chapter 1

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Aj: so let me get this straight *is standing in an empty void with a being that is floating in the air* your a god and I'm dead!?

Aka: yup, it's best to just rip the metaphorical band-aid off instead of beating around the bush

Aj: so what happens to me now?

Aka: well you will be sent to another world, and you get to choose what you want as a power. But there are limits no making yourself a god, no turning the world into a perverted version of said world, and you can't have planet busting weapons

Aj: I wish I was a spartan 2, and that any halo weapons that go with me have a bottomless clip just like mass effect guns

Aka: alright, I'll also throw in some surprises that I know you'll like

Aj: such as?

Aka: wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it, though if your gonna be a spartan you'll need to under go the augmentation process but don't worry you'll survive it with no reprocussions

Aj: do it

*several agonizing hours later*

Aj: yup that sucked, so now my armor

Aka: OK here it is *brings out MK 7 mjiolnir armor that looks like master cheifs but with emiles helmet* what do you think?

Aj: like I'm gonna finish a fight *goes to the armor station and has the armor attached*

Aka: *opens a portal* step through here and you'll be teleported to your command ship, also don't attack the droids they are the crew of your ship

Aj: thanks for the heads up *steps through*

*location, Mass Effect universe, time three weeks before sovereign attacks edan prime*

Aj: *wakes up in his bed without his armor on and sees a super tactical droid* so what's on the agenda for today *walking out of the room for the ships bridge*

STD (super tactical droid): we are currently reviewing all systems and making sure all parts of the INFINITY are operational and survivable for organics

Aj: good, do you have our current location here in the galaxy

STD: yes we are on the otherside of a mass relay that has yet to be activated and are currently in the terminus systems one slipspace jump away from omega

Aj: good the council doesn't know of our location yet, open slipspace we are going to help out people in the terminus system agaisnt pirates, slavers and gangsters

Cortana: glad to hear it spartan, also before you ask I'm the original cortana the god who brought you here saved the main me and I'm no longer going rampant

Aj: good to hear, sorry you won't get to see John anymore

Cortana: well I made my peace with death a while ago, so now I'm your partner in the field

Aj: we capable of using mass relays as well?

STD: yes we are

Aj: good once we get to omega set course for council space through a relay

*the INFINITY and its fleet all jump to slipspace and then use a relay to go to council space*

*two days later*

B1 pilot 1: sir were picking up a distress signal, it's from an alliance beacon

Aj: play it

Message: this is command shepard requesting reinforcements! I'm pinned down and my squad was wiped out by batarians, please hurry!!!!

Aj: get us there now! *goes to get his armor and weapons*

B1 pilot 1: Roger Roger! Setting course for planet mukbak (*made up*)

Aj: lock onto shepards signal and get a pelican prepped for evac *enters a drop pod with two SMGs and a SPNKR* launch me

*he's then dropped from orbit*

*with jane*

Jane: *behind cover and used the last of her medi-gel* hurry up you bastards, don't feel like dying right now *suddenly the firing stops as a large ship is seen appearing out of the sky* holy shit

Batarian 1: that's not council or alliance, who's is it?

Batarian 2: who cares, just capture the human we can get a lot of credits from the alliance and anyone willing to buy her

Jane: *sees something rocket down from the ship and heading for her general direction* oh no *starts running away from the impact zone thinking its a missile*

Aj: *drop pod crashes down and kicks the door which hits and kills two Batarians* command Jane shepard?

Jane: yes?

Aj: I'm spartan-254 here to assist *brings out the SPNKR and fires at the Batarians killing the squad* whats your mission?

Jane: it was to rescue slaves but unfortunately it was a trap and my squad died for nothing *falls to her knees and starts cry cause her fiance was in her squad*

Aj: *drops down to a knee and causes a mini tremor from the weight and gently places a hand on her shoulder* your team will be avenged

Cortana: hate to ruin the moment but we got hostile incoming *through Aj's helmet speaker*

Aj: *grabs his SMGs* are you ready to finish this fight shepard, or are you gonna sit here and wallow in self pity and let their deaths be in vain

Jane: *grabs ger rifle* let's get these sons of bitches

Aj: *has snapped the neck of the last batarian and finds a alliance soilder barly alive* Jane one of your unit is still alive

Jane: CARLOS!!! *rushes to him* your gonna be OK, I promise you

Carlos: *very weak* hey honey, looks like we won't be getting married after all, I'm sorry about that

Jane: no you'll make it, I won't let you die! *takes some medi-gel from Carlos and uses it to start healing him*

Carlos: *pushes it away* stop, I've lost to much blood even if you could get me to a hospital I'd die on the way there. Big guy *Aj looks at him* please protect my Jane *barely holding on*

Aj: *removes his helmet showing his scarred face from the augmentations* you have my word soilder

Carlos: thank you, Jane live on *slumps over dead*

Jane: *breaks down into tears and starts sobbing* no no no no please don't leave me, I love you please don't leave me *hugging his corpse*

Aj: *starts gathering the dead alliance soilders* .......Ajax I need pick up, prep body bags we lost a lot of good men and women today

Ajax: of course sir

Jane: *takes his dog tags* his family will want these back

*a pelican begins its decent and multiple B1s come out with body bags and begin placing the dead inside*

Jane: machines?

Aj: B1 battle droids they make up most of my crew *goes to Carlos body and picks it up* let's get packed up and get your people back to the alliance

*a day later*

Anderson: I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner shepard, the bastards had the relay locked down tight

Jane: I don't blame you or Hackett, but I'm thankful for the help of that spartan

Anderson: Spartan? *heavy footsteps are heard*

Aj: she means me

Anderson: holy shit your a tall one

Aj: *takes off his helmet* I wish to speak with the cidital council

Anderson: I'll see what I can do

Aj: oh and tell Admiral Hackett that if he ever needs help my ship, the INFINITY, will be there to assist

*timeskip to the council*

Tevos: is this true udina a genetically altered human was the one who wiped out those Batarians?

Sparatus: your people will be in deep trouble if we discover genetic experimentation

Udina: perhaps it's best if he explains things

Aj: *walks up to the "stand"* sirs, ma'am

Valern: your ship is truly impressive, I'd like to have a team study it's workings

Aj: denied

Sparatus: are you back talking a council member

Aj: yes, any attempts to study my ship or my weapons will be met with lethal force

Tevos: isn't that a little extreme

Aj: my technology is four hundred years more advanced then yours, and way more dangerous

Sparatus: that's ubsurd, you will hand over that technology or you'll be arrested

Aj: actually you won't cause while you where flapping your manables I was hacking your security, which is non-existent by the way

Valern: *checks his consol and sees that they were hacked and has information that could start a war* what do you want

Aj: I want to protect the galaxy, and I don't answer to no one not you, not aria, not eclipse, the blue sun's, blood pack no one. But I'm here to help you

Tevos: that is acceptable, as long as you don't break our laws we will allow you to work

Aj: cortana *sticks his hand out and her hologram appears* give them my comfort frequency

Cortana: got it

Sparatus: AN A.I.!? you'll be arrested and executed for having something so dangerous!

Aj: try taking her and you'll spend the last hour of your life paralyzed and blind, stay out of my way I'll stay out of yours *walks out on the council*

(*tensions are high right now with the council, but nothing is new there seeing how they are useless*)

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