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Here's the prologue.....


In 1777 The Ghost King Qingtao set his sights upon conquering the people, who colonized the Americas, that infancy of that country, however the founding fathers had an ace up their hole, when Chinese Immigrants had a way to defeat him, with a monk, a highly enlightened monk.
The monk was called Yanjun.
He was technically the next living Buddha; and Ghost King Qingtao was the ruler of all monsters and ghosts, with great evil power.

And in 1789 George Washington begged the Chinese Immigrants for their help, and he would use his soldiers to corner Ghost King Qingtao within a home, and the Chinese Immigrants agreed, using Monk Yanjun to seal Ghost King Qingtao within a home, so that he cannot cause more terror for the colonies.

George Washington's soldiers sacrificed their lives to corner Ghost King Qingtao inside a home that was built by a family that year, who had purposely left it during the war, so it was perfect to seal Ghost King Qingtao inside, to never escape.

The battle between Monk Yanjun and Ghost King Qingtao outside the home lasted three days, and three nights, but in the end, Monk Yanjun sealed Ghost King Qingtao inside the home, to Ghost King Qingtao's dismay, defeating him, and as long years passed, and his enemies passed away of old age, Ghost King Qingtao remained sealed inside the home, causing terror and fear upon any new owners that owned the home, making it famous for his hauntings, to the point all owners left the home in thirty days, them packing up and leaving.

It is now 2024; October 2nd and Kay Smalls was looking for a home in Connecticut to live in, after she moved out of a southern state, after her mother passed away, and the state took the home from her, so she packed up in a U-Haul, and searched online for a home to buy, her finding a home in Connecticut that was built in 1789; which was beyond beautiful, it large, had several acres of property, which was perfect for her, perfect to go on long walks, as well as it was relaxing, so that she could do TikToks, since she is a Tiktoker as well as an artist, a crafter, and an author.

She has 1,500 followers; who enjoy watching her draw, watching her craft, as well as watch her go and show beautiful views of places she walks to, and this home was perfect for showing the beautiful landscape.

With her U-Haul, with her furniture and things inside it, and her Chevy Red Equinox attached to it on a trailer, she made it to Connecticut, since she reserved to buy the home in person, and decided to meet the property owner at the local park, and grab lunch at a hot dog stand too.

I parked in a spot, turning the engine off, and texted the property owner.
I'm here.

The property owner then replied.
Okay; there is a hot dog stand close to the entrance where you parked at, so please meet me there.

I get out, grabbing my purse, and shut the U-Haul door, me locking it, and I walk into the arched entrance of the park, and to my right was a hot dog stand, and two park tables next to it, so I walk up to the hot dog stand, me noticing an old woman sitting alone at one of the park tables, and I sit in front of her.

"You must be the owner of the home?
I'm Kay Smalls."
I hold out my hand to her, my boy short black hair that's spiked up with gel, I felt the very light breeze hit it gently as the old woman shook my hand.

"I am Elaine Wallace.
Now this home is very old.
My husband wants it out of our lives.
I'll take any offer you want for it."
I blink in shock when she said that, making me wonder why she wanted the home gone and out of her life, including her husband's life?

"Is thirty thousand good?"
I ask her.

"Forty thousand is fine."
Elaine haggled me, and I nod, me agreeing with her to pay her that much.

"I'll give you that much.
I have the forty thousand with me."
I set my purse down, and I pull out money from my wallet that was inside an envelope, me counting the bills, until I got forty thousand in my hand, as she sets paperwork down for me.

"Sign the highlighted areas."
Elaine says to me.

I look over the paperwork, reading it all, and she handed me a pen, which I signed the highlighted areas, and it was typical paperwork for buying a home, and it said if I needed things fixed in it, to contact Elaine and she will set me up with a guy they know to work on the home.
"Your bank will be notified immediately after I send this to them."
Elaine says to me.

I hand her the forty thousand in cash, and she places it into her own wallet, and into her purse.
"If you have questions, please call me."
Elaine says to me, her shaking my hand.
"You can move in today if you want to."

"Oh I will.
I'll have to hire movers too, to help me."
I tell her.

"My grandsons can help you move in."
She tells me, her offering to help me.

I smile warmly at her, me happy she would help me have her grandsons move me in.
"I really appreciate that Elaine."

I was a chubby girl in school who got picked on, picked on because I was artistic, as well as autistic, and now that I am a somewhat TikTok star, but not that famous, I am getting somewhere in life, but also I am an author too, an artist, and a crafter too.
I sell alot of my art and crafts on eBay.
I made sure to bring all my supplies too for crafting, and my art, as well as my laptop for writing my books on, and I'll definitely set up internet as soon as possible in the home first thing tomorrow.

"I will call them.
Why not get you something to eat?"
Elaine says to me, and I stand up, nodding to her.

"I will."
I walk over to the hot dog stand, since I'm hungry anyways, I might as well get a bite, and the person cooking the hot dogs looked to me, and it was a man, a man that looked in his forties, who wore a black eye patch, a gray tank top, and blue jeans.

He smiled ever so warmly at me.
"What can I get you?"

"I'd like two hot dogs with sweet relish and onions on them, upon a bun, and a diet soda please."
I tell him, and he rang both up on my register.

"That'll be five bucks tops."
He said to me, him having a Boston accent.

"Wow; that's really cheap."
I tell him honestly my thoughts since I am autistic as well, and I was shocked the meal was so cheap.

"You are very blunt."
This man had long wavy light brown hair, and a light brown very well trimmed short beard, and looked handsome to boot.

"Oh; sorry.
Some people don't like how I'm brutally honest."
I apologize to him as I hand him five dollars, and he puts it into his register.

"It's fine."
He hands me my hot dogs on buns how I liked them, upon plastic hot dog holders, and my diet soda.
"So you new in town huh?
And you know Elaine?"

"I just met her through buying a home."
I tell him, me being honest.

He then gives me a serious look.
"Buying a home?"

"Yeah; it's an old home, beautiful even."
I tell him as I bite into one of the hot dogs with sweet relish and onions upon it.

"The home you must be talking about is known to be cursed, including the land."
He tells me, and I blink in shock at that.

I ask him.

He nods to me, and says.
"I'm Michel; Michel Rodriguez."
He ungloved one of his hands, and held it out for me to shake, and I take his hand into my own, and I shook it.

"So you said the land is cursed?"
I ask him, as I pull my hand away.

"During the Revolutionary War; alot of soldiers died, and before then, alot of natives were killed by white folk like us on that land as well, including lynchings  happened in the forest close to that home.
Ever since the 1700's bad things happened there, and deaths occured.
The last death I heard that happened there was in 1965; where the KKK had hung three  Asian men inside the forest, upon some trees.
It is said the Asian men haunt the property, and some soldiers as well."
Michel says to me, which really intrigued me, but it was also creepy too.

I also was unnerved that the property of my new home, I just bought today, had that much death upon the land, but I won't let it get to me, and I'll just let the information I learned slide, and be pushed aside.
If there is ghosts there, then I'll just coexist with them peacefully, as long as they do not harm me.
Yes; I believe in ghosts, since when I was a kid I used to see them, since I lived in the south for so long, ghosts were a normal thing in the south, and everyone has experiences there in the south, and I used to see them as a kid like I saw people, and I would walk up to them, and speak to them, and they'd speak back, which petrified my mother to no end, so she told me to quit talking to them, but when I turned thirteen I completely stopped seeing them, which did confuse me too why it stopped.

"It was nice meeting you Michel.
If I have more questions I'll come back for a hot dog."
I nod to him, and walk to sit back with Elaine, and she was on her phone talking to her grandsons I bet.


To be continued.....

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