3- neko

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view

Three - Neko

 Shiro's POV

I stood there amazed over what I had just seen as I watched Ichigo as he shuttered whenever I got close to him.  His tears cut me right to the bone.  I could feel a light blue blush creep across my face as I looked at Ichigo's naked body as he looked beautiful.  I wanted to ease his suffering and pain while a million questions came rushing into my head.  I couldn't ask him right now not int the state that he was in as I wasn't even sure if he could speak let alone why did he transform into a human being.  I slipped off my long night shirt that I was wearing as I placed it around Ichigo's slender shoulders.  Ichigo tried to get away from me as I could feel his claws sinking into my skin as he hissed at me.  I pulled him closer to me as I began to stroke his hair.  His short orange spiked hair which was similar to the way that I wore mine was so soft as his actual fur as his orange ears twitched nervously.

"Hush Ichigo.............its all right.  I won't hurt you." I stated softly.  I could feel as Ichigo went limp against my body as he began to cry even more.  I allowed him to cry as I just simply stroked his head and his back trying to ease his pain.  I hated seeing him like this as it brought back too many of my own painful memories.

Ichigo's POV

I was a bit shocked that this human would hold me with such tenderness and warmth.  He was definitely different than the other humans that I have been in contact with as he only seemed a bit shocked because of me transforming into a human form.  It felt strange taking on this humans form but It seemed comfortable.  I could feel myself slowly slipping to sleep as soft purrs began to rumble through my throat at the touch of his warm and gentle hands.  It felt nice to be held with such warmth, tenderness, and love.  He even gave me a name as I never had one before this.  I found myself slipping into my mind as large buildings like sky scarpers surrounded everywhere as the sky was a brilliant shade of blue as very little clouds were in the sky (Ichigo's mind scape).  One man stood sideways on the building as he was dressed in black while he wore a pair of gray sunglasses over his eyes.  His long wavy black hair was moving about even though there was no winds.

"So you have come once again.  I have heard that you were finally given a name." stated the man.

"Zangetsu.  Yes, the human who found us named me Ichigo.  What do you think of him?" I asked.

"He is indeed strange.  I can sense a strange power flowing throughout his body.  It feels familiar to our own." replied Zangetsu.  Zangetsu happened to be the other part of me from my understanding of it as he was a part of my power.  You see I am not an average cat, I was a created being.  A bio-weapon known as a Neko.  It was thanks to Zangetsu's help that I had managed to escape from the place that created me.  Usually I don't spend a lot of time within my mind as I can hear Zangetsu whether I be human or not as I am the only one who can hear his voice.  But I could only use our powers while I am in a human form as I can only take on a human form at night once the moon has risen.

"Yes, I felt it too Zangetsu.  What do we do now?  I don't want to go back to that hell." I replied as I often refereed to the place that created me as hell as I was subjected to various experiments and put through a lot of pain.

"I understand that Ichigo.  Do what you much as I trust your judgment but, for now just sleep." replied Zangetsu.

"Thank you Zangetsu for always being here for me." I replied as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Shiro's POV

I could feel Ichigo finally stop shaking as his tears finally seemed to stop.  He slept soundly against my body as his soft purrs rumbled through his body into the night.  It felt kind of nice the way his body felt against mine as it radiated heat.  I began to blush a deeper shade of blue as I had began to feel myself getting hard as a rock.

'Damn it...........why is it that I feel this way?  I can't do this to him.  I don't even know much about him or even what he is.  I have never felt this way about anyone before.  So why know.......why to something that seems like a pet but appears to be much more than that?  I won't do this not now not until I know the truth about him!' I thought to myself as I shot down my erection.  I knew that I had other things to worry about.

I don't even remember falling asleep holding Ichigo close to me while we sat on the floor.  I had just managed to wake up a moment before the sun arouse.  Ichigo's head laid against my lap as he was curled up in a ball as my shirt laid draped around his body like a blanket while his tail and ears flicked occasionally.  Suddenly once again Ichgio's body was glowing as his form once again shifted back to his small cat body.  His wounds that I had treated were completely healed as he looked much better than when I first found him.  I had decided to go and do some research to see if I can figure anything out about Ichigo without pestering him about his past.

I left Ichigo at home sleeping on my bed leaving the shirt on him as he seemed to enjoy my scent.  He seemed to be sleeping so peacefully as I didn't want to disturb him.  I went out to the local library to do my research to find out more about Ichigo.  In a manga book is where I found a picture of a cat-like human called a Neko.  It looked familiar to the form of which Ichigo transformed into.  This would only mean that somebody had created him as he wasn't a natural being that truly existed.  But who, why, and for what purpose seemed to escape me.  If my predictions were correct then Ichigo would possibly become human again tonight.  Perhaps I would have to ask Ichigo but I kind of felt that he would tell me when he felt ready too.  I began to wonder what in the world I had been dragged into. What in the world was going on?

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