Chapter 16 (SA2)

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(Readers POV)

Everyone is looking out of the space ship's window and saw the huge blown off rock that has Eggman's face on it.

Sonia: So this is the space colony where Eggman is hiding.

(Y/N): Does Eggman need to put his face on everything?

Sonia: I'm starting to think he needs to do it or he might die.

Tails: This space colony is kind of like the Death Egg.

(Y/N): The Death Egg?

Sonia: Huge secret base in space with Eggman's face on it? I can see where you're coming from Tails.

(Y/N): Ok wait, so Eggman has done this kind of thing before?

Amy: Yep! This isn't even the second time!

Knuckles: Yeah, it's like what... the third time at least.

(Y/N): Oh wow... So this is normal?

Sonia: Pretty much.

How does Eggman get stopped every time?! And how can he keep having evil space stations?! I looked out the window and saw an astroid hit the ship, causing it to shake a bit.

Everyone: Woah!

Tails: Is everyone alright? We should be landing soon.

Knuckles started to look around and noticed something on a screen.

Knuckles: Oh no! The hatch door is open!

Sonia: Don't sweat it Knuckles! The only thing in the cargo bay is those Master Emerald pieces, right?

Knuckles: What do you mean don't sweat it?! Land this ship and let me out!

Knuckles went over to the control panel and started to press random buttons.

Sonia: Knock it off Knuckles! You're going to crash this thing if you keep that up!

Knuckles grabbed a lever and was about to pull it.

Sonia: Don't touch that lever!

Knuckles pulled the lever, causing the ship to turn and start to spin around. Me, Sonia, Tails, and Amy all started to scream as we held onto the nearest solid object we could. The ship crashed into the space colony. Knuckles opened the door to the rocket ship and started run away to get his pieces back. It felt like my head is spinning from that. I don't want to ride in space anymore, at least not with Knuckles behind the wheel. Everyone else stepped out.

(Y/N): So this is the inside of the space colony?

Tails: This place is fascinating. I hope I can do some research on it after this is over.

I saw Sonia stomp on the ground once and let out a huff.

Sonia: What's up with that knucklehead anyway?! Trying to take over the shuttle! I thought we were toast for sure!

(Y/N): You and me both.

Sonia: Glad to see you agree with me!

I can tell Sonia is still a bit mad about what happened. Maybe it would be best to change the subject somehow.

(Y/N): This place seems kinda old, am I right?

Amy: Oh yeah, it looks deserted. Dusty too.

Tails got into her mech and started to click around on some things on her screen.

Tails: This place was shut down about 50 years ago because of a terrible accident. The first Bernoulli spherical space colony called, ARK. When it was operational, it was the most advanced research center of its kind, but looking at it now...

Amy: Now it's an abandoned ARK, wouldn't you say?

Sonia: There's not much time left before Eggman fires that weapon again. We've got to hurry! Let's find the cannon and destroy it!

Tails: Yeah!

Tails started to click on some more things on her screen. Me, Sonia, and Amy all walked over to look at the screen. It's a diagram of the entire space colony.

Tails: Someone designed that weapon to be inpenetrable from outside attacks. It's defense shields are super strong so we have to find a way to destroy it from the inside!

(Y/N): Looking at this diagram, it looks like the weapon is using the Chaos Emeralds as it's power source.

Tails: Then I have just the perfect solution to this problem!

Tails took out a silver colored case and opened it, revealing the yellow Chaos Emerald.

Amy: Isn't that a Chaos Emerald?

Tails: It looks like it, doesn't it? But in fact, it's a fake one I created after researching the real emerald! It has the same wavelengths and properties, but it's less powerful than the real one.

Tails pulled out the fake Chaos Emerald. It definitely does look like the real thing. Shiny too.

Tails: It's designed to reverse the energy field inside the Chaos Emeralds and blow up! It looks so real, even a machine can't tell the difference! I'll find the power supply and destroy it. Sonia, you find the control room, okay?

Tails handed the fake emerald to Sonia.

Sonia: So the plan is, we'll switch the Chaos Emeralds when the machine has stopped, right?

Tails nodded her head as she and Sonia started to go forward, going ahead with that plan.

(Y/N): Wait, so what do we do?

Amy: Grr! I hate you! You guys always leave me behind and have all the fun!

I saw Sonia look back and gave a smirk.

Sonia: Amy! You babysit (Y/N) while we take care of business!

She quickly ran off afterward.

(Y/N): For the record I don't need a babysitter!

I shouted, trying to make sure Sonia heard me. I let out a sigh as I looked around and saw something shiny in the distance.

(Y/N): Shiiiiiny...

I started to walk towards it, making Amy sigh and grab onto the back of my shirt and keeping me in one place.

Amy: You shouldn't just wander off.

(Y/N): But the shiny though.

Amy: We can check it out, but that's it.

(Y/N): Yes!

I started to walk forward, seeing the sparkle around a corner. I turned the corner, but I didn't see anything shiny or sparkly.

(Y/N): What the?! I could've sworn it was right here!

Amy: Maybe you're just seeing thing?

(Y/N): I would never mistake a shiny object Amy.

I looked around and saw the same kind of sparkle further down the hallway, just around another corner. I ran over, but still nothing shiny. It's like the sparkle is constantly moving away from me. I'm not going to let this stand!

(Y/N): You get back here shiny so I can look at you!

I started to run down the many hallways of this place, always seeing the sparkle around a corner, but never seeing what it is. I kept running and ran into a large open room. There is some kind of light in the middle of the room in a circle on the floor.

(Y/N): Argh! I'm starting to think this space colony is tricking me!

I looked down and parts of the floor in this room are made out of strong glass, letting me see the earth and outer space.

(Y/N): This is a pretty cool room though. Maybe this was made for sightseeing?

I looked around, realizing I have no idea where I am.

(Y/N): I hope this place has a map somewhere.

Eggman: Well, well, wolf boy? Maybe I can be your tour guide? I did guide you here with a shiny bolt after all.

I looked back and saw Eggman in his mech, with what looks like some upgrades.

(Y/N): Eggman?!

I was about to get ready to attack, but Eggman pointed some kind of gun at me, making me put my hands up in the air.

Eggman: If you value your life, you will tell me where Sonia and Tails are!

(Y/N): U-Um...

I heard the door to the room open, revealing Tails and Amy have walked inside.

Tails: (Y/N)!

Tails got her mech ready for battle and Amy pulled out a giant hammer, but Eggman pointed the gun further at me.

Eggman: I wouldn't do anything without thinking about the situation first! One false move and...

Tails and Amy looked at me with concern. I nodded at them, signaling that we should go with what Eggman wants.

Tails: What do you want, Eggman?

Eggman: I'm so glad you asked! I want you to use whatever you use to communicate with Sonia right now!

Tails took out her walkie talkie and pushed the button.

Tails: Sonia! We have a-

Eggman: Tails, tell Sonia to meet you back here at the research facility! Now!

He shouted, making no doubt that Sonia was able to hear his voice.

Tails: Sonia, (Y/N) is-

Eggman pushed a button that disabled Tails's walkie talkie from working.

Tails: Th-There! Sonia is on her way!

Eggman: Perfect! Does she so happen to have a Chaos Emerald with her?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah! She does!

Eggman: This day couldn't have gone any better!

If Eggman wants the Chaos Emerald, Tails has the real one on her and Sonia has the fake emerald. If Eggman gets the fake emerald, I can get out of this situation and he will use it instead and sabotage himself.

(Y/N): Wait, how come you knew I liked shiny objects?

Eggman: Remember that base in the Mystic Ruins you and Sonia destroyed?!

(Y/N): Well she destroyed it, I had nothing to do with that.

Eggman: I found footage of you staring intensely at some of my newest machines while muttering "shiny" over and over again!

(Y/N): Yeah that sounds about right...

(Time Skip)

After about a minute, the door to the room opened up, revealing Sonia. Everyone looked over at her. She stepped into the room and stared down Eggman.

Eggman: Let's take care of business first, shall we Sonia? Hand over the Chaos Emerald slowly, then we'll talk about your boyfriend. That is, if you really care for him...

I felt my heart start to beat a bit faster being called Sonia's boyfriend. I wouldn't mind being called that, but not while I'm being held at gunpoint! Sonia took out the fake yellow emerald and looked down at it.

Eggman: Put the emerald down right there and back off!

He pointed his gun at the center of the room. Sonia started to slowly walk to the middle of the room while giving a smirk to Eggman.

Sonia: You've turned into a big time villain, doctor!

Sonia stepped onto the circle with light in the middle of the room and was about to put down the emerald, but suddenly a glass capsule came down, trapping her inside.

Sonia: Woah!

Eggman let out a little laugh.

Eggman: You thought you could trick me with that fake emerald, didn't you?

He knew all along that it was fake?!

Tails: Wait, how did you know it wasn't the real one?

Sonia: Tails!

Eggman: Because you just told me, fox girl!

Tails looked shocked that she was tricked into spilling the beans of our fake emerald plan.

Eggman: Now, for a little space ride! The capsule clears the colony, BAM!

Sonia: I'm counting on you Tails! Amy and (Y/N), take care of yourselves!

Eggman: Farewell! Sonia the Hedgehog!

Eggman pushed a button, forcing the capsule to get shot out into space and heading towards earth. Everyone looked out of the window and watched the capsule go further and further down. Suddenly, the capsule exploded, leaving nothing behind. My eyes went wide seeing it.

Eggman: Farewell Sonia, my admirable adversary!

(Y/N), Amy, Tails: SONIA!!!

Eggman turned to look at Tails.

Eggman: Now we have some unfinished business to take care of! Give me the real emerald, I will release the three of you. You have my promise!

Tails looked down for a moment before looking up at Eggman.

Tails: Sonia... This is the first time she asked me to finish the job. I won't let her down! I won't give up!

Tails immediately started to shot at Eggman using her mech. She hit the gun out of Eggman's hand.

Eggman: I won't lose now! Not when I'm this close to victory!

Tails and Eggman started to run around the room, trying to shoot at each other. Both of their mechs started to take some damage.

Tails: Take this!

Tails pushed a button as a bunch of missiles shot out of her mech started to fly at Eggman. Eggman tried running away from them, but the missiles followed him and hit his mech. Eggman crashed into a wall and got really mad.

Eggman: Alright! It's no more time for games!

He pushed a button and I saw a blue light coming from the front of his mech. Suddenly a huge blue laser came out and began to shot at Tails. Her mech started to get hit by the laser and couldn't get out of it.

Tails: My machine is starting to fail! Come on, move! I need to get out of this!

I need to do something now! I thought about using a Spin Dash to hit Eggman, but I wouldn't be able to get enough speed to damage him, especially in one try. I thought of an idea and ran over to Amy.

(Y/N): Amy! I need you to do something for me!

Amy wiped some tears away from her eyes and looked at me.

Amy: Wh-What do you need?

(Y/N): I need you to hit me as hard as you can with your hammer into Eggman!

I quickly curled up into a ball. Amy stood up and got her hammer ready.

Amy: Let's make him pay!

She said as it looked like fire is in her eyes. She smacked me with the hammer, sending me flying forward really fast in a ball. I am heading directly towards Eggman.

Eggman: Ohohohoho! Finally! Victory is-

He stopped himself when my body hit his mech, causing it to get destroyed into a ton of pieces and stopped the laser. Eggman fell down onto the ground, barely moving. I managed to land on my feet and looked over at Tails. Her mech broke down and crumbled to pieces from the laser attack, but she seems to be fine.

(Chapter 16 end)

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