chapter 2

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Udina: *at the end of the steps* you walked out in the middle of a council session, this will reflect poorly on humanity

Aj: shut up

*as he leaves the council chambers he decides to tour around the persidium until he eventually goes to the wards*

Aj: *passing by doctor michels clinic and goes in* what did I just witness

Garrus: *is shirtless and scrambling to fix his pants* um who are you and how did you open the door it's locked

Chloe Michel: *in her underwear covering her chest* did I.......not lock the door *goes pale as a ghost*

Aj: I'm afraid so, sorry for interrupting your "bonding"

Garrus: please don't tell anyone, if my boss hears I'm gonna be stuck putting tickets on cars for a month

Aj: secrets safe with me, uh I'll just close the door while you two get dressed

Chloe: thank you

*20 minutes later*

Garrus: you can come in now

Aj: *goes through the door and has to bend over a bit to fit* so can I get your names?

Garrus: I'm Garrus Vakarian, I work at C-Sec

Chloe: I'm Chloe Vakarian, I own the clinic

Aj: *takes his helmet off showing the scars on his face from augmentation* I'm Aj, so my guess is you are on the job right now and went to visit your wife, but got sidetracked

Garrus: yup

C-Sec captain: (through comms) garrus where the hell are you?!

Garrus: sorry boss took a tumble down some steps, someone forgot to put a wet floor sign up, was knocked out for a bit and just fixed my comm unit

C-Sec Captain: where sleeping with your wife on the job again weren't you

Garrus: *nervous*

C-Sec Captain: parking duty for a month

Garrus: fuck

C-Sec Captain: *joking tone* and five credits for the swear jar

Aj: well I better get going before that bag of bones udina has a hernia trying to find me

Chloe: Hahaha! He really is

Aj: *starts leaving* don't go making any kids on the job

Garrus: your about six years late to warn us

Aj: wait what?!

(*ya I ship garrus with Dr Michel*)

Aj: *has made it to the docks and sees some alliance lieutenant trying to enter his ship* the hell you think your doing

Lieutenant dick: yes you see this vessel is the newest model alliance ship but unfortunately it won't let me in

Aj: that's because it's not alliance *moves within an inch of him towering over* it's mine

Dick: well as lieutenant of the 1st fleet I'm commendering it and adding it, along with others like it into my chain of command

Aj: *picks him up by his hair and hangs him over the railing* got any other "orders" you want to give or should I just crush your skull

Admiral Hackett: *walks out of the elevator* the hells going on!?

Aj: *throws dick to the floor* teaching this asshole not to steal stuff that isn't yours, especially someone who can punch a hole through a krogan

Dick: I was just "buying" this ship for the alliance when he went nuts and threw the owner over the railing and was about to do the same to me

Aj: quite the bullshit, I can prove I own this ship *puts his hand on the scanner which opens the door* pilot come out here and tell them who owns this ship

B1: greetings I'm B1-unit 179, the owner of this ship and myself are spartan aj 254. This man here wished to steal this pelican

Hackett: *sighs* that's the 34th complaint against you dick, and it's only Monday!!! You are fired!!!!!

Dick: *starts crying and runs off*

Aj: wow he's pathetic, anyways it's a pleasure to meet you in person Admiral Hackett *sticks out his hand*

Hackett: *shakes his hand but winces from his grip* nice to meet you to *pulls his hand free and shacks it to relieve pain*

Aj: sorry about that, the armor enhances my, already absurd, strength by a lot

Hackett: how much is a lot

Aj: at fourteen one of my peers John-117 beat three ODSTs to death

Hackett: ODSTs?

Aj: orbital shock drop troopers, or as the boys back home called em hell jumpers cause for them its feet first into hell

Hackett: how come I've never heard of them or this UNSC your a part of

Aj: that's cause I'm from another galaxy, it's a near 1 to 1 of this one only things are very different. Come on board my ship and all will be explained

*timeskip to the ship*

Hackett: so tell me about this different galaxy and how you got here

Aj: cortana show him the vids

Cortana: you got it Aj

Hackett: my God, no wonder you don't want anyone getting your tech it's so damn dangerous to us

Aj: like giving a child a fully loaded gun

Hackett: this is a lot to take in

Aj: take your time, now I do have some things I need to handle so my super tactical droid Ajax will escort you to a pelican to take you back to the cidital

Hackett: I look forward to working with you Aj

Aj: and I hope to work with you soon as well

*in the week he was in this universe Aj had dismantled many slaver organizations, destroyed many pirate outposts and also began building shipyards in systems behind closed relays and set up battle droid factorys to bolster his army for the invasion and to save as many civilians he can*

Ajax *walks into Aj's office on the INFINITY* sir we are picking up a distress signal from edan prime, the game has begun

Aj: how long would it take us to get there?

Ajax: by slipspace two hours, by relay a day

Aj: well looks like we won't be able to save niluss, start up slipspace we're going to edan prime

*the INFINITY comes out of slipspace just as the Normandy exits the atmosphere*

Aj: attention alliance vessel this is the UNSC INFINITY what's the situation?

Anderson: (through comms) Aj that you, it's Anderson shepard got hurt and were transporting her to the cidital for debrief, think we can hitch a ride?

Joker: (through comms) wait what?!

Aj: ya we got enough space for your ship *pushes some buttons* sending docking coordinates

Joker: (comms) uh received *flys the ship to a docking port* holy shit this ships huge

Aj: (to Ajax) get some medical droids down to shepard, I'm going to meet with Anderson

Ajax: you want to see jokers reaction to you don't you

Aj: guilty as charged

*once he made it to the Normandy*

Aj: *enters with medical droids* hello again Anderson

Joker: *turns around and sees Aj* HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!

Aj: *chuckling at his reaction*

Anderson: come on lets go check on the commander

*the two walk down to the medical bay where doctor chalkwas is being assisted by the medical droids*

Chalkwas: Anderson where have you been hiding these robots, they are a bloody godsend as assistants

Anderson: they belong to the big guy, but how's the commander? *slightly worried sense he sees shepard as a daughter*

Chalkwas: she'll be fine, thanks to the help of these robots she should be up *is cut off by shepard waking up* earlier then expected

Jane: ugh how much did I drink last night

Anderson: nothing you were on mission remember

Jane: oh right, why do I feel like I'm hungover

Aj: side-effect of the medicine used to help you, should pass in a minute

Jane: aj is that you

Aj: hello again commander, been a bit

Jane: heard about what you did during the week, very productive

Aj: well when you have something as powerful as the INFINITY might as well use it for good

Jane: so what's going on

Aj: I'm not alliance military, I'll leave this conversation

*he goes out and sits at the dinner table, which surprisingly holds his weight, and catches the attention of Ashley*

Ashley: *sits across from him* so your this "spartan" I've heard about

Aj: what of it

Ashley: I want to congratulate you for killing those slaver bastards, lost my best friend to slavers

Aj: sorry to here that *gets a notification from ajax* well I should go, ship Captain called in saying something came up on radar

Ashley: Friend or foe?

Aj: one way to find out


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