Chapter 5: Rose

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(Listen to If I Can Dream by Maneskin.)

Finn had to leave the Resistance ship; The Raddus if he didn't want to be chased by the First Order forever. It would make him a coward to Poe who was seeing him as a new hero for the Resistance. It had felt very wrong for him to leave, but what choice did he have? He didn't want to be found by the First Order, or even have to become a First Order officer again. 

He just hoped he wouldn't regret this for the rest of his life. He grabbed his bags and luggage walking off from the dressing room. He knew what he had to do, even if Poe, Amilyn, and and his other unknown friends wouldn't understand. But he'd rather run than stay fighting a losing game know how it'll end. Poe knew he'd rather fight this losing game and so did Amilyn with Rey away......was Luke Skywalker too?

He rummaged through a small crate filled with all types of blasters. He picked up a blaster checking to see if it was loaded, but to his disappointment it needed its laser charger. He rummaged through the next crate to find a laser blaster charger changing his luck. He walked off to the torpedo bay and escape pods. Knowing it was only way through a silent escape if they were being tracked down by the First Order at every second he wasted.

He tried not to overlook the fact that he'd leave Rey behind with Amilyn. Amilyn was a highly trained Jedi who could protect Rey far better than he could. His heart sank heavily to his stomach at the thought of not being able to protect Rey. But Rey was in good hands with Amilyn and Poe some of the bets Resistance fighters. He reminded himself this is what's better for him not the others who already knew they had a destiny and he....just didn't have one.

(Rose's POV)

Rose Tico sat on some crates close to the escape pods as she mourned for her sisters death. Tears rolled down her cheeks falling into her lap and some onto her necklace. Her sister had always said when they were apart to remember that the necklace connects them. But Paige was she never coming back. Even more tears came down her face at the thought of her sister was really never coming back.

If she could dream, her sister would've made it out safely and wouldn't have sacrificed herself. And maybe within that fantasy the sun would be warmer and the First order would've died away. Maybe hope wouldn't be so hard there like it was now. She wished that warmer sun of hope and everlasting freedom would come, but why wouldn't it. It may have been a fairytale in her culture, but she could tell the meaning now deep down in her heart.

Rose was technician aboard the Raddus and was on D'Quar. She wasn't as tall as everybody, but her small height helped her fit into smaller spaces the others couldn't get to. Her orders for her morning shift, had been to electrocute or stun anyone trying to escape with accessing the pods somehow. If they tried to run, they would've took her sisters heroic deed in vain which would be infuriating for Rose.

She heard movement in the section behind her. She clutched the phaser close to her hand and belt as she watched a dark-skinned, tall, and handsome in Rose's opinion. Curious about what this man was doing she wiped away her tears, as her plan to ask this amn a few questions came to her. She watched as the man came close to the escape pod opening.

"What are you doing here?" Rose asked the man.

"Hi," the man stammered as he began to try to tell her more. But soon she realized this was Poe's friend who had helped him escape his capture with the First Order.

"You're Finn! The Finn?" She asked him excitedly.

"The Finn?" He asked perplexed at her calling him The Finn. Which actually made sense with being in a coma and probably had woken up not too long ago. It wasn't going well, she stopped herself.

"Sorry. I work behind pipes and not in fighting so it's odd to see a Resistance fighter who actually fights." Rose explained trying to make Finn more comfortable with her speaking. "Doing talking with Resistance heroes is not my forte. I'm Rose."

"Breathe." Finn told Rose to do. It helped, a little as she did as he said. "I'm not a...Resistance hero. But it was nice talking to you, Rose. May the force be with you."

"Wow. You too." Rose managed thinking he had other things to do she started walking off from Finn. Not a hero? She turned back to Finn confused what he meant. "Okay? But you are a hero. You left the First Order, and what you did on Starkiller Base...."

"Listen...." Finn managed from his mouth annoyed she was still talking to him. "When Poe told me about your sister, Paige..."

"Yeah and she said hero's know right from wrong and don't run away when it gets hard to understand what's happening." Rose spoke up cutting Finn off mid-sentence.


"You know just this morning, I've had to stun three people trying to jump ship in these here escape pods." Rose said pointing to the nearby escape pod.

"That's disgraceful." Finn managed.

"I know. Anyway..."

"Well, I should get back to what I was doing." Finn cut her off with a  smile. It made a dusting of her cheeks going pink from blushing at his cute smile.

"What were you doing?" Rose asked.

"Checking.....just checking the escape pods." Finn stammered on. Rose looked behind Finn to see a large brown luggage bag into the pod they were nearby. I am the biggest idiot in the history of other big idiots Rose thought to herself.

"The escape pods?" She asked the still stammering Finn.

"Routine check." 

"After a coma, General Organa sent you to do a new routine check? Did the doctors clear you for wok?" Rose questioned further.

"Yes." Finn nodded reassuring her, but his game wasn't good enough.

"By boarding one. With a packed bag." Rose concluded her right hand around her phaser.

"Okay, listen...." Rose was about to zap him with her phaser, but something slammed against the Raddus. It sent both her and Finn against the wall to the other side of the escape pod. Her phaser flew out of her hands and into the escape pod. She looked at Finn with confusion hoping for an answer. But Finn was just as confused as her.

The First Order is attacking! Pilots to your stations! Technicians get up here before we lose you too!

Admiral Ackbar had ordered through the com as Rose's raving mind caught up to her on what was happening. The First Order was here! And was attacking The Raddus! There was no escape now for the moment. The com repeated Leia telling Ackbar to go and make sure every technician made out. Rose garbbed Finn's shoulder dragging him with her. She wasn't going to let him sneak away like a coward.

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