Chapter 22 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

Sonia: Glad to hear it! Let's start running!

Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles all started to run. I quickly started to follow them. I saw some robots that are pink and green. They definitely stand out in this place that's mainly yellow and orange.

Tails: That's weird. These robots are different colors from usual.

Knuckles: Maybe they do something new?

Sonia: That, or Eggman has a horrible taste in style.

Sonia started to charge a Spindash. Tails and Knuckles got behind her. Tails grabbed ahold of Sonia as Knuckles launched Tails forward. Tails then kicked Sonia forward, sending her really fast and destroying the robots in one attack.

(Y/N): WOW! That was so cool!

Sonia uncurled from her ball and looked over at me.

Sonia: Ya think so?

(Y/N): Totally!

Tails: Oh, you don't have to flatter us!

Knuckles: You totally can if you want! I like it-

Sonia walked up to Knuckles and elbowed him in the side, interrupting him.

Knuckles: Hey!

Sonia: We don't want that knucklehead of yours being inflated too.

Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles continued to run. I tried to keep up, lagging behind a little bit. We ran up a set of stairs and saw a dead end. There is some more area we could run on, but it's past a really long fall.

(Y/N): How are we going to make this jump?

Tails and Knuckles started to think of a solution. Sonia looked around and saw something catch her eye. She pointed at something.

Sonia: How about that?

Everyone else looked over and saw a metal disc being held up by a curved metal pipe. I got confused how that could help us. Before I could ask, Knuckles smirked and grabbed onto me, Tails, and Sonia.

Knuckles: I get it!

Knuckles ran over to the metal disc and punched it as hard as he could. The disc spun around the metal pipe and swung back to hit our backs. The force sent us flying forward.

(Y/N): W-Was this really necessary?!

Sonia and Knuckles: It's fun!

We all landed in a giant roulette wheel and started to spin around on it. We all started to head towards the center, but a small opening was there, making us fall through. We landed on a red glass slide and started to slide down.

Tails: This is definitely one way to make travel convenient.

The glass slide end, leaving the 4 of us to start falling down. Tails and Knuckles went left, going onto another glass slide. Sonia looked around and saw another slide down below.

Sonia: There!

Sonia grabbed my arm and made us both go down to the slide. We landed on the slide with me being in front of Sonia. I let out a sigh.

(Y/N): Glad to be on something solid.

I noticed that me and Sonia are alone together for the time being. Okay, nows my chance! I looked back at Sonia. With the night sky and all of the bright lights around, I couldn't help but admire Sonia for a small moment.

(Y/N): Hey, Sonia? Can I tell you something?

Sonia: Wassup?

(Y/N): Listen, I've been thinking-

Sonia: Heads up!

Sonia suddenly pointed past me. I looked forward and saw that the slide ends on a giant pinball table.

(Y/N): What the heck?!

We landed on the table. We both curled up into a ball as we started to go down. Me and Sonia hit the flippers, sending us upward on the table and bouncing off of some bumpers.

(Y/N): I just want to get out of this place!

Sonia: Here! Just try to follow me!

I saw Sonia leaning her body right, making her start to turn. I did the same, trying to follow her. I looked over and saw a red and yellow ball head right towards me and Sonia. The yellow one hit her and the red one hit me. The balls uncurled, revealing that it was Tails and Knuckles respectively. The force of the crash sent all four of us off the table and started to fall down.

Knuckles: Watch here you're going!

(Y/N): Says the one who wasn't looking!

We all looked down and saw several light up boards that say bingo on it with a 3 by 3 grid of numbers flying past us.

Sonia: Who's up for some bingo?!

Tails: This place has every kind of game!

As we fell, we crashed through differently colored large coins with large numbers on them. We easily broke through 9 of them. We all landed on a small round platform. I saw that the bingo board has a bunch of lines crossing over the numbers. A small machine flew over to us and a hatch opened on the bottom of it, dumping a bunch of rings on us before flying away.

Tails: It must've felt generous.

I saw a small energy bullet flying at everyone. The bullet hit the rings, causing them to fly away. Everyone looked up and saw Eggman in a floating pod.

Knuckles: Eggman!

Eggman: Muhahaha. Why not have some fun while you can. After all, you only have one day and we know who's going to win!

(Y/N): Yeah, us! Duh!

Eggman: Oh! The pointless tag along is here too!

(Y/N): Okay, harsh!

Sonia: You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Doctor?

Eggman: Get them!

A bunch of robots started to fly over to the platform we are on as Eggman floated away to watch from afar.

Sonia: Come on, Eggman! Wanna play?

Sonia ran over and rolled and kicked through some of the robots. One of them shot an energy bullet at her, but she managed to jump up into the air to evade it. She curled into a ball and dashed at the robot that shot at her, destroying it.

Tails: Be careful, Sonia!

A giant robot holding a hammer came down. Sonia tried to attack it, but her she didn't do much damage to the robot. It swung the hammer at Sonia, but she ran out of the way.

Knuckles: Hmph! I'll take care of him myself.

Knuckles ran towards the robot. The robot got ready to swing it's hammer and Knuckles got ready to throw a punch. The two attacked each other, causing Knuckles to slam his fist onto the giant hammer. The hammer cracked before shattering into pieces, the force knocking the robot back a bit. Knuckles quickly jumped forward and threw his other fist forward, destroying the robot. An explosion came from the giant robot, causing a bunch of other robots to go flying off the platform.

Eggman: Hmmp! Not bad coming from you rodents!

Sonia: What's the matter? Got nothing left?

Eggman: Smash them all!

A bunch of robot turtles landed on the platform, surrounding everyone. They all started to shoot out energy beams. Tails quickly grabbed onto me and Knuckles and tried to fly us above the line of fire. Sonia jumped up to dodge the attacks. I felt an energy beam hit my chest, knocking me down to the ground.

(Y/N): Gah!

Sonia: (Y/N)!

Sonia quickly landed on the floor and started to run around the platform, going so fast to make a blue tornado. The turtles got lifted off the ground and hurled into the air. Tails kicked Knuckles forward as he punched the underside of all the turtles, destroying them.

Eggman: Agh! Don't get too excited! Those were the easy ones!

I saw Eggman quickly fly away in his pod. I let out a sigh of relief as Sonia ran up to me and gently put a hand on my chest.

Sonia: Are you okay? You took that attack head on.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sting is all.

Sonia: You think you can still keep up with us?

Tails: You don't have to keep going with us if you don't want to.

Knuckles: We don't want you getting more injured than necessary.

(Y/N): Trust me guys, I'm fine. Really.

I got up from the ground to try to show everyone that I can still move.

(Time Skip)

Me, Sonia, Tails, and Knuckles are now in some kind of canyon area. We went this direction since it was the direction Eggman went when his army of robots lost. There are 3 sets of rails. Knuckles and Tails are grinding on the left and right rail, as me and Sonia are grinding on the middle one. I started to wobble a bit, trying to keep balance. Sonia grabbed onto my arm to help keep me steady.

(Y/N): How do you all manage to do this?!

Sonia: It's no big deal after you get used to it!

Sonia turned to look over at Tails.

Sonia: Tails! How much time's left?

Tails: We've got until sunset!

Sonia: Tails! Knuckles! Give it all you got! Full speed ahead!

Tails: Okay!

Knuckles: Got it!

Full speed ahead?! I get scared when Sonia says those words. She looked back at me.

Sonia: Make sure to keep your balance!

She started to lean forward, making me and her go down on the rail faster. Tails and Knuckles started to go faster too on their rails. I looked ahead and saw some metal buildings in the side of some of the canyon with Eggman's logo on it.

(Y/N): I think Eggman has a base here!

Knuckles: Then let's smash it!

Sonia: Guys! Watch out up ahead!

I looked ahead and saw some small missiles attached to the rails heading right for everyone. Tails and Knuckles started to fly and glide to avoid the missiles. Sonia jumped up into the air, taking me with her. The missiles went under us and continued on the rail. Sonia and I landed back on the rails. My foot slipped off when I was trying to land back, causing me to start falling off.

Sonia: Oh shoot!

Sonia still has ahold of of my arm, trying to pull me back up.

Tails and Knuckles: Sonia! Watch out!

Suddenly, Sonia got hit by another missile, causing her to get knocked back and to let go of my arm. Sonia managed to land back on the rail as I started to fall down. I quickly looked down, seeing that solid ground is quite far down. I started to scream as I fell.


I closed my eyes as I waited for the hard impact I knew I was going to make when I hit the ground. I felt something grab onto the back of my shirt as I felt myself stop falling. I opened my eyes and saw that a big red and black robot is holding onto me.

Omega: Finally. The source of the screaming has-

I started to scream again as I tried to get out of the hands of the robot.

Omega: -stopped.

The robot let go of me, making me hit the ground. I started to scurry back, but stopped when I felt my back hit something. Or rather, someone.

Rouge: Calm down, wolfy. He's with us.

I looked back and saw Rouge standing there. I pointed at the robot.

(Y/N): You mean he's not an Eggman robot trying to kill me.

Rouge: Omega is an Eggman robot, but he's out for revenge on the old man.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry for thinking you would kill me.

Omega: I could kill you. But you aren't my target.

(Y/N): Okay... Noted...

Shadow: What is taking you 2 so long?

I looked over and saw... Shadow?!

(Y/N): What the? S-Shadow?!

She looked over at me and walked up to me.

Shadow: How do you know my name?

(Y/N): Wait... You don't... Remember me?

Shadow: ...No.

I stood up as I looked at Shadow. I thought she... How is Shadow alive?

Shadow: Come on. Let's get going. No point wasting time here.

Shadow, Rouge, and Omega start to run off. I wanted to talk to Shadow a bit more to try to learn what happened to her, but it looks like she's busy with her own thing right now.

(Y/N): Crap, I need to reunite with Sonia.

I swear, it's like the universe doesn't want me to tell Sonia how I feel. I looked around, unsure of where I'm at or where to go.

(Y/N): Now how do I get back to Sonia?

(Chapter 22 end)

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