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Throughout history the devil or Lucifer is said to be the beautiful angel that fell from grace. His qualities and beauty made him consider himself to be so perfect, that the second his Father God created humans, he was immediately disgusted. The very thought of loving a creature that had no wings, powers, required things like food, water and air to survive. The proud Lucifer became jealous of humanity after seeing that his father and siblings loved them despite their faults. His jealousy and prideful nature darkened his heart, and the evil angel decided to rebel against God. Using his deceitful tongue Lucifer convinced some of his brothers and sisters to fight along side him.

Together they fought against the heavenly host with the intention to overthrow God, and when Lucifer was confronted by Michael, the commander of the heavenly host. Lucifer turned into a dragon hoping to win against his older brother, but he was unsuccessful as Michael defeated him with a flaming sword. The evil angel and his followers were banished from Heaven, and once they fell upon the earth, God locked them in Hell. However while his allies were punished to become princes of Hell, Lucifer endured an even greater punishment. Once the most beautiful angel and favorite, Lucifer was changed into the deformed and hideious Satan. His white wings became red and pointy like the wings of a bat and his skin became burned the fires of hell.

Now doomed to remain in Hell for the rest of eternity, Lucifer decided to take his revenge on his fathers beloved humams. Using his powers Lucifer sent a serpent and convinced the innocent Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Even though she had been told by God not to, Eve instantly gave some to her husband Adam which caused them to banished from the garden of Eden.
Pleased with his actions, Lucifer decided to continue his vengeance on humans. Turning them into sinners and dragging them down to Hell with him. But what happens centuries later when the devil left Hell to take a vacation, and finds himself a detective in Los Angeles.

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