2- discovery

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view

 Two - discovery

 Shiro's POV

When I awoke I found myself within the hospital hooked up to an IV drip as red blood was being transfused into me.  Various machines beeped measuring my heart rate and other various things.  As I opened up my eyes I could see two figures sitting by my bedside.

"Yeah........Whitey is finally awake!"

"Yachiru.......Kenpachi........?" I asked in question.

"Its about dam time that you woke up Shiro." stated Kenpachi.

"The kids are they safe?  And what happened to the killers?" I asked as I sat up slowly.

"You should be resting Mister Ogichi.  But considering that you have been unconscious for a week straight." stated another voice as they entered the room.

"Ah Doctor Yamada.  So can my partner return back to work?" asked Kenpachi.

"Lets take a look shall we?: stated Hanataro as he moved to examine me.  I allowed the doctor to proceed with his examination.  I could then feel as I was unhooked from everything.  "Well Mister Ogichi you are perfectly healthy as your wounds have healed nicely.  You should be fine to return back to work.  But I would take it easy for a while." stated Hanataro.

"I understand thanks Doctor." I replied.

"I will get the paper work completed for your discharge."

After the doctor left, I turned to Kenpachi and Yachiru.

"Mind telling me what happened?" I asked them.  Kenpachi filled me in on what happened right after I had lost consciousness.  In my attack, I had manged to killers before they could hurt anyone else.  After I had collapsed, Kenpachi had freed all of the kids from their prison before he called for back up.  The children were all reunited with their family except for Yachiru.

"Since Yachiru doesn't have any family left.  I was thinking of adopting her." stated Kenpachi.

"Ain't Kenny the best?" asked Yachiru as she climbed onto Kenpachi's broad shoulders.  I just simply smiled as I could sense that Kenpachi had finally found something important as Yachiru filled in the missing gap in his life.

"Yes he is Yachiru.  Why don't you go and get something from the vending machines.  I need to talk to Ken in private." I told Yachiru as she nodded her head jumping off of Kenpachi before bolting out of the room happily.

"What's up Shiro?  You have that look on your face." asked Kenpachi.

"Its about Yachiru.  I figured that I should warn you about it.  The girl has a power similar to my own.  It isn't as strong as I don't think she is fully aware of it." I told him.

"Do you think she could be dangerous?  I mean I have seen what your powers are capable of first hand."  asked Kenpachi as I shook my head no.

"She is still young and innocent.  Her power could grow or leave her.  It is too early to tell.  I will help you look after her if you need me too." I told Kenpachi.

"Thanks Shiro.  I appreciate that."

Since that fateful day, a whole month had passed.  I sat at the area share by Kenpachi and me.  I slipped several curses from my lips as I was left to type the reports from our latest cases.  Kenpachi had to leave early to go and take care of Yachiru.  Apparently the girl ended up sick at school which meant I had to remain behind and take care of the work.  My day wasn't shaping out to be the best in the world.  Everything seemed to go bad for me as the saying goes.......everything that could go wrong, will.  I felt like snapping at everyone who crossed me the wrong way.  I could feel my head pounding like a jack hammer against my brain as all I wanted was for my day to end.  What was worse was the fact that Renji Abari was getting on my last nerves going on and on about how his partner Byakuya Kuchiki was being made a captain and him a lieutenant.

"Like I give a rats ass.  Leave me alone Renji so I can finish my work." I snarled at him.

"Come on and admit it Shirosaki.  You have a partner whom has a rap sheet as long as my arm.   You are lucky that head Captain Yamamoto keeps you here.  I heard that ever since that child murder case you have been acting so high and mighty." stated Renji.  God how much I just wanted to hit him to shut him up.  It was taking most of my patients not to use my powers on him.

"Renji that is enough.  Shirosaki has things about him that you can never comprehend." stated Byakuya.

"But......" replied Renji before he earned the death glare from Byakuya.  This caused Renji to watch his tongue before he left.  "I am sorry about that Shiro.  Renji is just upset that you had manage to solve that case when he couldn't.  Don't let him get to you." stated Byakuya.  Byakuya was one of the few that I had teamed up with in the past.  But do to conflicts of interest, he was given Renji as a partner.

"If he kept talking........who knows what I would have done.  Its because of people like him that I don't tell more people about what I can do."

"I know Shiro.  I will keep him under control as both you and Kenpachi are an important part to this station." stated Byakuya before he left.

After the terribly bad day that I was having, I proceeded to walk home kicking a stone as I walked.

"God dam those fucking pricks!  One of these days those son of bitches will witness first hand what I am capable off." I snarled to myself kicking the stone hard as it flew before me.  I was just so pissed off as some of the other various officers treated me and Kenpahi the same way as they treated unwanted garbage.  Suddenly I could hear a soft cat's cry coming down from my feet.  I stopped quickly taking a step back to see a bruised up and bloody orange cat.  It looked to me like the cat had been through hell.  "What in gods name happened to you?" I asked kneeling down to pick up the cat.  The cat cringed as if it was afraid of me.  It sniffed me before its head rubbed against my hand.  "Its all right, I have you." I stated softly picking up the cat gently.  I began to wonder what could have hurt this creature in such a way as I could feel and sense its pain.  Like me, it was afraid of people.  But why?

The Cat’s POV

I awoke finding myself in somebody's home.  I could remember a human as white as snow finding me.  He spoke softly and gently as I felt like I could trust him.  He felt different from the other humans that I have encountered.  He felt special, unique, powerful.  I slowly raised my head to see the human as he laid a bowl before me with warm milk in it.

"Ah......so your finally awake.  You should eat something to regain your strength.  I managed to see to your wounds."  I looked at the human tilting my head to one side.  He spoke to me as if he knew that I could clearly understand him.  I slowly drank the milk as I could feel that he added crushed vitamins to help me.  When I saw the human's black and gold eyes, it surprised me as I had never seen a human with such eyes before.  I felt memorized by the sight of his eyes.  I could feel the human's hands stroking my head and ears as it caused me to purr.  No human has ever done that to me before.  His hands felt warm, nice.

'Maybe this one will be different from the others.' I thought to myself.

Shiro's POV

As I gently stroked the cat's fur I couldn't help but to notice the cat's large chocolate brown eyes which almost looked human looking.

"You need a name as you are more than welcome to stay here with me until your wounds have healed.  Now lets see.............how about Ichigo?  Its better than nothing." I told the cat as the cat meowed happily.  My phone then rang disturbing the time that I was spending with the cat as I felt like my mood had picked up a little bit.  I seemed to be enjoying the cat's company which was odd even for me.

"This is Shirosaki Ogichi speaking." I answered after I picked up the phone.  "Oh hey Ken........no everything is fine.  What was that?  No just tell Yachiru that I am fine.  I just had a bad day.  Yeah............take care and I will see you at work tomorrow." I stated before hanging up the phone.  I turned to see that the orange cat whom I have just named Ichigo was fast asleep.  I simply smiled to myself as it felt nice to have someone acknowledge me and not fear me.

Later on that night, I awoke feeling as if I was in a lot of pain but the pain was not my own.  Something felt wrong.  A part of me recognized it as I got up looking for Ichigo, the orange cat that I had just took in.

'What is this feeling?  What am I sensing?' I aske to myself.  I had found Ichigo huddled in a courner on the floor.  Something was wrong with him.

".......Ichigo.......what's wrong......?"  Suddenly Ichigo's body began to glow.  I could feel a strange power flowing throughout the cat's body as his body began to grow as it took on a more human form.  ".......Ichigo......what in the world.......?"  I watched in a mix of horror and amazement as Ichigo's body transformed into almost an exact copy of my own form except he still had his orange cat ears perched on top of his head through a mound of short orange spiked hair and the orange cat tail that came out of his back.  Ichigo looked like me if I had normal coloring.  Ichigo curled up into a ball on the floor as he was stark naked as his tail wrapped around his body.  Ichigo began to cry in a mix of fear and pain.

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