9- case

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Nine - case

Normal POV

Shirosaki and Ulquiorra spent several hours talking until night fall when Ichigo lept off of Shirosaki's lap before transforming into his human form.  Shirosaki went to grab Ichigo's clothes off of his bed as Ichigo apologized for how he reacted towards Ulquiorra.

"Its all right Ichigo.  I kind of figured that you may act that way towards me." stated Ulquiorra.

"I just find it odd that both you and Shirosaki are brothers considering how you have more color than Shirosaki does."

"I am a bit surprised that Shirosaki is actually a bit older than me.  It still feels a bit odd actually seeing you transform from your cat form to your human form" replied Ulquiorra.

"You get used to it.  Now......Ichigo what do you plan to do about your older brother Grimmjow?" asked Shirosaki as he handed Ichigo his clothes.  Ichigo got dressed quickly as a frown stretched across his face.

"I would love to go and rescue my brother but Pantera the spirit that exists with him told Zangetsu not to have me come after him.  They are both worried about what will happen to me if attempt to free him." stated Ichigo sadly.

"I have to agree with both Grimmjow and Pantera.  Seeing what you have been through Ichigo, I don't want you any where near that place." stated Shirosaki.

"But that doesn't mean that we can't attempt it Shirosaki.  I frankly don't want Grimm to be trapped there forever knowing what that human is doing to him." stated Ulquiorra.  Both Shirosaki and Ichigo agreed that if they could figure out where this place was Shirosaki and Ulquiorra would do everything in their power to rescue Grimmjow.

Shiro's POV

The next day Ulquiorra and I went to work.  According to Uquiorra, Nell the partner whom was teamed up with him knew about his powers.  I had told Ulquiorra that Ken knew about mine as well.  They may end up surprised about us both being brothers but it should be kind of obvious as we look almost exactly alike.  Even though my powers were a little bit stronger than Ulquiorra’s because unlike him, I was never adopted by a family.

As soon as Ulquiorra and I entered the precinct, we both had a jackhammer headache hit us hard.  Something didn’t feel right.  Both Ken and Nell were waiting for us.

“Its about time that you two.  Captain wants to see about a very unusual case that has been specially requested for us to handle.” stated Nell.  Both Ulquiorra and I looked at each other in question wondering what was up.  The four of us entered head Captain Yamamoto’s to find an odd looking man dressed in a scientists uniform with a black and white painted face.  I couldn’t help the low snarl coming from my chest as I clearly recognized that I had gotten from Ichigo when he told me the truth about him.  I could feel Ulquiorra grab my hand to calm me down before I did something stupid.  I let out a long calming breath trying to gain control over myself as our captain spoke.

“Thanks for coming you four.  This is Mayuri Kurosutchi as he works in one of the most prestigious labs owned by Sosuke Aizen.  It seems that something was recently taken from his lab and he needs you four to recover it.” stated Yamamoto.  As the captain introduced us to Mayuri…….we shook hands with the scientist.  When my hands touched his, I had received a rather painful vision that was far worse than the one that I had gotten from Ichigo.

Normal POV

Shirosaki snapped his hand back quickly letting out a sudden and painful scream.  Both Kenpachi and Ulquiorra reacted quickly trying to calm Shirosaki down.  Shirosaki’s power was raging out of control as he saw what Mayuri had done to both Grimmjow and Ichigo.  Shirosaki saw what both Mayuri and Aizen had planned for the two nekos.  As his powers slowly began to build.  Ulquiorra could feel it as he let out a sharp curse as he quickly grabbed a hold of Shirosaki.

“Shiro…….come back.  Don’t do this!  Remember we promised Ichigo.” Ulquiorra whispered into Shirosaki’s ear as he poured his own power into Shirosaki.  Ulquiorra could feel Shirosaki shaking in his grip as he waited until Shirosaki acknowledged him.

“Shiro are you all right?” asked Ulquiorra in concern.  Shirosaki slowly nodded his head yes.

Ulquiorra’s POV

It was taking most of my patience not to kill the scientist that stood before me.  I was a bit grateful that my powers didn’t react the same way when I shook Mayuri’s hand.

“Is he going to be all right?” asked Mayuri in fake concern.  God how this man sickens me.

“Shiro will be fine.  He gets that way every know and then.  Now how can we help you Mr.  Kurosutchi?” I asked him.

“As your captain had told you, something has been taken from my lab as I need your help to recover it.  I do not wish to recover it.  I do not wish to involve the police as the experiment that was taken was being conducted in secret.  I don’t want a full investigation into this about it, the better.” stated Mayuri.

“So basically you can’t tell us what was taken, when it was taken, or any other important information like that.” stated Nell bluntly.

“That is correct!” replied Mayuri.

“Bull shit!” stated Kenpachi quickly as it sounded like a sneeze.  Mayuri glared at Kenpachi almost like he had heard him.

“Any way I have heard about Mr. Ogichi’s skills involving those child murder case as I figured that he could help quickly solve this case much like that one.” stated Mayuri.

“I am certain that this team will be able to recover what was taken and return it back to your labs.” stated Yamamoto.  None of us could bother to return down the request even though both Shiro and I knew full well what Mayuri was after…….the neko, Ichigo.  I began to wonder if we should tell both Kenpachi and Nell what we knew.

Normal POV

The four went to their office as Shirosaki down several pills.  His eyes were glowing brightly as his hand was still pounding almost like he had a hangover.

“God………damn……….” snarled Shirosaki.

“All right what in the world happened back there?” asked Nelliel.  Ulquiorra let out a long soft sigh.

“Nell…….you know how I have a special and unique powers?  Well turns out Shirosaki has it too as he is actually my older brother.” stated Ulquiorra.

“Brothers?  Is that even possible?” asked Kenpachi.

“It is Ken. Neither one of us knew until we first meet.  Not only is our appearance quite similar but also our powers.” stated Shirosaki softly.  Both had seen first hand what powers their partners had.

“But why did you react that way Shiro……..what did you see?” asked Kenpachi.

“I wish that I could tell you Ken but I have to talk to someone first before I can say another word.” replied Shirosaki as Ulquiorra knew that he meant Ichigo.  Neither one of them would have ever expected to end up with this case.

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