Chapter 1: The Haunted House

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Here's the official first chapter, and art above is an example of what Kyle and Leon looks like.

I am making up a name for the town in future chapters, please know that.


Elaine and I left the park, and I was following her car in my U-Haul into a countryside area of Connecticut, and before we left the park, she had mentioned that the house I bought was in the countryside area of Connecticut, and it is a really quiet place.
The closest market was the next town over, which is an hour away, and I don't mind that at all, but she said there is a pizza place there in that town, and they do deliver in the area my new home resides, but she warned me they will not go past the iron gates of the driveway, so I would have to meet the delivery person at the iron gate, which was weird, and kinda creepy.

The home is about an hour and thirty minutes away from the park, and we are going through that town by the home, to reach the home.
The park belongs to that town as well, which is outside of that town.
We were driving through the town now, since time passed by quickly, and the town had tiny stores on it's main street we were driving on, stores that looked really old, a boutique was on the street, a pizza place, a White Castle as well as a restaurant, including a shopping market, and a auto repair shop.
There were cars parked in front of the boutique, White Castle, the pizza place, the restaurant, and the auto repair shop.

Not many cars were driving through the town, only our vehicles were, and the main street led to a tiny ass neighborhood, which we drive about four blocks straight through, and the town exit was ahead, since the sign told us in front of us.

The concrete road soon turned into a bumpy dirt road, that made my U-Haul jiggle as well, which I hope none of my things that are breakable in my U-Haul fall over and breaks.

The dirt road was long, and I noticed as we drove further, that there was a farm on the right side, and the smell of cow shit hits my nose, making my nose crinkle at how terrible the smell was, but I just endured it, as I followed Elaine.
To me she looks in her late fifties, and she was truly a sweet woman, but I feel she's hiding why her and her husband was so desperate to get rid of my new home.
I felt deep in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right with how her body language was when I talked about the home to her.
To me she seemed to be petrified of the home, since it showed in her blue eyes.

I watch her turn left down another dirt road, to which I follow her, me turning my blinker on for my U-Haul's trailer, and I carefully turn left down the dirt road to follow her.
The U-Haul still jiggled, and she soon stopped in front of a gravel driveway, that had a red bricked wall surrounding a yard, with an old iron gate, and trees were allover both sides of me in the U-Haul next to the dirt road, and there was arched trees that was lined all the way to a home, that looked like a plantation home, it a white cream color, with black windows, it having marble pillars.
It looked like it had a bottom floor and a top floor.
It had a red cedar double door in the front.
The house to me was a medium sized plantation home.

I know back in the 1700's and 1800's; homes like this were built for slave owners, and I bet this home was connected to that era, but now it's not in charge of slaves.

I get out of my U-Haul, me leaving the door open, the door dinging, and I walk over to Elaine's vehicle, and she looked up at me through her rolled down window.
"I can open the gate for us if you want me to?
It looks easy to open."
I then look at the gate once again, me noticing chains were locking it closed.
"Oh....well if I had the key to those chains I could."

I look back at her, and she handed me two keys, one for the chains, it had a newer key, the other key was quite older.
"These are the keys.
I suggest you lock the iron gates as they are.
It's not safe having them unlocked at night."
Elaine tells me.

I wonder what she means?
I thought to myself, me confused why she said that.

I tell her, me too creeped out to say anything else.

"My grandsons will be here in about an hour.
I will return home."
She tells me, her rolling up the window, and I step aside so she can pull around, because I left enough space for her to do so with my U-Haul.

I watch her leave down the dirt road, me entirely confused why she left, and didn't show me inside the home?
Was she petrified of the home?
I truly wanted to know.

I stick the much older key into my right men's black and red short's pocket, and I walked over to the iron gates, and stuck the newer key into the padlock on the chains, and I heard a click when I turned the key, and I took the padlock off, me walking to my U-Haul, and set it onto my purse, and I took the chains, and set them on the passenger seat.

I walk over to the double iron gates, and I push each one fully open, and I get back into my U-Haul, and I slowly drive onto the rocky gravel, until I pulled up by what looked like a car garage, that looked maybe ten years old, which I could tell was built by someone.
I turn the engine off of my U-Haul, and I open the door, and get out, and I stretch my arms over my head, me making a whiny noise as I arched my back to stretch my back.

I then straighten myself, and walk up the brick steps, and up to the cedar double doors, and I found two locks upon the doors, and I unlocked it with the old key, me pulling open both the doors completely, and immediately cold as hell air blew onto me like a frieght train, making me shiver, and get goosebumps all along my arms.

"That was fucking creepy."
I shiver, and I walk into the grand entryway parlor, me looking up, and I saw a real old golden crystal chandelier, and the stairs in front of the parlor to walk into the home were red carpet, that led up to the second floor in a spiral kinda way.

"This house was built for a rich person, so it should be worth more than four thousand dollars, so why sell it to me for that much?
I don't get it."
I talk to myself, as I explored the home, and to be honest, when I walked in here, I immediately felt like someone or something was following me around, and watching me, which was creeping me out even more, because it made me feel like I'm not alone here.

I walk down tiny steps, and into a huge ass living room, and there was an old fireplace there too, and a bookshelf lined the whole room in a U formation.
There was a place to put your television too upon a wall.
I left that area, and found the biggest kitchen I've ever seen across from the living room, and it had all new appliances, including a glass electric stove, a new Samsung fridge, a white large ice box, a double wide sink, a dishwasher, lots of cupboard spaces, a closet, and a door led to the basement, which I open the basement door, noticing stone steps lead down it, so I walk down it, me coming to a big cobblestone basement, which had the water heater down there, and a brand new washer and dryer too.

It was much colder in here than upstairs, so I figured it's how this old house is, so I left up the basement stairs, and shut the door behind me, and I go up the spiraling stairs, and there was about five rooms upstairs, and they were huge too, all wooden flooring, all had walk in closets, and the bathroom was across from the headmaster bedroom, and the toilet was brand new, a huge walk in shower was in the bathroom, big enough to fit four people inside it, with a showerhead that detaches.
There was two sinks too, and a walk in closet to put towels and rags inside.

"This house is spectacular."
I awed at the huge bathroom space.
"I'm only used to tiny rooms back where I'm from.
This has to be a rich person home."
I continued talking to myself.
"Next thing to do tonight is set up lights, water, and electricity.
I'll be making alot of calls.
Tomorrow I will get internet."

I left the bathroom, me leaving the bathroom door open, and I heard a honking noise.
"That must be her grandkids."
I headed towards the parlor, and sure enough, an old red Ford truck pulled up, parking, and two men who looked like conjoined twins, with the same haircut, same face, and same build, get out of the old red Ford, the red Ford had to of been from the 1970's.
They had to be in their late thirties, with blue eyes, and looked like they worked out.
Them wearing the same ACDC shirt on their bodies, and long blue jeans, and work boots.
They only had two legs like regular people.
I've never met conjoined twins before until now, so I won't awkwardly stare at them to respect them.

I walk up to them and say to them.
"You must be Elaine's grandkids.
I'm Kay Smalls."
I hold out my hand for them to shake.

They shook my hand, the guy on the right says to me.
"I'm Kyle."

The other guy says.
"And I'm Leon.
We are conjoined twins.
Gran told us to help you move things into your home."

"Yes; that would be lovely if you helped with the heavy stuff, since I have a bummed up left knee."
I tell them.
"I'm not supposed to lift heavy things, so I hired people back where I'm from to help me put things into the U-Haul."

"What happened to your knee?"
Kyle asked me.

"It dislocated when I was a teenager.
It hasn't been the same since then."
I tell Kyle and Leon.

"That makes sense."
Leon says to me.

"So what's your weight limit?"
Kyle asked me.

"Nothing over five pounds."
I tell Kyle.

"That sucks."
Leon says to me.

"My brother also helped carry stuff into the U-Haul as well."
I say honestly to them.
"I'll carry the lighter things if you want?"

"We can do it.
Just tell us where to set things, including furniture."
Leon says to me and I nod in understanding.

"Do you have the key to the U-Haul on you?
We'll start now."
Kyle asked me and I tossed him the key ring for the U-Haul.

And that's that; the conjoined twins Kyle and Leon started unloading things for me, which was really nice to be honest, and for conjoined twins, they sure can carry heavy things.
They both had spiked up light brown hair, and they seemed nice too, and I'm glad I brought a cooler full of ice with waters, and other drinks so we could drink things.
Also as the conjoined twins worked, I called the companies to turn on my lights and water, and called the internet company.
All those workers would be here in thirty minutes tops.

I also showed the conjoined twins where to put everything, including my furniture, my bed, and dresser sets.
They even put my bed themselves back together for me.
I put all the blankets and sheets upon it, and my books are all in the living area, including my DVDs too, and they put my TV upon the wall for me, them having the tools in their old red Ford to do so.

They even helped me put up my belongings that go on shelves, but only I handled my clothing, so I put my clothing up, as well as my necessities, my toothbrush, my toothpaste tablets, my comb for my hair, body wash, hair soap, and my hair gel upon the counter of the bathroom double wide sinks.
I put up my towels and rags too.
I mean we got everything put up, including my dishes away in time just as the lights, water, and internet guys came out, them turning everything on, which didn't take that long either, and that was a big relief.

Kyle and Leon after everything was in order, they said to me as we sat upon the porch.
"Thanks for the drinks.
Call us if you need help with lifting things again."
Kyle wrote on a piece of paper, and handed it to me.
"That's our number.
We'll be going now."
They stand up, and wave at me, both of them smiling warmly at me and Leon winked at me, making me flustered, I mean they are pretty hot dudes.

"Thank you for everything you two!"
I wave to them, and they get into their old Ford, and leave the drive way.
"I'll take the U-Haul to the U-Haul place in town later."
I forgot to mention there was a U-Haul place in town too.

I look at my phone, seeing it was already supper time, so I'll need to order pizza, so I looked up the name of the pizza place in town, and dialed the number from the search results.


To be continued.....

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