was broken by Amilyn.

"Han was my uncle....a great friend." Amilyn began shutting her eyes many times to make the tears forming in her eyes go away. "Ben is still in there, but Snoke is giving him no choice. Like he had no light on him at all. But there is and I know it is."

The mere mention of either Han or Ben's name seemed to pierce like at the thought of them both. For a moment Amilyn saw the broken man inside her father that was haunted by the night at the temple. Whatever force powers he had, it seemed as if he never was that hero or the legend those years ago.

"Leia showed us estimates of the First Order military stock." Rey spoke up after Amilyn. CB-34 had arrived later because of not being as fast as the others, and he looked at Rey explaining the problem. "It's massive. They destroyed the republic. They will get control of all major systems without your help. We really need your help. We need Luke Skywalker."



"You don't need me. I mean what do you expect me to do? That I'm going to walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole first order? The Jedi....if you and a few of them in robes they could've done that. Do you think I don't know my old friends are dying? Do you think I'd king why I came here?" Luke told them.

Rey looked at him disbelief and CB-34 if he could would be cursing but had never heard a curse in his life. Chewie moaned at Luke wanting to know why. It seemed as if he didn't seem to care even if everybody was suffering. "Dad....just....why? They could destroy the Resistance. They could hurt Leia! She's your sister and she's my aunt! You'd make my friend Poe....well he could get hurt!" Amilyn was able to urge out of her mouth for her father as questions poured from her mouth.

"Who's Poe?" Luke asked his daughter.

"He's a resistance pilot. He met me after the temple burned down after that night. He's putting his life on the line for others......"

"This friend of yours sounds like the most reckless person ever." Luke said without hesitation to his daughter. Something inside Amilyn snapped as soon as her father spoke those words. Fury filled her of how he said Poe was reckless.

"HOW DARE YOU!"Amilyn angrily said her voice rising higher in shocking Luke and the others. "At least he's better than you and he's fighting for others who can't fight for themselves. And unlike you he's being a hero out there as you stay here and become a coward! You can't say he's reckless when your to afraid to even try! In to deep and lost in the past...why did you let it go and let it die? Why are you letting this die?"

"We're not leaving without you." Rey spoke up for Amilyn. Amilyn stood there shocked at what she had even said to have defended Poe's honor. 

"Then get comfortable." Luke replied looking at Amilyn shocked by her outburst. He retreated to his hug and put the door back on its hinges using the force. Rey stood at in front of the doorway as he did so.

"Mistress Amilyn...." CB-34 started before Amilyn ran back off to the Falcon. "Amilyn!"

"What's up with her?" Rey asked CB-34 who stood up ready to talk to Amilyn. Rey had never seen Amilyn make an outburst like that before. Chewie roared by CB-34 who obviously understood the wookie turned to them both.

"Isn't it quite obvious? She has feelings for this Poe. She may not realize it yet, but her actions consult into a love for this Poe. I've seen it over the years of being with the old Jedi republic during the years of chivalry in the senate. It was odd for Jedi to watch this type of love, because like Amilyn they thought then Jedi shouldn't fall in love." CB-34 explained on their way down to the Falcon.

"I know people teased her and Poe about them being more than friends. I didn't realize..."Rey began only for Chewie to roar at her in a reassuring tone. "Chewie's right. It must be hard when it's your best friend." They boarded the Falcon to hear Amilyn trashing through her storage closet looking for supplies probably to distract herself from them.

"Mistress Amilyn, may we talk?" CeeBee asked as Amilyn looked behind her to see them waiting on her.

"Maybe later, CeeBee. I'm looking for ration bars and portions for us tonight because...."

"Mistress Amilyn. I think, and I suggest it would better to discuss this now than keeping secrets from people even yourself."  Amilyn reluctantly took a seat on the couch as Rey did too and Chewie and CeeBee hovered over them both. "I'd like you to explain your reason for your outburst like that."

"Well nobody says that about my friends, especially Poe. I've known Poe for so long and that he isn't as reckless as you call my father Master Luke thinks. When really my fathers a coward and Poe is fighting for others like my father should be doing." Amilyn spoke up only for CB-34 to sense the lying she was saying.

"Why did you make that outburst?" Rey asked her softly.

"Mistress Amilyn as well as you know me and as well as I know you since you were born. And we both no that's not the reason." CB-34 began only to be shot down by Amilyn just in the way he had expected that.

"Because I love Poe, okay!!" Amilyn took back every word she said realizing it was all true. "I love, Poe Dameron. And I'm to scared to admit that to him because I don't want to ruin our friendship because me and him have always seen each other as best friends."

Amilyn recollected  everything realizing she had been in love with Poe and been hiding it from her own self. She didn't know when it had happened....and why she felt these feelings. It was odd to think CeeBee had recognized it before her. But made sense for the almost 500 year old droid to have known this. "It's quite alright, Mistress Amilyn . I've seen many people go through what you've gone usually ends well." CB-34 reassured her. 

"What does it happen like Twenty bazillion times?"

"As you and I both know Amilyn. Twenty bazillion is not a scientifically accurate number." CB-34 reminded her making her chuckle a bit.

"I know, CeeBee. I wanted to see if your old circuits were still working and thinking just like you did when you helped train me in lightsaber defense." Amilyn said before letting out another small laugh. "I suggest we get some sleep. CeeBee, are any of the huts open or are they used by the villagers?"

"No, most of them are quite open. And yes that suggestion seems about right. You'll need a good sleep if you're going to be following Master Luke around all day tomorrow trying to convince him. Maybe he'll show you the archives, but that's probably unlikely by the standards he's set up for himself."

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