Chapter 15: It's the little things

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Y/N was helping an elderly woman by telling her the way she smiles and thanks him as Y/N smiles and nods as he swings away then it cuts to him swinging through the city but then sees a kid about to get ran over by a car but then Y/N swings in and grabs the kid in time and saves him he then swings towards the mom and puts the kid down as the mom runs towards her child and hugs them.

Woman: Oh thank you so much. Thank you thank you thank you.

Y/N: My pleasure. Now you two stay safe.

Y/N then swings away.

Y/N climbs a tree then grabs a cat that is stuck on it then lifts the cat up.

Y/N: I got your cat sir.

Then a elderly man with glasses white hair & mustache smiled with happiness.

Stan Lee: Excelsior!

A kid was walking down the side wall when trips and his balloon started to float away the kid had a sad expression until Y/N swines in and caught the balloon then he dropped down in front of the kid and gave him his balloon back.

Y/N: Here you go kid.

Kid: My balloon!

He then takes the balloon back.

Kid: Thank you mr.

Y/N: No problem kid.

He then swings off with a smile on his face.

Mini time skip the sun was beginning to set and Y/N is sitting from the edge of a roof top.

Y/N: Whoa I never knew helping this many people could feel so... Great. That smile on that kids face. It was really heart warming. Even the smallest of things could make someone's day.

He then gets a call from his aunt he then answers it.

Y/N: Hey aunt Glynda.

Glynda: Hey sweetie how are you doing?

Y/N: I'm doing great spectacular actually.

Glynda: That's great. I saw that you went back to vale again. I won't have to worry about you—

Y/N: Don't worry aunt Glynda I'm done going through my skipping class arc.

Glynda chuckles over the scroll Y/N thought of something.

Y/N: Hey aunt Glynda.

Glynda: Yeah Y/N.

Y/N: So you know how that the dance is coming up.

Glynda: Yeah.

Y/N: Do you have any advice how to ask a girl out. Like should I act a different way or like dress a certain way or or—

Glynda: Y/N.

Y/N stopped to listen what Glynda has to say.

Glynda: Just be yourself.

Y/N: Yeah but what if they don't like me for me.

Glynda: Then they don't deserve you... Y/N you should never wear a mask for a person to like you.

Y/N: *Sighs* Yeah... I know.

Glynda: Good. Just be who you are. Besides it won't be too difficult since your a handsome young man.

Y/N: Aunt Glynda.

Glynda then chuckles.

Glynda: See you later Y/N.

She then hangs up and Y/N looks up at the city.

Y/N: Beautiful view.

Mini time skip
Y/N was walking down the dorm halls he then starts to think of how to ask Yang to the dance but he wasn't paying attention as his spider sense went off but was too late to react as someone bumped into him he falls to the ground and looks up to see who it was and his eyes widened as the person who was over him was Yang Xiao Long Y/N face immediately turned red as he was blushing hard.

Yang: Well uhh this is a interesting position we're in.

Y/N: Uhhhh yeah. Y-Y—You could say that.

Yang: *Laughs* You sound so nervous.

Y/N: Well uhh we are in this uhhh.

Y/N could barely takes his eyes off her eyes and her smile made his heart went even faster Yang then gets up and offers her hand. Y/N then takes it and Yang helps him up and they both

Yang: So will you be at the dance?

Y/N: Yeah yeah definitely. Uhh will you?

Yang: Um yeah.

Y/N: Oh well that's cool. Hey Yang.

Yang: Yeah.

Y/N: Wanted to ask you if uhh.

He stares into her eyes and the more he stared the more nervous he got. He wanted to ask her out the dance but was too nervous to ask.

Yang: Yes?

Y/N: I... I... I wanted to ask you if.

Yang: If what?

Y/N: If you... Wanted to hang out tomorrow.

Yang sighs as she puts her hand on her head.

Yang: Sorry Y/N. I would like to but me and my team are going on an important mission.

Y/N: (Important mission?) Alright I'll come with you.

Yang: No you won't.

Y/N: What why?

Yang: Because what we're about to do is dangerous.

Y/N: Ok and? Your little sister is 15 I can do this.

Yang: I know you can I just... I just want to protect you.

Y/N gasped a little and he begins to plush a little.

Y/N: Yang... I can take care of myself.

Yang: I know but seeing you get hurt it. It breaks my heart. So please.

She then holds Y/N hands making him plush even more.

Yang: Promise me you'll listen to me and not try to fallow me or any of us.

Y/N then looks away as he didn't want to let Yang see him blushing.

Y/N: I... I promise.

Yang: Y/N look at me in the eyes and say it.

Y/N then look Yang in the eyes he takes a deep breath.

Y/N: I promise.

Yang: Thank you.

They both look at each other for awhile but then Yang sees she's at her room and walks towards the dorm room.

Yang: Alright have a good night.

She then walks in her dorm room.

Y/N: Good night.

He then enters his dorm as he has one hand on his chest.

Y/N: She really cares about me... and she was so close to me. Looks like asking her to the dance is going to be a lot harder then I thought.

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