Chapter 7: new leader

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Poe had been on edge since the attack of Snoke's ship. He had blacked out countless times by now today from everything that had happened. Leia had almost died and was now in medical bay for life support. The X-wing pilots....most of them were dead only he knew Wexley was the one of them that had survived. So much loss, so much wishing, and so much that his head couldn't wrap around it.

He had been ignoring BB-8 beeps of asking if he was okay. He wasn't deep down he felt as if he'd explode like a bomb. He needed Amilyn's comfort right now, but she wasn't here. Taking the seat at the conference room, he eased himself back into reality to see Cadet Syline in the chair. Who would lead us now? That was the question they were all wondering.

"General Organa, Leia is unconscious at the moment, but making a good recovery as we speak." Syline began looking around the room. "That's the only good news I have to put sadly. We lost Admiral Stratura, Commander Leslie, and we lost every other officer higher in rank of us." Poe knew this, but it felt like a punch to the gut.

"Oh, dear." C-3PO said.

Syline continued: "But by Leia's orders one officer has survived and will take position as our leader for now. During the small attack, she sent an officer out and had saved his life without knowing she had. To that end, she has given it to someone with experience, someone she has always trusted, and has never failed her."

It couldn't be.....Poe's thoughts trailed off as the next leader stepped up to the conference podium. For a moment he had locked eyes with Finn across the room as they looked in disbelief to remembering who was standing at the podium. The room was filled with reassurance as they looked at their new leader.

The leader was a Mon Calmari species standing in front of everyone. Their kind was known for their big eyes that seemed fish like, their dark salmon colored skin, and their webbed hands. Admiral Ackbar looked at everyone in the room who looked amazed to see he was alive. "Thank, you, Cadet Syline."

The senior officer began his speech: "My friends. Look around you. Four hundred of us are left amongst these three ships. We are the last of the resistance, but we're are not alone. In every corner of the galaxy there are others fighting The First Order. We are the spark of hope that will light the fire that will restore the balance to our worlds. That spark keep it, kindle it, protect it if that's what you have to do. That is our mission. Now I ask you all go back to your stations. I need Commander Dameron, Finn, Ms. Tico, and Syline."

Everbody adjourned gladly as they were dismissed from the room. Poe got up from his seat wondering why Ackbar wanted him or anybody at the moment. But as Poe walked down he saw someone watching in the corner. She didn't look happy with her darkly light purple hair and almost the same colored dress. Her disapproving look made him feel uneasy as he approached Ackbar.

Finn, Rose, and Syline with a few officers that would create the new bridge were there as soon as Poe reached them. "Thank you for coming. You are all some of Leia's most trusted fighters, cadets, and commanders so I come to you as a friend like Leia did but more of as a leader." Poe couldn't help but look at Admiral Ackbar confused by why he needed them.

"I have a plan set up. If we reach the next planet wishing a few hours or even more hours, we will have time to transport the rest of our fuel into the escape vessels. The First Order will be detecting us by bigger ships in Cadet Syline's report she has given me. But I will need other suggestion from you all to help you and for you to help me." Ackbar explained to them. "Now do any of you know Amilyn Skywalker's location?"

"I do." Poe was able to urge from his mouth after the silence he had kept. His mouth was dry and so was his tongue so even words were hard to come by for him. "Leia gave me the tracking device of Amilyn, Chewie, Rey, and R2-D2 before she was taken to medic Bay."

"Good. We will need you to try to contact her. Her coordinates are what? What planet?" Syline concluded for Ackbar who looked to her. 

"Ach-too is all it says no specific coordinates or anything it just reads Ach-Too." Poe explained to them as he squinted at the tiny words on the tracker. The tracker was his only way to reach Amilyn probably to give her the news of what was happening. The only way he could speak to her....his heart kept making him want to smile, but that would make him seem like a maniac in front of everybody. He wanted to Break in to show that Amilyn was needed badly, but hid it to himself.

"Good. Finn and Rose, I have a special plan for you two. You are going to try to find the source of Snoke's tracking device. We got a transmission from Maz Kanata. I know Finn, you and Amilyn are familiar with her. She has found a codebreaker on Cantobight." Ackbar told Finn and Rose who Poe had never seen together at all. "Syline and Poe you will stay here keeping their mission a secret until they get back. Also, while trying to contact Amilyn. She maybe our last Hope at the Jedi we need."

"Likewise." A woman's voice stated clear enough for the group to hear. "I may have only heard the last two sentences, but what the hell do you think you're doing?" Poe turned to see the woman he had seen earlier. She was Vice Admiral Holdo who had been friends with Leia since forever. But it clearly showed she didn't except her friends choice in leadership.

"Vice Admiral."

"Commander." She responded quickly to Poe who she gave a look of disgust to. "With our current fuel, you'll be sending us into a suicide mission. I may not have heard your plan, but I don't get why you let this pilot in it and not me. And this pilot was supposed to have been demoted by Leia."

"Vice admiral." Ackbar cut in on her. "I would remind you to watch your mouth when talking about this matter. Leia didn't always tell everybody her plans to verybody and those lead to the best victories, so you may think this is a suicide run. And go ahead and think that, but Leia always knew best."

Hold wasn't finished, but as she turned to leave she looked at Poe. The look made him feel uncomfortable as he locked eyes with her. "Of course, I understand you Ackbar. But I've known plenty of happy trigger flyboys like this one. Their impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need." 

Holdo walked off unlocking her gaze with Poe. He felt his fists clench in anger and stood there remembering every word said. His eyes felt as if they were on fire by the comment Holdo had made about him. It made him seethe with anger and rage. The nerve of that woman!

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