Chapter 16: The secret mission

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Y/N starts to put his Spider-man costume on ready to head out to vale.

Y/N: Well if Y/N can't help RWBY with there secret mission. Spider-Man can.

Y/N then puts his mask on Y/N then opens his window as he starts to scale the wall. As Y/N was climbing the wall he noticed a blond haired monkey Faunus using his tail to hang on a tree branch and a blue haired boy who is on the edge of the building holding on to dear life.

Sun: Yeah.

Blake: Sun?

Sun: That's easy I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time.

Sun: So are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Y/N was immediately interested in what they where saying but out of revenue but to put Roman behind bars once and for all.

Blake: We are going to investigate the situation... As a team.

Ruby: Sorry Sun we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Sun: Pfff that's dumb. You should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune.

They all look out of the windows and saw Neptune.

Neptune: Sup.

Ruby: How did you even get up here.

Neptune: I have my ways.

Y/N: You guys wouldn't mind if one more joined in this party.

Descending down from a web was Y/N Ruby gasp in excitement.

Ruby: Oh my gosh look it's the Spider-Man guy that's been on the news.

Weiss: Where did you even come from?

Y/N: The roof. Duh.

Weiss just scoffs at the small joke.

Ruby: Ok Spider-Man definitely has to join us.

Blake: I don't know about that.

Y/N: Do you not trust me?

Blake: No it's not that it's just. This might be too many people.

Y/N: If your worried I'll get hurt I'll be fine. With super human strength & speed I also got reflexes. I can help you if you let me.

Ruby: I say in. He's a pretty big deal. And his abilities can help us.

Weiss: I guess I could accept it. But I'm not one hundred percent sure. After all he is a vigilante.

Yang: Wasn't Ruby's boyfriend a vigilante and you were fine with it.

Weiss: Point taken.

They all look at Yang and then she walks up to Y/N and there nearly face to face.

Yang: Are you absolutely sure you'll be fine.

Y/N: I've been able to dodge bullets. I'll be fine.

Yang stares at Y/N for a bit not knowing he was sweating bullets under his mask.

Yang: Alright then I say let him in.

They then stare at Blake waiting for a response.

Blake: Well I feel like it's been decided.

Ruby jumps up in the sky in victory.

Ruby: Yes!

Neptune: Uhh guys can I come in we are like seriously high right now.

Y/N: Don't worry bro I gotcha.

Mini time skip after Ruby explained the plan Ruby assigned who would be going with who.

Ruby: Alright I'll go with Weiss. Sun you can go with Blake & Neptune you can go with Yang. And Spider-Man you'll accompany them just in case.

Ruby says as she pushes Neptune towards Yang & Y/N.

Y/N: Alright sounds like a plan.

Weiss: Actually Ruby why don't you go with Yang? She is your sister.

Ruby: What about you Weiss? You won't have a partner.

Weiss: Well. Neptune can go with me.

Y/N and Ruby look at each other & then at Weiss. Ruby then laughs.

Ruby: Naaaah.

Ruby then drags Weiss out the dorm room.

Weiss: But! But!

Y/N: Alright then off we go then. Good luck you guys.

Blake: You too.

They all nod before walking out of the dorm.

Mini time skip they made it to a garage and saw that Yang got a new bike.

Y/N: (Seems like she got herself a new bike)

Neptune: Um question. How are me and the Spider-Dude supposed to get on.

Yang: Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out.

Y/N: You guys don't read the news a lot do you?

Yang & Neptune: Huh?

Y/N shoots a web to a lamppost and zips towards it before sticking onto it.

Yang: Oh yeah I forgot you could do that.

Neptune: So they don't come out of your but?

Y/N: What no. One that's disgusting and two they don't come out of the spider's butt they... you know what let's just forget about it. I'll meet you guys at Roman's club.

Y/N then swings away as Yang just looked at Neptune.

Neptune: What? I couldn't have been the only one who thought that.

While Y/N was swinging he was going over how he should ask Yang to the dance and more importantly if he could even do it.

Y/N: Come on Y/N it's not that hard. Just walk to her and ask her out to the dance. And look at her beautiful eyes and hair and listen to her voice and feel her soft and warm hands.

Y/N growls in frustration as he continues to swing through the city.

Y/N: Alright just... Focus on the mission.

Minutes later Y/N made it to the club but sat on the edge of the roof until finally he saw Yang and Neptune Y/N then drops down and land next to them.

Y/N: Finally. I was starting to think you wouldn't show.

Yang: And miss the opportunity to meet my good old friend Junior. I don't think so.

Neptune: Well shall we.

They all start to walk towards the entrance Neptune then looked at Y/N a few times and had a embarrassing look but finally spoke his mind.

Neptune: Hey uhhh Spider-Man right.

Y/N: Yeah.

Neptune: Your weren't offended by the hole butt thing were you? Because if you were I'm sorry I was just—

Y/N: Neptune relax. I wasn't offended. We're good.

Neptune: Oh ok phew.

Y/N smiled under the mask then looked at Yang to talk to her.

Y/N: Hey um Yang I don't think Junior is going to know. I came here few days ago him & Roman haven't talked since.

Yang: You came here?

Y/N: Yeah when I was looking for Roman myself.

Yang: Well he has to know something.

Y/N: I'm telling you he won't know.

Yang: We'll see about that.

As they walk through down the hall they see two guards and they run towards the door and shut it.

Y/N: Huh. I guess they don't want us coming in.

Yang then punches her two fist together.

Yang: Then we'll break in.

She then fires a shot at the door breaking it open and both Yang & Y/N walk in.

Yang: Guess who's back!

Then all of the guards point there guns at Yang & Y/N.

Y/N: I'm guessing you had a big fight with these guys.

Yang: Yup.

Finally one of the men moves the rod from the disc.

Neptune: Yeah so can you define friend for me?

Junior: Stop stop! Nobody shoot.

Junior passes through his men as he finally is staring at the three young adults.

Junior: Blonde you're here and you brought the web head with you? Why?

Yang: You still owe me a drink.

She then walks towards Junior and drags him off.

Y/N: Whoa what a woman.

Neptune: Yeah you can say that again.

He then sees two other ladies standing to his left they were twins one wearing a white dress and the other a black & red one.

Neptune: Sup.

Twins: Hmph whatever.

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