I've been tagged #3

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Okay, so this time I was tagged by spring_thekiller strangely enough right after did the last tag, but here it goes.

#1 Nicknames?
Nate, Tate, Lorsen, Big Nate, Edward, and etc.

#2 Eye Color?
Dark brown.

#3 Hair Color?

#4 Random Fact?
I have a 1860 Heavy Calvary Saber next to my bed ready to be used if necessary, it's razor sharp.

It's unfortunately in rough shape, but at $40 how could I go wrong, I may buy some brass and metal polish and clean it up a bit, I may post pictures of it after.

#5 Favorite Color?
I have a lot, Blue, Gold, Silver, and Black.

#6 Favorite Place?
I sound like a shut in, but my room.

#7 Favorite Celebrity?
I don't really pay attention to celebrities, but voice actors I keep dibs on them, my favorites are Steve Blum, Dave Willis, and Will Arnett.

#8 Favorite Animal?
Goats (Blame my Sister), Foxes, really any type of Cat, and lastly Deer

#9 Favorite Song?
Currently "The Great Pretender" by Freddie Mercury

#10 Favorite Book?
"The Inferno" by Dante Alighieri

It says to tag 20, once more I'll choose at random if I tagged you before feel free to ignore this.





















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