I've been tagged #4

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I was tagged by both NerdyDisgrace and xXTourmalineXx a few days ago to take part in a SU tag, unfortunately I hadn't had the time and had to delay it till now.

Q.1 Favorite Character?

A.1 Pearl she's been my favorite since the very beginning, like I said before she has a great deal of hilarious faces and has had the most emotional scenes many of which got my attention when I started watching SU and proved to me that this show was so much more than just kids show.

Q.2 Favorite Crystal Gem?

A.2 Well I'm not just going to say Pearl again, I'll say my second favorite to change things up a bit, so Peridot.

Q.3 Favorite Ship?

A.3 I'm personally not a big shipper, but I will admit Pearlmythest is really cute.

Q.4 Cotton Candy Garnet or the regular?

A.4 I personally adore the original design seeing how it's a symbol of their aged relation and the love they have for each other weathering many bumpy roads.

Q.5 Stevonnie or Rubaphire?

A.5 Rubaphire all the way their has never been a cuter couple.

Q.6 SU OC?

A.6 I have a lot of OC's flock to me my children *from behind Lorsen comes about eleven new gems*

First our star General Diamond, the man who defected from the Diamond Authority in hopes of fixing his mistakes.

Second is a close personal friend of his Topaz or Jeanne as she would rather be called, a noble of the highest regard, who rebuilt her noble house after the death of her parents.

Third is a man you haven't met yet that goes by the name Iotatski, he is a Iolite archer who serves in Rose's unit, he holds a deep personal hate for the Diamonds after the invasion of his planet, yet remains silent in order to keep his life.

Fourth is Balder, a Citrine Medic who serves in Rose's unit, often hot-headed
or angry at the antics of the others, Balder is by far the most serious gem in their little group.

Fifth would be Balder's brother Zack, Zack is quite comical and often cracks jokes during his time as General Diamond's personal messenger, yet holds his job in very high regard and goes to any means to accomplish his objective. Unfortunately I can't post this picture because it doesn't have my sister's signature.

Sixth is General Diamond's closest advisor and student Emerald or as the humans know her Emily, she started off as the member of a very prestigious noble family, till she crossed paths with General Diamond at the Royal Ball where they discussed
what she wanted to do with her life, since then she found herself obsessed with the General leading her to his service aboard the Crown Jewel.

Seventh is Irina, a Chalcedony whose lived a very troubled life surviving through thievery, she found herself in General Diamond's army after delivering the message of a dying soldier, there she was given a choice of being forgiven for her crimes in return for her service or to simply run away with the reward money, Irina serves in Rose's unit stealthily killing all opposing forces as well as greeting all other forces on the field of battle.

Eighth was actually originally drawn by my Sister, I helped by giving her backstory and liking it I asked my sister if I could use her in my story and she allowed me, Kimberlite or Kimberly as humans know her was a gem created in the Antarctic from residual energy from the gem drills that found their way to Antarctic, Diamond and Peridot take note of strange energy readings down at the bottom of the Earth and make a trip down there in order to find the source of the energy readings, Kimberly is a carefree, happy gem who has powers over snow and spends her time creating ice sculptures, she speaks in stutters because she was taught English by freezing explorers, she grows a very good friendship with Sapphire seeing how she can generate ice, this leads to Ruby getting jealous eventually chasing her off leading to a giant manhunt.

Nineth is Ruby's original mother who only appears for a short time within the story.

Tenth is my original depiction of Smoky Quartz, talk about strange to see your OC technically make it into the show in name alone, John is Rose's closest friend and stuck to her like glue since their first meeting, John is a joking, jovial gem, who is Balder's closest friend despite the anger he pulls from the Citrine, John is very protective of his friends and fights valiantly to protect them with his large black greatshield, Pearl looks up to John and trains with him regularly in hopes of protecting others.

Eleventh is a Obsidian by the name of Elizabeth, who is the leader of a group named the "Shatter Shards" who work in sabotage, spying, espionage and assassination in order to destroy cities, Elizabeth is renowned for her brutality and ruthlessness and her cold attitude.

Q.7 Favorite Human?

A.7 Greg need I say more we all seen him when he was young, heck he's still amazing.

Q.8 Favorite Song?

A.8 "It's over isn't it" and "Here comes a thought" I adore them both so much.

Q.9 Peridot with or without limb enhancers?

A.9 As cute as she is without them, I think I like her with them more seeing how it gave more of a technician feel which is what she's supposed be and also actually made her feel like a alien.

Q.10 Watermelon dog or Pumpkin dog?

A.10 I like the Pumpkin dog more it may simply be because of it's orange and is a more welcoming color.

Q.11 Favorite Homeworld Gem?

A.11 Once more I'm going to change up my answer to keep it fresh, I'm going to say Lapis

Q.12 Favorite Amethyst outfit?

A.12 Her original outfit.

Q.13 Amedot or Lapidot?

A.13 I don't know what it is, but I prefer Lapidot.












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