Chapter 6: Snoke's ship

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"No it can't be!" Wexley said astonished at the massive First Order ship following after them. The imperial star destroyer had come out of hyperspace behind them. Tie-Fighters started plunging out of their hangar bay aiming towards The Raddus.

"That's Snoke's ship!" Poe stated amazed at the size of the ship. "You've got to be kidding me. Can we jump to lightspeed?"

"We only have enough fuel for one more jump." Cadet Adeline concluded to the crew on the bridge. Everybody shared the same nervous look to Leia who had to have a plan at least for them. Leia sighed knowing she was the one always making the plans.

"Ackbar I want you and Threepio getting the Technicians out for their safety. Set coordinates for another place now Syline and go to coordinates log in which is downstairs." Leia ordered the others leaving Wexley and Poe up there with her with other senior officers. 

"Permission to jump into an x-wing and blow things up?" Poe asked Leia.

"Permission granted." Leia siad obviously not angry at him anymore. Wexley and Poe ran to docking bay knowing they'd have to shoot down the Tie-Fighters. Everybody else was running around like co plate chaos as Amilyn would've said. They passed by Admiral Ackbar getting the Technicians out of torpedo bay and their section for their safety. BB-8 rolled behind Poe as fast as his turning ball could go.

Poe and Wexley kept running at a constant speed getting them to the X-wings docking bay. Blue Three and Red five were already in theirs awaiting Poe and Wexley to lead. Suddenly, shooting from the east sent the X-wing Docking Bay on fire as a Tie-Fighter passed by.

The blast blasted Poe and Wexley back onto the wall behind them as each X-wing blew up. BB-8 rolled back smashing himself against the wall, but didn't break any wires or circuits. Poe looked up seeing the X-wing docking bay on fire and the X-wings had exploded. "Those bastards." Wexley exclaimed angrily at however could've done it. Poe knew the pilots who were in them were now dead except him and Wexley.

"Damnit..."Poe trailed off as BB-8 urged him to stand up and get back to the Bridge. "The bridge. They'll be attacking that next!" Poe realized as he soon spoke those words. Wexley nodded as he limped a little on his left leg as he ran with Poe to go warn Leia.

(Leia's POV)

Leia watched as the Tie-Fighters skimmed the sky in front of their ships and bombers. "Torpedo! Direct hit on the star fighter hangar!" A cadet called to her as they flicked thousands of switches for alerts. Amilyn was safe since she hadn't stayed and wouldn't have to die here....not like it seemed as for Poe. Poe maybe alive or dead from the hangar bay, but she had to focus on an another presence. 

She had no time to think of the losses they were sustained because already it was unbearable today. "Full engines ahead, get off range of the Star Destroyer." 

"We are trying our hardest. Concentrate on shields ordered." Statura called to the cadets. Leia nodded to him as the Raddus shields began to cover the whole ship. She stumbled back in her chair feeling the presence she had been searching for. The officers and cadets shared a look of concern as Leia stumbled back onto her sea. Ben was Tie-Fighter that had killed her pilots, hopefully not Poe for Amilyn.

Memories consumed her as she felt Ben's presence. A young little Ben carrying the dice Han had used to win the Falcon. Always telling everybody he would be a pilot like his father. The darkness had already started building in him when Luke and Amilyn came for Ben. Amilyn had been so young then and had dyed a streak of her hair fading purple....Han said that color had always looked good on her. She had sent Ben away to let Luke and Amilyn help him, but Snoke had to ruin it all.

Ben had grown in to a tall, strong man like his father before him. His face was lean with a strong jaw now and was not the same exact face she had known those years ago. Now he was Kylo Ren, the First Orders warrior. They're champion, but he could've been theirs along with Amilyn. Ben was leading the Tie-Fighter squadron.

Now he was coming to kill her, she reached out through the force trying to get his attention trying to tell him: "I'm Sorry." She whispered under her breath. As she felt the Tie-Fighters start coming into view, and she felt Ben become more than an image in her head.

(Ben/Kylo's POV)

"Target the main bridge." Ren ordered through the com. He was finally without the mask that hid his face as he drove the Tie-Fighters. Only cowards would hide their face which he had done with the mask they had made for him. His mother would be there on the Bridge, but that didn't matter as much as it did when he was a child.

It was odd for him to think he was once a little bit afraid of what his parents thought. His parents they were frightened of him that they fought over what to do with him. They had sent him away to his uncle who betrayed him far worse and how Amilyn had betrayed him. Ben solo was no more, and his last was she'd a long time ago. 

His mother was indeed on the main bridge...he could feel her presence. His fingers lingered from the button on his yoke that would send it up in flames. It's too late now mother he thought to himself. His thumb hovered over the button as he headed towards the bridge. Her anxiety he was feeling from her pulsed through their small connection.

In the last moment of her life, before she had to die she wasn't afraid. She wasn't angry....she was worried for him he realized. She was aching for him to come home or whatever remained of his once home. He hesitated with his finger still hovering over the button.

And then he lifted his thumb up from the button.

He couldn't do it.

Bam! Moments or seconds later to him his wing mate fired on the Main Bridge. The bridge blew up sending glass and people into the void of space. Nobody could survive outside of space, anybody knew that, but it jolted Ren realizing he couldn't sense her anymore.

She was gone............

(Poe's POV)

"Noooooo!" Poe yelled in fury and rage as he heard the explosion and saw it hit the main bridge. He felt as if he didn't know what to do without Leia. What would he tell Amilyn about Leia? Who was going to lead? Did they have anyone?

Wexley watched by Poe who had seen it happen with him too. They shared a look of dismay and pure sadness realizing Leia would be no more in mess than seconds. Finn and a technician came running behind to see the still shocked look on Poe's face. Poe was replaying what happened over and over in his head wanting it to not be true. But it was.....

He looked out from where the door to the Main bridge was as he saw the dead bodies of his fellow friends in the empty void of space. He felt as if everything had frozen behind him as if the everybody's running  and yelling had stopped. Silence. Like he had blocked himself off from the whole world feeling something different. "Amilyn.....Amilyn...I...." Poe whispered out barely audible, wishing Amilyn could've seen it what was happening through a force vision.

Suddenly, he looked up seeing Leia who was floating in space reach her hand out to the door. Poe looked up shocked realizing her hand wasn't like that before. He could hear the gasps and sounds of others as he snapped back into reality once more. In her other hand she clutched Amilyn's tracking beacon. Leia started floating back to the ship with her hand stretched out like she was....using the force. Poe had seen Amilyn use the force many times, but had never seen Leia do it before. 

"Back away from the door." Poe ordered Wexley, Finn, and the technician. "And somebody get the medics down here." Wexley ran off to get the medics as Elia floated close to the door. Poe opened the door quickly as Leia came through the door. Leia fell onto Poe who tried carrying her  to the small medic bed the medics had pulled out for her.

Leia urged Poe's hand open as she was laid down. She put Amilyn's tracking beacon in his hands as the medics put an oxygen mask on her. It finally allowed her to breathe for  being out of the void that space was. Poe held the tracker tightly in his hand, and the medic team took Leia to medic bay. Poe looked at the tracker seeing Amilyn's coordinates. "I need to reach Amy." Poe told himself making sure he could only remember that.

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