17♠ Bright-Eyed Prophecy

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Forsaken ones. They were everywhere, scouring the same vast forest Sparrow and I were hidden in. Beau had climbed the mountain once he got out on the other side, feeling he should keep watch from a higher vantage point, like some sort of gaurdian. I hadn't gotten around to sharing with him what I discussed with Cullen yet, and I found myself immensely glad I hadn't.

If I had, Sparrow and I would have slept straight to our second deaths, and that was a fate I wasn't ready for, yet. But, nothing could be worse than my first.

Beau shifted his gaze from the section of the forest the Forsaken were, to the section miles ahead, where he sensed through the bond that my body was. I had to go, now, if I wanted us to keep the lead we had on them.

Okay, good job, Beau. We'll meet you on the other side of Ravenhood's territory. Cullen is already on his way there with reinforcements, so do as he says and be careful.

When I felt my shadoe nod his head in agreement, I began to dissolve the tether, but someone stopped me, and I hung back, needing to see what was about to happen.

A small chuckle filled the air, traveling like a taunting whisper in the dark morning breeze. Their voice was like leather, rigid and tough. Every nerve in my being felt the threat before Beau even turned around, face to face with a forsaken one.

"Hello there," the man said, a chilling smile on his brown face. "I thought I saw you up here."

Don't panic.

"Question is, what's a polar bear doing at the top of this mountain?"

Showing his teeth, Beau growled, but his menacing stance shook when the man vanished right in front of him. The sound of his throat clearing from behind caused Beau to whip around while I watched on, trying to come up with a way to protect him.

Okay, it's just one forsaken, Beau, and his gift is transportation, so he can't use that to hurt you. Relax.

I had to try and calm Beau's fear down, because I could feel his walls coming up, enclosing me within him. The bear was far from a coward, and he would run into the heat of battle to protect me, but he and I were not ignorant to the ways of the Forsaken—where there was one, others were bound to follow. 

"Normally, I don't taunt animals," the man continued. "But, something about you makes me wonder..."

I could feel Beau's heart rate picking up, which was not good, especially when mine began to mirror it.

"Hmm...one second," he smirked, and just like that, the man disappeared, again. However, not even a second later, he returned, but he was not alone. She was with him, her blue eyes fading to an empty white before flooding with scarlet as she stared straight into Beau's eyes. Straight into mine.

"Hello, shadoe," she smirked confidently, her bone blonde hair matching the bear's ivory coat. There was no doubt in her when she spoke to Beau's identity. My gut told me her gift had something to do with it, as if she could see the bonds attached to one's DNA. "It's nice to meet you again."

When I realized she not only knew Beau was a shadoe, but that she also was able to recognize him, I felt my insides tighten. He had to get away from her.

Run, Beau!

Charging down the mountain, I could feel the cold wind billow through his fur while he battled on whether he should turn around and check if they were pursuing him, or focus ahead. 

Don't look back.

Not listening, he turned his neck, scouring the rocky terrain for the two figures he left behind. My anger was rising at his blatant disregard for my instruction, but I held it in, knowing my shadoe would shut down if he panicked too much. Unfortunately, even without my greatly warranted berating, his panic ensued when he faced forward again, spotting the two forsaken just a meter ahead. Stumbling, Beau tumbled to the snowy ground, his nerves ricocheting off his inner walls that I was securely trapped in. 

I told you not to look back!

My original plans to hold in my frustrations were gone now that it seemed we were stuck, our enemies equipped with the upper hand. A hand their merciless nature was sure to capitalize on.

Groaning from the hard impact he had to the ground, Beau began to stand, only to be paralyzed in place by the girl's wide eyed stare. 

"Why are you running from us, little one?"  she questioned, her voice eerily sweet and patronizingly concerned. "Did we frighten you?"

In the moment, the only thing filling Beau's and my sight was the face of the pale skinned female. Her eyes were like pools of danger, sucking us in, no matter how hard I tried to pull away. Whatever her gift was, it was greatly complex, and I could not find the weakness in it.

"The men say they're getting closer, Alice," the man with the gift of transportation spoke up from behind her, causing her sickly thin lips to curve into a sinister grin as a light morning snowfall began to descend on us.

"Good," she smiled, stepping even closer to Beau, knowing somehow that she was in complete control of him. Staring deeper in, I could feel her, as if she was looking at only me now. Chills ran through out my being, like claws of ice digging into my skin the closer she got, dipping into the depths of me. That's when her smirk faltered, and her confidence wavered, like she saw something within me she did not wish existed.

"No," she whispered, shaking her head. "No! I can see it!"

"See what, Alice? What is it?" 

Holding her small hand up to silence her partner, exposing the scar that marked her and her kind, she glared at me, all innocence once deceivingly there, gone now. 

"Leave us the woman," she demanded, her muscles tensing as she spoke. 

No, I answered, although she could not hear me. I wasn't sure exactly what her gift was, as it was one of a kind that I had never been privy to before, or what limitations it held, but something in her face showed she understood.

"You are delving into things that will get you killed, lynk. Leave her and break all ties, before—"

Her voice abruptly stopped the second an achingly familiar heat began to claim me, tugging at my core, as if calling me to return to it. To return to her.


"No! Stop it!" the girl, Alice, shouted, her fingers gripping Beau's face, causing him to growl as he found his fight again. "I'm warning you, lynk. Keep your distance, or you'll die right along with her!"

But she had no idea that I was always willing to die for the right cause, and keeping Sparrow alive was that cause. I knew it the moment I saw her in Lydia's tent, and I knew it now, as I found myself back in my own body, untethered, with the bright-eyed prophecy staring at me in a way I didn't know how to receive.

For, it made me feel as if a wall between her and I had been knocked down—one that Alice desperately wanted to stay up.

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Author's Note:
I honestly love this chapter, because I know exactly what has happened here in regards to the plot line, but I also recognize that it could be confusing for you all, so please don't hesitate to tell me if I'm being too vague or not explaining things well enough.

Granted, this chapter is supposed to leave you confused and wondering what's going on plot-wise, but you shouldn't be confused on what is happening action wise. So, please let me know of I need to edit this to make things more comprehendable.

Any questions? 🙂

Thoughts on Alice? 🤓

Next chapter is already halfway done!

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