Chapter 17 (SA2)

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(Moments Before) (Sonia's POV)

I saw myself flying down towards the earth through the glass of the capsule. Flames quickly started to surround it, blocking my field of vision. I saw a 10 second countdown start to tick down. I looked down at the fake Chaos Emerald in my hand. I started to remember what Tails said out it.

Tails: It has the same wavelength and properties, but is less powerful than the real one.

I clenched onto it tightly.

Sonia: The same wavelength and properties...

I remember that Shadow girl being able to teleport with a Chaos Emerald. If this thing works the same, it should be able to do the same thing.

Sonia: But, can I even do this?

All I can do is try at this point. If this doesn't work, I'm a goner... My grip on the emerald got even tighter as I raised it up above me.

Sonia: Chaos Control!

I saw the fake emerald start to glow and soon a bright light surrounded my body, making me close my eyes. My body started to feel a bit weird and I felt myself getting drained of energy. I felt my body floating in the air until falling down and felt solid ground under me.

Knuckles: Hey, Sonia!

I heard Knuckles by me. I looked over and saw him staring at me. I looked around and I must be at a different part of the space colony. I slowly got up, feeling a bit dizzy.

Sonia: Whoa, I wasn't sure if I could pull that one off. Somehow I managed to use the Chaos Control.

Knuckles: Chaos Control?

I tried to walk, but felt myself losing balance. I put my arm on Knuckles's shoulder to keep myself up.

Knuckles: Are you okay?

I shook my head, managing to shake off some of the dizziness I have.

Sonia: I'm worried about Tails, (Y/N), and Amy! I hate to ask, but could you help them? This is our last chance!

I got my arm off of Knuckles and started to walk forward.

Knuckles: Then what are you going to do?

Sonia: ...I got it! Before the cannon fires...

I looked down at the fake Chaos Emerald in my hand.

Sonia: ...I'll slam dunk it in there!

I started to run forward. I saw a small rocket nearby and ran over to it. I grabbed onto it as it started to fire forward. The small rocket started to fly out as I saw several rails and platforms. I let go of the rocket and started to fall towards some rails. I landed on the rails and started to grind down them. I jumped off at the end of the rail and landed on some platforms. I saw some of the military robots on the platforms with me and pointing their guns at me.

Sonia: What are these robots doing up here?

I noticed that they have huge shields in their other arm. They all shot at me, but I dodged the bullets they fired and went to attack them. They put their shields up. I noticed that the legs of the robots are left wide open. I smirked as I slid down to the ground and kicked the robots's legs pretty hard, causing the legs to break and the robots to fall down to the ground. I found another set of rails and begun to grind down them. I looked down and the planet under me. I let out a quick whistle.

Sonia: What a view!

I looked ahead and saw that the rail is about to end. I jumped off at the edge of it and started to fall downward. I saw several meteors floating around below me. I landed on one and started to jump from space rock to space rock. I landed on a meteor, but it suddenly broke apart and a tentacle made out of water tried to attack me. I looked over and saw a huge ball of water with a robot head attached to it. The robot head looks like Chaos's head when I first encountered him.

Sonia: Now that's something I wasn't expecting to see way up here!

It sent another tentacle at me, trying to hit me. I managed to dodge the second tentacle and curled up into a ball and dashed forward, homing in on the robot head. I crashed into it, making the robot head get destroyed and the ball of water broke apart and started to drift away in space. I uncurled and landed on some platforms. I ran ahead and went into an interior area. I quickly destroyed the robots inside and looked around, not finding any kind of doorway. I did find some wooden crates. I lightly kicked one of them and it broke immediately, revealing a hole. I jumped down and started to fall. I saw a wall nearby and went over to it and started to run down it.

Sonia: I should be getting close to the cannon room.

I heard some loud crashing noise behind me. I looked back and saw a bunch of metal pieces falling down towards me. I started to run down the wall faster. I noticed a platform down below. I got ready to jump towards it as the falling pieces of metal got close to hitting me. I jumped off the wall, letting the metal pieces fall down past me as I landed on the platform. I let out a small sigh. I looked ahead and saw a long runway.

Shadow: You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog.

I looked back and saw Shadow walking by me.

Shadow: I thought that the capsule you were in exploded in space.

I started to walk at the same pace as her. I gave her a small smirk.

Sonia: You know, what can I say... I die hard!

I pulled out the fake Chaos Emerald, showing it off to her.

Sonia: You actually saved me, you know.

Shadow: It was a Chaos Emerald, wasn't it? But, there's no way you could have activated the Chaos Control using an emerald that's fake.

Me and Shadow started to lightly sprint down the runway.

Shadow: So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway?

Sonia: What you see is what you get! Just a gal that loves adventure! I'm Sonia the Hedgehog!

Shadow: I see. But you know, I can't let you live.

Me and Shadow started to run faster and faster.

Shadow: Your adventuring days are coming to an end.

As me and Shadow ran down the runway, I noticed that the runway behind us started to fall apart.

Shadow: Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of Chaos Control!

I saw Shadow jump up and try to hit me. I got out of the way of her attack and managed to kick her in the back, knocking her forward. She grunted and waved her hand.

Shadow: Disappear!

A bunch of yellow energy spears came flying at me. I quickly did a Spindash, making all the spears hit the floor where I was. I uncurled from the ball and saw Shadow next to me. She quickly punched me in the face. I managed to keep my balance as I ran ahead of her. I quickly stopped myself and ran back at Shadow. She put her arms up to block an attack, but I started to run around her really fast. A blue tornado started to form around Shadow, making her go up into the air.

Sonia: Take this!

I jumped up and went into a ball, crashing down into Shadow's body and knocking her down. She fell off the runway.

Shadow: This is the ultimate power!

I landed on the runway and started to run again to avoid falling off myself. I saw a green light appear ahead of me and Shadow appeared. She looked back at me and smirked, sending several more spears of energy at me. I jumped up to dodge them, but Shadow jumped at me and kicked me in the stomach. I gasped out and got some rings knocked out of me. I started to fall. I reached out my hand to grab onto the runway, but I missed it by an inch and continued to fall.

Sonia: I'll just use your Chaos Control!

I held onto the fake emerald in my hand and managed to warp back onto the runway. Shadow looked at me and growled. I smirked and stuck my tongue out at her before running ahead. I need to get to that cannon, but Shadow is still hot on my trail.

Shadow: I'll end this right now!

I looked back and saw her dashing right at me. She did a sweeping kick, knocking me on my back. I noticed Shadow stopped and started to charge up an attack in her hand.

Shadow: Any last words?!

I looked past her and saw a trail of rings behind her. I smirked and looked at Shadow.

Sonia: Yeah, game over Shadow!

I quickly did a Light Speed Dash, dashing to the trail of rings and hitting Shadow on the way. She grunted and fell down to the ground.

Shadow: Impossible... I am the ultimate life...

She lost conscious soon after. Now that she's taken care of, I can stop that cannon!

(Readers POV)

I went over to Tails and saw that she is panting from having to take Eggman's laser attack.

(Y/N): Are you alright Tails?

Tails: Y-Yeah... I'm fine...

She pulled out her walkie talkie. I saw that a light on it is on. I guess whatever was stopping it from working got destroyed along with Eggman's mech. She pushed a button on it.

Tails: Sonia, I did it.

She said into it, but there wasn't any kind of response. After a few moments of silence, a faint sound of static can be heard coming from it.

Sonia: Awesome job, Tails!

Tails: Sonia?!

I felt relieved to hear Sonia's voice again. I figured she would've had some way of escaping that pod, but I don't know how she could of.

Sonia: Look outside.

Me, Tails, and Amy all went over to the nearest window and looked outside. We saw that the cannon is getting ready to fire, charging up in a blue light. A bunch of explosions started to appear across the cannon, making the blue light disappear. The explosions stopped and I saw Sonia hanging onto a nearby pole. She looked over at our direction, giving a smirk and a thumbs up.

Amy: She did it! I knew she could do it!

(Y/N): I guess this means a job well done.

I looked back and didn't see Eggman in the room anymore. He must've escaped when we weren't looking, but with his cannon stopped, it shouldn't be that big of a worry.

(Y/N): Let's get ready to get out of here. As much as I loved our space trip, I wouldn't mind being back on earth.

(Chapter 17 end)

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